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Leader personalities

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  • #76
    I've just had my first Civ4 game (space race victory on Settler) and I'd just to like say a couple of things.

    Firstly, FANTASTIC game! A lot of fun in so many ways.

    Second, this thread is pant wettingly funny in places, after what's been said about them I can't wait to get to grips with the various civ leaders.

    For my part I'd just like to add:

    Montezuma - peace treatys are just breathing space for this guy.

    Mansa Musa - Nice guy but so whiny and begging I had to wipe him out just to shut him up!


    • #77
      Wow, it really suprises me that no one else seems to regard Alexander as their biggest pain. Granted Montezuma seems to always be spoiling for a fight, but Alexander is my biggest nemesis, hands down. In my last game I was playing the Indians and he declared war on me four times total. Two other games I had to lose because I was busy wiping him out for warring on me so much that the other civ(s) beat me in the space race. And it really bugs me that he always picks on me and never on anyone else, regardless of how powerful/weak they are.

      Now I'm playing Tokugawa with Alexander to my east and Mao to my south. On "pleased" relations with both, to the point where I wasn't trading with Egypt just to appease them since they disliked Egypt, and out of the blue Alex declares war on me (I was ready for him, however). I honestly think that from here on, if I have Alex next to me when I start a game, I'm restarting.

      Hopefully Firaxis will take a look at this. I never had such a bad aggression problem in any of the other 3 Civ games as I do here, and considering that we can see the breakdown of relationship positives and negatives makes it even more maddening (someone happy with you shouldn't be declairing war every century). Or at the very least make it random who a civ tends to declare war on, not always the player.


      • #78
        While Alex does come a little unhinged at times, he's not terribly dangerous, kind of a joke really. I put him in the same broad category as Isabella - kind of obnoxious, possible to get along with, not a serious threat.

        Btw, civs tend to declare war on people with weak military (ie less than 2 garrisons per base). All AI's have strong military and thus a player with a weak military is more attractive to attack. When I have a worthy military I've never noticed anti-player behaivour, the AI's fight each other and leave me alone.


        • #79
          Alexander was a pain to me in many OCC games. After faring poorly against the other AI, he would look around for someone weaker to pick on, me!


          • #80
            @ Singewulf

            I have terrible problems with Alexander on Noble too. But I expect it from him. In my experiences, whenever he's next to me I know I'm bound to have a war with him. I normally have my military around the average (in the demographics screen) and that's too weak for him.

            One game I found myself stuck on a continent between Alexander and Roosevelt (who's very kind). I cut off Alexander from the get-go by means of borders, and refused to open borders with him so I boxed him in at a lousy 3 cities. (that was amusing). Even then, he somehow had an amazing military and tech tree that gave me a hard time with my larger civ. He kept wanting to capture one city that I founded Hinduism and Buddhism in.
            Killing is fun in pixels, isn't it?


            • #81
              People who can be slightly annoying. Tokugawa.

              Maybe it's just because he thinks he's better, but even when he's apart of your religious bloc. He's very hard to make deals with.

              The best Civ... I've had to be with would usually have to be either an Asian Civ (Other than Japan and India)... and Germany.

              Everyone else is... meh... I try to be fair, but my favoured civs are more prominant.

              On noble. I've usually been the top civ most of the time. Using China (Fin/Ind) has its times... but it works out in the end.

              The Middle power civs. Usually about the time they have a stable border... 4 cities at least... They go about on their crusades... the more successful ones, are the ones that ally with me. I'm usually near the top.


              • #82
                most of what's already been said--

                monty is a nuisance, especially if he spawns next to you. I've had Izzie in more games though, so I just naturally hate her more. It was a happy day when I razed her holy city.

                I've had Caesar attack me out of nowhere once. Alexander is a bit of a *****-- but he usually gives warning that he's going to go at it.

                I've had good and bad with Saladin, though the way he strokes his beard every three seconds makes me want to wipe him off the earth anyway.

                I have had good relations with the Russians and FDR though.


                • #83
                  Montezum, a psycopath? AWSOME!!! Ive always wanted to be related to a crazy person("Its in the genes" excuse)

                  I dont see why you don't understand why he attacks you. He NEEDS human sacrafices to appease the gods! Would you suffer the wrath of the Gods over a jade knife? Do you value your beating heart more than the survival of the world?


                  • #84

                    I love having Isabella in my games, because she ticks everyone off and then comes to me begging for help when they attack. This gives me many cities, and with them more research! Once you've saved her neck a few times, she loves you for the rest of the game and is very hard to get to dislike you. Which is a bummer. I like to con Civs into declaring war on me.

                    Ghandi=can not tick this guy off no matter what I do!!
                    Ceaser=different every game
                    Elizabeth=very easily converts to my religion, then she likes me
                    Saladin= different relgion, but likes me anyhow (why?)

                    I always play as USA, so don't know about them
                    never met Fred, Alex, Asoka, Peter, maybe a few others

                    Leader traits ROCK! Adds flavor to the game it does.
                    I don't know what I've been told!
                    Deirdre's got a Network Node!
                    Love to press the Buster Switch!
                    Gonna nuke that crazy witch!


                    • #85
                      And yes, clone reject, I do value me heart. But if you wish, I shall send a few SEAL teams to remove yours...
                      I don't know what I've been told!
                      Deirdre's got a Network Node!
                      Love to press the Buster Switch!
                      Gonna nuke that crazy witch!


                      • #86
                        Heh, funny. I loathe crusader girl (Isabella). She always hates me 'cause I'm a heathen (usually confucian, whereas she's hindu or buddist).

                        grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                        The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Arrian
                          Heh, funny. I loathe crusader girl (Isabella). She always hates me 'cause I'm a heathen (usually confucian, whereas she's hindu or buddist).

                          Gahndi(a pagan at the time) disliked me as I was under the sway of Christianity(a "heathen" religeon to him). This confused me. Though I might want to stay a pagan. Human sacrafices are just too damn fun.


                          • #88
                            I have a strange situation in my current game where I have decent relations with a number of civs but have gone to war over the years a number of times. There are 4-5 civs that have something around -7 for you declared war on my friend. I find that strange because they are far, far more angry at me for declaring war on their friend than their friend is for my razing his cities and the like. It seemed out of whack.


                            • #89
                              The first leader to launch a full-out invasion of me?


                              No foolin'. And he was good at it too, took out the whole northern half of my empire. Haven't trusted that bastard in any of my games since.
                              "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                              "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Arrian
                                Heh, funny. I loathe crusader girl (Isabella). She always hates me 'cause I'm a heathen (usually confucian, whereas she's hindu or buddist).

                                Actually in my most recent game... That was alot how it happened.

                                Only, the most destructive was rading most of my countryside with conquitadors until I developed Calvary.

                                I had a mountainside on my southern frontier... Izzy could only enter my empire by three points.

                                Or anywhere on the sea, Though I developed an early Maritime superiority. So it wasn't something they exceleed at.

                                I was happy when Victoria wiped her from the face of the earth. Her borders and Izzy's where next to each other, while mine were so far away.

                                Now though my entire continent I'm on and I have developed great defensive pacts with each other.

                                The longest war I've had in the game (different game) lasted about 200 years.

