Here's a little idea I had for a potential CivV (or CiV, if you prefer
As of CivIV, a civilization's behavior is reflected solely by the leader's traits. In other words, Civilization X will be aggressive and imperialistic if it has Leader A, but it will be spiritual and creative with Leader B.
So I was thinking...
The world view of a civilization does not necessarily change completely from leader to leader. There are occasions where there are major paradigm shifts between regimes, but that is not always the case.
So my idea is as follows. What if each civ has certain behavioral traits, and each associated leader had a certain personality? The civ's behavior would thus be a mixture of how its people think and how its leader guides them.
Just for example, India could be spiritual and creative, so they'll always have a rich culture leading them to the creation of great religious art, literature, and monuments. However, under Gandhi they would be friendly peaceniks, and under Ashoka they might try to conquer or forcibly convert their neighbors.
Or another example, the American civilization might always be free-thinking and expansionistic (or whatever) and under Washington or Lincoln they would behave rationally and assertively, but under George W. Bush... never mind.
What do you think of this idea?

As of CivIV, a civilization's behavior is reflected solely by the leader's traits. In other words, Civilization X will be aggressive and imperialistic if it has Leader A, but it will be spiritual and creative with Leader B.
So I was thinking...
The world view of a civilization does not necessarily change completely from leader to leader. There are occasions where there are major paradigm shifts between regimes, but that is not always the case.
So my idea is as follows. What if each civ has certain behavioral traits, and each associated leader had a certain personality? The civ's behavior would thus be a mixture of how its people think and how its leader guides them.
Just for example, India could be spiritual and creative, so they'll always have a rich culture leading them to the creation of great religious art, literature, and monuments. However, under Gandhi they would be friendly peaceniks, and under Ashoka they might try to conquer or forcibly convert their neighbors.
Or another example, the American civilization might always be free-thinking and expansionistic (or whatever) and under Washington or Lincoln they would behave rationally and assertively, but under George W. Bush... never mind.
What do you think of this idea?