Originally posted by Krill
Going religion first usually hamstrings you more than it benefits you; you have to delay getting the important economic techs. If, OTOH, you don't delay on the important economic techs and grow you economy, you can then use your increased economic power to kill the poor sap who did get an early religion and is near to you; if they all went for the early econ techs, then you should be happy you didn't go for an early religion because you would be getting rushed by those with stronger economies
Going religion first usually hamstrings you more than it benefits you; you have to delay getting the important economic techs. If, OTOH, you don't delay on the important economic techs and grow you economy, you can then use your increased economic power to kill the poor sap who did get an early religion and is near to you; if they all went for the early econ techs, then you should be happy you didn't go for an early religion because you would be getting rushed by those with stronger economies
