I think, dear Brit, we'll have to agree to disagree
. I stand by my opinion that most of the good things we had with Civ3 were owing to Firaxians such as Soren and Jeff being in touch with the fan community and treating them well.
Don't get me started on the design philosophy, though. Too many mistakes there. Mike Breitkreutz, for example, said something along the lines of "I don't believe in scripting languages because the only power they give the user is the power to create bugs" - an ssertion that seemed very strange back in 2001, and is absolutely ridiculous now...

Don't get me started on the design philosophy, though. Too many mistakes there. Mike Breitkreutz, for example, said something along the lines of "I don't believe in scripting languages because the only power they give the user is the power to create bugs" - an ssertion that seemed very strange back in 2001, and is absolutely ridiculous now...