dearmad, how do you feel about incorporating that Abandon/Raze City Mod in your mod (provided you had permission)?
No announcement yet.
[Mod] NORMAL game pace: SLOWER TECH but more normal unit building! (Other fixes too)
I hesitate on it... my own playing style dictates against razing cities when taking them over too.
But I don't know. If it's not that involved an add-in maybe others can just do it themselves. However if it involves pslicing it into other XML files. I don't know... it's the last week of the term for me- my brain is dead. I don't play CIV IV... I just USED to play it...
Originally posted by dearmad
I hesitate on it... my own playing style dictates against razing cities when taking them over too.
But I don't know. If it's not that involved an add-in maybe others can just do it themselves. However if it involves pslicing it into other XML files. I don't know... it's the last week of the term for me- my brain is dead. I don't play CIV IV... I just USED to play it...
Those who have the time to play do....
Those who don't....they mod LOL
I know what you mean about keeping cities, but every now and then I'll culture flip a crappy city that I don't really want, and I have to then be concerned about keeping hold of it and defending it, where-as I'd rather it were either not there at all, or still didn't belong to me.
I know you're busy, and I'm not trying to push you to include this immediately, but I can't help but think that it's the one thing missing from your great mod. I know diddly about combining mods myself, which is why I have to appeal to you to include it.
Anyway, good luck with your final week. I hope you'll have a chance to consider this for future inclusion after things have calmed down a little.
I'm pretty sure you can use that raze mod without it overwriting anything in dearmad's mod. I don't have winrar on my work computer so I can't make sure right now. I would suggest downloading the raze mod & look at what files it uses then see if those files are already used by dearmad's mod. If not, just throw those files in dearmad's mod folder & all should be well.
Edit : As long as I'm posting... good luck on finals dearmad.
My F1 menu pops up a screen with nothing on it except the name and founding date of my first city and the EXIT text, and my F9 menu doesn't work at all.
I am trying to use "A Proper Score Graph" with this mod.
Other mods I have are Culture Decay, Turn the Menus Tan, and Center all Movies/Pop-ups.
I'm using 1.09 and the 8b version of this mod with a game started anew from that installation.
Please help me!
I get the impression that Dearmad won't be around much anymore, I think he's fallen into the can't be bothered stage of alot of modders... I do it myself alot.
If this is the case, good luck in whatever you do next, Dearmad. Cheers for your contributions.
Originally posted by Stone-D
I get the impression that Dearmad won't be around much anymore, I think he's fallen into the can't be bothered stage of alot of modders... I do it myself alot.
If this is the case, good luck in whatever you do next, Dearmad. Cheers for your contributions.
The mod works. Civ4 is f'ed up in how it handles somethings when it comes to resources... this was discussed back about page 3 or so.
F1&f9 work at this point. The solutions are in this thread and/or the one at civfanatics. What is included in the mod works.
Minor changes to when things should/would/could happen are, I gotta say it honestly, annoying. Think about it from the perspective of trying to please everyone... not gonna happen.
Adding in huge other mods and/or mods that add bajillions of units or a new thing that the AI will have no idea how to use well indicate the poster didn't bother to do his homework and read about what the spirit of this mod was about. I gotta admit, that's a little frustrating.
Now, MAJOR goofs/bugs on my part, and imbalances I introduce that RUIN the game (not just make the flavor a little too sweet/sour for you) ARE interesting to me. Even if I don't respond to those issues, you can bet I am making a change to the mod to address those issues.
LOL- I guess that is a sorta: "I can't be bothered stance," but at least I've defined the context of it for you all.
So this mod is done except for bug fixing? Then please make a version 1.0 non-beta and also post your statement on the frontpage (because nobody who hasn't followed this thread will bother to read it, like most people in any forum won't either).
Thanks for the mod
Another suggestion if you do decide to update this excellent mod for patch 1.52:consider reducing the amount of gold received as compensation when beaten to the completion of a wonder. I think this change would be within the spirit of this mod since it wouldn't add anything needless but would improve the gameplay.
My reasoning:I had been enjoying managing my economy under the slightly increased running costs under 1.52. ( The science slider is a slider after all, we shouldn't expect it to stay at 90-100% ).I found it interesting making decisions to ensure gold reserves were maintained. However, I had been building the Pyramids but lost out to another nation who got there a couple of turns before me. I recieved close to 500 gold, completely removing the need to watch my spending.
This could be a a cheesy strategy, if there was nothing in particular you wanted to build, build a wonder, dont get it but just collect a wad of gold to keep science maxed.
Just a thought...
Originally posted by dearmad
One thing I'm definitely waiting on with hope is that FIRAXIS expose the multiplier for spy mission costs so I can cut those in half or even to 25%! They are WAY too expensive as it is right now, and just not worth the risk...
The variables are in Civilization 4\Assets\XML\GlobalDefines.XML
Like so:
Originally posted by greenday_234
Anyone else having trouble with this mod in 1.52 patch? Whenever I load the mod the options screen at load up has no text. Which kinda makes the mod unusable. Anyone else getting similar issues?