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How do you get "hundreds" of beakers per turn?

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  • #61
    Base Production: 61
    50% from Buildings
    50% from Power
    100% from Resources
    50% from Capital
    Total Production: 213

    Great People:
    Great Prophet (2): 4 hammers, 10 gold, 6 beakers
    Great Artist (2): 6 gold, 6 beakers, 24 culture
    Great Scientist (23): 23 hammers, 207 beakers
    Great Merchant (2): 2 food, 12 gold, 6 science
    Great Engineer (7): 21 hammers, 42 science

    I got quite a bit of pollution at the end because many of my other cities started producing GPs, and often the wrong ones. I could have gotten less engineers if I had ran science specialists in those cities instead of engineers which the game selects by default. The real pollution comes from phrophets and artists though.

    Looks like I got 36 super specialists in that city. There's one merchant in my gpp pump (for the food) and ofc I used one scientist for a shrine. You get 4 free ones during the game, so I generated 34 total.

    Not bad at all. My gpp pump city has 18 science specialists and produces 71 base GPPs per turn.

    And I think there's still room for optimalization


    • #62
      100% from Resources

      LandMasses Version 3 Now Available since 18/05/2008.


      • #63
        Yes, that's how it displays.
        Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Diadem
          So, I thinkI just beat the record! I got even higher than I hoped for!

          Guys: Beat this, without using the world builder
          Good result - I wonder if anyone can better it.

          Fill me with the old familiar juice


          • #65
            Most Ive ever had in one city was 1200 or so, nice. =)
            The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?...So with that said: if you can not read my post because of spelling, then who is really the stupid one?...


            • #66
              Re: How do you get "hundreds" of beakers per turn?

              Originally posted by NFIH
              In various posts I see people talking about how they get a single city to generate several hundred (the last one I read said 600) beakers per turn.
              Ideal candidate would be a grassland or flood plains capitol city with rivers and a couple of food specials on the coast but with minimal water squares unless they have a water special (fish/etc). Activate all the food specials and cottage everything else. Build all commerce/science/trade buildings and have your GPP settle all GPs except for shrine/academy in your science city. Found your state religion there if possible as well.

              palace + shrine + 2 food specials + 18 towns + coastal trade + 10-20 GE/GS/GPs + academy + all money/science buildings = more science than the rest of your empire combined.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Diadem
                So, I thinkI just beat the record! I got even higher than I hoped for!

                Guys: Beat this, without using the world builder
                I started a game with these settings:

                The key of course is generating a ton of great people (given a fairly fixed upper bound on commerce), so you want lots of food and lots of land. The above settings are sub-optimal from that perspective since you really only get one continent's worth of land as an entitlement, although due to the slow AI expansion at Settler I was able to claim one of every resource. I picked the settings simply because I knew the game would be dull and I didn't want to have more than 5 or 6 high food cities to manage. It took about 15 minutes to roll a start that was both coastal and could support 15 cottages without any Great Merchant food. I wasn't really interested in Great Merchants since two of them will only give you 12 raw beakers (enough extra food to run one more scientist, plus 9 beakers from Representation). I actually preferred Great Engineers due to the massive +250% Hammer bonus and the 1:1 relationship between Hammers and Beakers when building research in Warlords. But, you can't really control that so I went after Great Scientists. This ended up being a good thing when I discovered that beakers from hammers do not benefit from research bonuses . Early tech path was for Code of Laws and Philosophy so I could run Caste System and Pascifism as long as possible. After that the focus was on health and getting to Biology ASAP (via Liberalism). Here was my capital at the peak:

                If you are willing to micromanage and spend hundreds of hours on a huge map with lots of food, I would not be surprised if this total could be doubled. I had my National Epic city generating 250+ GPPs and I had 5 other cities above 100. You can see I generated exactly 40 GSs (all settled, the Physics one went to an Academy), one GE, and one GP (at 1% odds, stupid Govenor auto assigned a Priest for one turn before I caught it, but it was needed for the Golden Age along with the Music GA). The Economics GM and Fusion GE were settled. Here's the breakdown:

                So all the Great Persons plus three Scientist specialists generated 396 raw beakers AND 46 raw Hammers. Those 46 raw Hammers were worth another 161 beakers, so a total of 3.6 * 396 + 161 = 1586.6 which was more than half my total. I had six trade routes (Free Market, Single Currency via the U.N.) for a total of 64 Commerce (this required starving my GP cities down to make the capital my largest city), which gives 64 * 1.5 * 3.6 = 345.6 beakers. I had 129 Commerce from tiles (golden age powered) for a total of 696.6 beakers plus another 70 beakers from tile based Hammers. That's 28% from tiles, 13% from trade, and 59% from Great Persons.



                • #68
                  Well done, darrelljs

                  Seems to be the new record - unless someone can do better

                  Fill me with the old familiar juice

