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Leader personalities

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  • #16
    They are easily moddable - there is a file for them with tens if not hundreds of various modable values (e.g. how likely he is to backstab, how loyal he is, is religion important for him or not, what are his tech priorities, how much he must like you to trade techs or resources, how much he must hate you to start preparing for war, how much likely he is going to jump on a bandwagon and gang on another country, etc.)

    In any case, I don't understand your comment - why would you need so many leaders? I prefer the aspect of the game that allows you to become familiar with various leaders, and know what they are like and what they can and cannot do. What you propose could essentially be accomplished by a random AI (incidentally, you can choose to randomise personalities in game settings too).
    The problem with leadership is inevitably: Who will play God?
    - Frank Herbert


    • #17
      How odd. I have never seen Napoleon in any of my games either. He is the only AI I have yet to encounter. Is there a reason for this (Is Napoleon's AI unfinished), or is it simply a bug?


      • #18
        Here are a few impressions that I have made.

        Montezuma- I will agree that Monty can be very unpredictable, even if you manage to groom him as an ally with a bit of buffer space between you, you can expect him to make arrogant demands the whole game, no matter how much stronger you are.

        Isabella- Very arrogant, very enthusiastic about spreading her religion. Generally, she will be one of your enemies.

        Asoka- Peaceful, tends to concentrate on doing research, and spreading his religion. He can be an excellent ally.

        Caesar- I have seen Caesar play both very peaceful and warmongering games. From my experience, he tends to be good at both and ends up one of the top AIs.

        Peter- One of the more effective AIs. He tends to be very calculating, and will not hesitate to wipe you off the face of the planet. But he can also be a good ally, who is near the top in science.

        Frederick- Usually one of the game's most peaceful players, and a good ally to have.


        • #19
          I would guess there is a small glitch somewhere in the randomizing of things, probably easily fixed if it's brought to Firaxis's attention.

          Roosevelt, I think he's the most reliable one I've encountered. He tends to become powerful as well since he's good at building.
          It's candy. Surely there are more important things the NAACP could be boycotting. If the candy were shaped like a burning cross or a black man made of regular chocolate being dragged behind a truck made of white chocolate I could understand the outrage and would share it. - Drosedars


          • #20
            Cyrus is very shrewd. He makes an excellent ally, if you can manage to get him on your side.

            Montezuma, as previously stated, is a total lunatic and attacks everybody.

            Peter often attacks his allies, so he's not to be trusted.

            Asoka, oddly enough, isn't altogether friendly, especially if you don't share the same religion.
            The Apolytoner formerly known as Alexander01
            "God has given no greater spur to victory than contempt of death." - Hannibal Barca, c. 218 B.C.
            "We can legislate until doomsday but that will not make men righteous." - George Albert Smith, A.D. 1949
            The Kingdom of Jerusalem: Chronicles of the Golden Cross - a Crusader Kings After Action Report


            • #21
              Napoleon was in my second game, where I was playing Persians. Alexander, Napoleon and Kublai Khan were my neighbors on Pangea. What a bunch of megalomaniacs.

              My impression of Naploeon was that he was fair and we were always on good relations, He asked me to ally with him at a later game critical point, but it was not good timing. I was more concerned about the vast size of his army and who he might turn on after this conquest.

              Alexander seems very aggressive, and as an immediate neighbor, one that should be treated seriously.

              Khan seemed reasonable, but wily, aggessive and creative being two very fine qualities. That's who I am in the present game. Cheap barracks and good science, attributes to die for.

              Tokugawa is in my third game, a neighbor and annoyed from the beginning. I gave him a few techs and spare tradable items at a vulnerable point, when I couldn't tolerate an attack, which moved him up to cautious. This allowed me to buy time, while taking over the Russian and English civilizations. So, as I prepare cavalry for an advance toward Germans, Tokugawa starts a war with Ashoka, the best of all possible outcomes.

              Frederick is such a gentleman, I almost hate to make a war with him, but I have to.

              Hatshepsut is just plain adorable.


              • #22
                The leader personalities are the only real dissapointment for me in the game. Spying was really bad as well.
                They don't really get me into the mood, though the visuals are nice. Dialogue isn't up to the standard I was hoping for. And they don't put enough pressure on you either. They're a bit too nice, with a few exceptions. And the aggressive ones tend to do really badly in my games, and that doesn't make things better.
                I have only played 4-5 games so far though.


                • #23
                  What I'd like to see, is that when I refuse to give tribute to AI, there would be a chance, that his opinion of me would actually go higher.

                  "I see you have actually grown a spine since we last met. I respect that."
                  I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


                  • #24
                    Not much talk about Mao (China). He's been in just about evey one of my games, and every time he's usually Pleased with me and quite often Friendly.

                    We usually end up laying the smack down on Tokugawa.


                    • #25
                      Everybody hates Tokugawa. He always starts hating me, and once threatened to wipe me out with "numberless swordsmen," but a few turns later he liked me. Every game I have played has resulted in Tokugawa liking me and becoming a friend. "You know, Washington, you're everything I've ever wanted to be."
                      Isabella hates me, and I wipe her out, Catherine is a back-stabber and insane, and Hatsephut does not like me or my allies, and looks malnurished.
                      What do ya'll think of Washington, it seems no one talks about him.
                      I don't know what I've been told!
                      Deirdre's got a Network Node!
                      Love to press the Buster Switch!
                      Gonna nuke that crazy witch!


                      • #26
                        Tokugawa is funny tbh
                        even if he doesnt hate you he wont trade tech and he wont open his boarders

                        i think its good that leaders have different personalitys even if some are a bit wierd


                        • #27
                          Napoleon has made one appearance, and that is in my current game. Seems a fair trader and has longed shared a religion, so our terms have been good. It is difficult to determine if he warlike because he had a crap Tundra/South Pole starting point and began very weak. Monty and Tokugawa have been bullying him on and off all game.

                          Isabella always has great disdain for me. Can barely be bothered to talk to me without incredible boredom. Will trade though. Can never get a map out her.

                          FDR is a solid ally and trader. I suspect he will be my first permanent ally, willing to enter into Defense Pacts readily.

                          Tokugawa has a sour disposition in every game. And I can never get missionaries into his lands to soften him up, he seems to favor Theocracy.

                          Montezuma is a wild man. Like him in the game if he isn’t on my border (he was, once, and predictably started a war).

                          Saladin seems fair enough, and our relations have remained fairly neutral when he shows up.

                          Mansa Musa – been in each game. Solid ally who begs me for techs. Up for Defense Pact.

                          Haven’t really formed opinions on the others. Not enough games.
                          "Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is ... more cow bell!"


                          • #28
                            I really love to be near of Victoria.

                            I think she's honest, friendly and loyal. We always help together getting rid of Montezuma or Japan.

                            Yeah, at each game is a pleasure to meet her. Like if she was a old friend....

                            See ya


                            • #29
                              I don't have enough games under my belt to give a solid opinion on anyone else, but Montezuma. Oh, Montezuma. At first sight, kill - no, exterminate without prejudice.
                              Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                              • #30
                                I'm not sure they did FDR very well in the game. The character doesn't really look like him, and even if it did he looks too hale and healthy. And where is his cigarette?

                                As for traits, I think it's ironic that he's depicted as a peaceful builder when in reality he is remembered best as a wartime president.

