Base Production: 61
50% from Buildings
50% from Power
100% from Resources
50% from Capital
Total Production: 213
Great People:
Great Prophet (2): 4 hammers, 10 gold, 6 beakers
Great Artist (2): 6 gold, 6 beakers, 24 culture
Great Scientist (23): 23 hammers, 207 beakers
Great Merchant (2): 2 food, 12 gold, 6 science
Great Engineer (7): 21 hammers, 42 science
I got quite a bit of pollution at the end because many of my other cities started producing GPs, and often the wrong ones. I could have gotten less engineers if I had ran science specialists in those cities instead of engineers which the game selects by default. The real pollution comes from phrophets and artists though.
Looks like I got 36 super specialists in that city. There's one merchant in my gpp pump (for the food) and ofc I used one scientist for a shrine. You get 4 free ones during the game, so I generated 34 total.
Not bad at all. My gpp pump city has 18 science specialists and produces 71 base GPPs per turn.
And I think there's still room for optimalization
Base Production: 61
50% from Buildings
50% from Power
100% from Resources
50% from Capital
Total Production: 213
Great People:
Great Prophet (2): 4 hammers, 10 gold, 6 beakers
Great Artist (2): 6 gold, 6 beakers, 24 culture
Great Scientist (23): 23 hammers, 207 beakers
Great Merchant (2): 2 food, 12 gold, 6 science
Great Engineer (7): 21 hammers, 42 science
I got quite a bit of pollution at the end because many of my other cities started producing GPs, and often the wrong ones. I could have gotten less engineers if I had ran science specialists in those cities instead of engineers which the game selects by default. The real pollution comes from phrophets and artists though.
Looks like I got 36 super specialists in that city. There's one merchant in my gpp pump (for the food) and ofc I used one scientist for a shrine. You get 4 free ones during the game, so I generated 34 total.
Not bad at all. My gpp pump city has 18 science specialists and produces 71 base GPPs per turn.
And I think there's still room for optimalization
