Top Test Scores From Shanghai Stun Educators
First off its unfair to compare a city to a entire country. Secondly the experts who are surprised have no right to be, since no matter what the US does eventually China (as the country develops) will beat them utterly in international comparisons of this kind.
But the US will still have something to be proud of, Chinese in the US will continue to outperform Chinese in China and this is a testament to there really being something to America besides a mere historic accident of good demographics and a continent ripe for development.
Immigrants in the US can expect a better education for their children than they could get at home, they just can't expect results comparable to top countries or top ranking populations in the US.
With China’s debut in international standardized testing, students in Shanghai have surprised experts by outscoring their counterparts in dozens of other countries, in reading as well as in math and science, according to the results of a respected exam.
But the US will still have something to be proud of, Chinese in the US will continue to outperform Chinese in China and this is a testament to there really being something to America besides a mere historic accident of good demographics and a continent ripe for development.
Immigrants in the US can expect a better education for their children than they could get at home, they just can't expect results comparable to top countries or top ranking populations in the US.
