I think that F9 problem is affecting all mods, post patch, if what I've heard is correct.
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[Mod] NORMAL game pace: SLOWER TECH but more normal unit building! (Other fixes too)
Where are you guys placing the CvInfoScreen.py file from the graph mod? I have placed it in both the
Civilization IV\Assets\Python\Screens and
Civilization IV\Mods\Slower Tech+Balance\Assets\Python\Screens
folders (overwriting the original CvInfoScreen.py file in both) and the F9 key is working for me. Not sure if it works if you place the CvInfoScreen.py file from the graph mod into only one of the above folders.
I'll test it out right now ox
all tests done on new games with the mod loaded fresh each time.
Okay, without the mod running, and the info screen copied in the civ4/assets/.... folder it works...
Okay, with the mod running, and the info screen copied in the civ4/assets/... folder only it does not work....
Okay, with the mod running, and the info screen copied in both the civ4/assets/... and /mod/ST+B/assets/... folders it does work
Alrighty, with the mod running, and the info screen copied in only the /mod/ST+B/assets/ folder with the original CvInfoScreen.py restored to its original glory in the game directory.....
it works
And from past experience, I know that it won't work in the /customassets/.... folder without being part of the mod so that test is out. Just about covers it eh?
So to make it work, all you need to do is overwrite the mod's file in the mod directory.. Though I wonder if it could be put in the /custommod/ directory?
From this I can kinda conclude the game looks to the game directory first, then overwrites with the customassets folder next, then overwrites with the mod files last. (or the opposite direction while disallowing overwrites)Last edited by ghen; December 3, 2005, 17:44.~I like eggs.~
Ahh yes, I guess that would actually be neccessary information eh?
This thread
And it includes more than the original functionality~I like eggs.~
Originally posted by ghen
Its one of the few large modpacks out so far, and definitely the bestFocusing on AI compatability and gameplay is definitely best, and I do so like wars, mwahaha.
Thanks for your tests Ghen, I have now got the F9 graphs working.
Two suggestions, one of which I know Dearmad wont consider:
1)Perhaps the length of the Golden Age should be increased? (I havent triggered one yet, so maybe it has?) With the increased length of turns, 8 turns for a G.A. isnt enough.
2)Reduce the cost of the 1st level Civics(Despotism, Barbarism etc) to free. Why? An attempt to make all the Civics be a possible choice. As it stands there is no reason not to change from the 1st level civic when a subsequent civic is discovered. Also, this will reduce the difficulties caused to some by the later cottage availability.
Originally posted by JimMac
It is definately the best gameplay mod. I like the fact that it doesnt attempt to add new elements, just balancing things a bit better while keeping to the Firaxis concept for CivIV.
Thanks for your tests Ghen, I have now got the F9 graphs working.
Two suggestions, one of which I know Dearmad wont consider:
1)Perhaps the length of the Golden Age should be increased? (I havent triggered one yet, so maybe it has?) With the increased length of turns, 8 turns for a G.A. isnt enough.
2)Reduce the cost of the 1st level Civics(Despotism, Barbarism etc) to free. Why? An attempt to make all the Civics be a possible choice. As it stands there is no reason not to change from the 1st level civic when a subsequent civic is discovered. Also, this will reduce the difficulties caused to some by the later cottage availability.
One thing- I thought I had increased the GA's. Will have to check to see by how much. I think it's even proportional depending on game speed.
The gov. idea is worthy of thought... but maybe there's some other way to make them a tiny bit more tempting...
Anyone else have some ideas?
Ghen... -kick- j/k. And yes, got f9 working again! I'll pack up the new graph advisor as part of the mod now- it's too good not too.
It would be great if you considered adding the following mods. As they are nice interface improvements everybody should like them.
- proper score graph
- Special Domestic Advisor (based from New Domestic Advisor)
or "Better" Domestic Advisor
- eotinb mod suite
If you are truly interested in a severely upgraded Epic game, you might wish to visit this thread:
Originally posted by Son of moose
If you are truly interested in a severely upgraded Epic game, you might wish to visit this thread:
hmmm, sounds very interesting indeed!!
But if I'm not mistaken this one isn't available for Dl yet?
Nevertheless steady progress is being made and there have been several most interesting suggestions as to the possible features to include in it.
I certainly envisage this as a long-term project.