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What's your favorite new feature of Civ IV?

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  • #91
    Lack of pollution effects and less rioting effects. I'm also looking forward to the more advanced AI + extra negotiation options.
    "Bite my shiny metal ass" - Bender B. Rodriguez


    • #92
      Didn't receive the game yet, but I voted 'other' because if the Team Play features are anywhere near as good as they sound, then they have fulfilled my greatest wish since I played the first Civilization game on my old Amiga 500.


      • #93
        Now that I've actually played, my answer would be Unit promotions/new combat system. I actually think about my units now whereas in previous games it was a no-brainer rush to Military Tradition and then conquer the world with cavalry.
        "Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
        "I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
        "Stuie is right...." - Guynemer


        • #94
          I'd say the fact that it exits me to the desktop every 20 minutes. I had a lot of problems with playing for hours on end with civ 3, but with civ 4 I can barely stand to play at all!


          • #95
            Originally posted by Sabre2th

            He recites a quote from history each time you discover a tech. Not my favorite feature, or even terribly important to me, but it's a nice touch for sure.
            Once you've heard Leonard Nemoy quote Sputnik you can die a contented soul.

            "The human race would have perished long ago if its preservation had depended only on the reasoning of its members." - Rousseau
            "Vorwärts immer, rückwärts nimmer!" - Erich Honecker
            "If one has good arms, one will always have good friends." - Machiavelli


            • #96
              What's your favorite new feature of Civ IV?

              the random crashes to desktop and freezes/lockups rofl.....


              • #97
                MUCH LESS MM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                Why it is not the poll option?
                The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so
                certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.
                -- Bertrand Russell


                • #98
                  I like the way the game crashes and doens't give you any info to report anywhere


                  • #99
                    Other: I have a Radeon 9800 mobility


                    • Advisors .... Bring Back true life actors!!!

                      The one thing I truly miss are the advisors from Civ II using real life actors.

                      Remember the science advisor greasing his abacus and the miltary advisor urging you to "Build city walls!!!". They imbued the game with character and sparkle that the following titles lacked. Perhaps Leonard Nimoys talents would have been put to better use here rather than just voice acting.

                      BTW, I voted for the revamped combat system, although I'm glad wonder movies are back.

