I object to the inclusion of the Malinese Civ into Civ4 at the expense of some other Civ which in all likelihood contributed much more to world society and would also be much cooler to play.
I refer to the esteemed Roman politician Cato the Elder. Here is an excerpt from his biography as found on wikipedia.com.
"Almost his last public act was to urge his countrymen to the Third Punic War and the destruction of Carthage. In 157 he was one of the deputies sent to Carthage to arbitrate between the Carthaginians and Massinissa, king of Numidia. The mission was unsuccessful and the commissioners returned home. But Cato was so struck by the evidences of Carthaginian prosperity that he was convinced that the security of Rome depended on the annihilation of Carthage. From this time, in season and out of season, he kept repeating the cry: 'Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.' (Moreover, I advise that Carthage should be destroyed. - Plutarch, Life of Cato) He was known for saying this at the conclusion of each of his speeches." - wikipedia.com
In addition, upon the destruction of the city of Carthage, Cato purportedly uttered the following: "Carthago Delenda Est," meaning "Carthage is destroyed."
Therefore, in protest to the inclusion of Mali into Civ4, I shall now be including the following statement into my signature: "Ceterum censeo Malinem esse delendam."
Thank you for you time. Please relegate Mali to the third expansion pack. Or the fourth. -Alexander01
I refer to the esteemed Roman politician Cato the Elder. Here is an excerpt from his biography as found on wikipedia.com.
"Almost his last public act was to urge his countrymen to the Third Punic War and the destruction of Carthage. In 157 he was one of the deputies sent to Carthage to arbitrate between the Carthaginians and Massinissa, king of Numidia. The mission was unsuccessful and the commissioners returned home. But Cato was so struck by the evidences of Carthaginian prosperity that he was convinced that the security of Rome depended on the annihilation of Carthage. From this time, in season and out of season, he kept repeating the cry: 'Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.' (Moreover, I advise that Carthage should be destroyed. - Plutarch, Life of Cato) He was known for saying this at the conclusion of each of his speeches." - wikipedia.com
In addition, upon the destruction of the city of Carthage, Cato purportedly uttered the following: "Carthago Delenda Est," meaning "Carthage is destroyed."
Therefore, in protest to the inclusion of Mali into Civ4, I shall now be including the following statement into my signature: "Ceterum censeo Malinem esse delendam."
Thank you for you time. Please relegate Mali to the third expansion pack. Or the fourth. -Alexander01
