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Isabella -Way the best leader

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  • Originally posted by Nikolai
    Ca n't you guys stop being so rude?

    And you Nelis, better wait with the critizism until you are able to write properly yourself...
    Is it possible to be rude to a DL?


    • Originally posted by Shogun Gunner
      maybe he hasn't full researched alphabet yet?


      • Originally posted by waluigi2k5
        who r u to decide how i should spell,
        Spelling is not a matter of human rights or personal preference, waluigi, it's a matter of clear and fair communication.

        It's one thing for native english speakers to understand 'phonetically' what words are supposed to be, but on an international forum there must be a standard.

        People from all over the world post here, and mostly take the trouble to spell most of the English words correctly, despite English not being their first language. I certainly think it's best if native English speakers are able to do the same.


        • this thread just won't die.


          • Originally posted by Cort Haus

            Spelling is not a matter of human rights or personal preference, waluigi, it's a matter of clear and fair communication.

            It's one thing for native english speakers to understand 'phonetically' what words are supposed to be, but on an international forum there must be a standard.

            People from all over the world post here, and mostly take the trouble to spell most of the English words correctly, despite English not being their first language. I certainly think it's best if native English speakers are able to do the same.
            so what's the standard? american english or english english?


            • Isabella is the cutest to play with, and she is not a fem-Bot. I just like playing with someone I want to look at.


              • This thread won't die until AOLspeak does.
                Brb, Explosives + AOL Headquarters


                • Brilliant

                  Originally posted by waluigi2k5


                  • what is wiv the 9.wotever outov 10>

                    I DONT HAE AOL U MUPPET

                    my god

                    ur rite isabella is way the best leader two look at, thats y i be her. Catherine close secand.
                    (just h8 her background music)


                    • Does this board have an ignore feature in the control panel?


                      • Yes.
                        Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                        I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                        Also active on WePlayCiv.


                        • well stop readin then.




                          • Originally posted by waluigi2k5
                            lol i mean har har mi mateys!

                            my god u lot r ageist (no sure if i spelt that right)

                            im gessin u lot dont no that there is a character called WALUIGI!!!!!!!

                            so wot do u lot put for lol then? my geeky m8 ses i shud put pmsl or sumat - he ses u lot will get it!

                            es a freak he ses stuff like " he pawns me" and (hes called dave) "dave to win"

                            to that i just hold up them L shaped fingers n wisper "loser" LOL
                            Got to laugh - you're actually concerned about your spelling of "ageist"!


                            • We put colons round the lol like this.

                              To see the syntax of any smiley in another post use 'Reply with Quote' to see the code. I don't think people (ppl?) are being ageist, just 'avin a larf.

                              When people talk about AOL accounts, they're really referring to AOL-ese, and its' cousin leet-speak (1337-5?33|<), neither of which are popular here, except perhaps on the Off-Topic forum, where some 'poly posters regularly descend into adolescent-style 'pwning' contests.

                              PS - yeah, Isabella


                              • I reckon Hatshepsut's the cutest, but there you go.

                                (Maybe I've just been on the receiving end of Isabella and Catherine's stabs too much.)
                                Participating in my threads is mandatory. Those who do not do so will be forced, in their next game, to play a power directly between Catherine and Montezuma.

