And they got a ton of credibility back by delivering huge improvements in Civ IV.
No announcement yet.
CivIV: Beyond the Sword
Yeah it doesn't make any sense to say that Firaxis should aim to blow us away. If they get us to buy the thing they have done their job.
As for warlords ... I dunno, if you expect big fundamental changes, you won't get them. But there are some tweaks for fans. Different strokes for different folks. I used to think expansions should really change the core game but really, save the major changes for Civ 5.
That's always been the goal.
Yeah it doesn't make any sense to say that Firaxis should aim to blow us away. If they get us to buy the thing they have done their job.As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit
- Voltaire
The other problem with “hardcore” fans is that they will never all be content with the “improvements”. Part of the beauty of the whole game is the huge variety that Civ IV has added. And Warlords has added a further 50% to this. This allows the game to cater to different styles even though, at heart, it is still a wargame – even though it is a bad war game by almost any standard. Now I don’t know whether civvers are natural aggressors or simply adopt this as a play style because it is a universally easy and successful strategy. And warlords added several military elements of the game thus making it easier because the AI simply can’t fight.
It seems to me that there is confusion over the term “value for money”. Since there were reviews out there it was always possible judge whether or not to buy the expansion. By doing so, you make a conscious decision that, at the time, it was worth paying the price. The argument that you have to buy the product because you want the add-ons simply highlights the value that placed on it. It is not just the value in having the additional features (scenarios, civs, traits, GGs and promotions, UB, wonders) but also in the novelty of playing an improved game. I’m presuming that people with Warlords don’t play vanilla anymore so it must still be worth something after all this time.
Just out of interest, isn’t warlords a lot cheaper now? Looking at Amazon, the price seems still to be quite high when I would have expected it to have dropped significantly by now. But if it still is around the $30 level then this would also indicate that they is very little price sensitivity and that people are still buying it in sufficient quantities at that price.
Saying that you are not happy with the expansion is one thing but arguing that it was not value for money is something entirely different. Simply put, if the price is too high, people will not buy.
Beyond the Sword is bound the please. My advice to every gamer who wants to play it safe is to wait for the Gold Edition with everything bundled together. Also, nobody should have been shocked by what Warlords had or didn't have.
The decision whether or not to buy could / should have been an informed one!I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001
"Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.
Originally posted by dregor
I was quite pleased with Warlords and look forward to Beyond the Sword based on what has been announced.
Originally posted by yin26
The decision whether or not to buy could / should have been an informed one!
Originally posted by yin26
Beyond the Sword is bound the please. My advice to every gamer who wants to play it safe is to wait for the Gold Edition with everything bundled together. Also, nobody should have been shocked by what Warlords had or didn't have.
The decision whether or not to buy could / should have been an informed one!
And any buyer of BtS who complains about this and that I see as having no excuse. Civ always gets lots of press, and if you can't make an informed decision (hell, even wait till some of the people here get it and report back!) then it's your problem.
Absolutely. The Warlords expansion was fairly transparent - they didn't really promise anything more than it had.
Everyone who's reading this has an advantage: you know at least one Civ fansite. Within 48 hours of a new release, there's a lot of comments on it. Read comments by the players you respect and make your decision. If you lack the patience to wait for comments, then don't complain if you're disappointed later...Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man
Especially with the help of one of your 'famous' do-it-yourself reviews.I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001
"Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.
Originally posted by couerdelion
Now I don’t know whether civvers are natural aggressors or simply adopt this as a play style because it is a universally easy and successful strategy.“...This means GCA won 7 battles against our units, had Horsemen retreat from 2 battles against NMs, and lost 0 battles.” --Jon Shafer 1st ISDG
Absolutely. The Warlords expansion was fairly transparent - they didn't really promise anything more than it had.As long as people believe in absurdities they will continue to commit
- Voltaire