CPU Intel Intel Pentium P4 1.8 Ghz, 512KB cache
Graphics Card PNY 128MB GEFORCE4 TI4600 DDR
RAM Ingram PC800 ECC 128MB X 4 RDRAM (512 Total)
OS Windows 2000 Professional
Runs like a drunken snail through a bowl of caramel. FPS is 30, if I'm lucky, at the lowest settings possible (I've tried almost EVERYTHING [see my post "Choppy FPS Issues"]). Averages about 20 throughout the game and about 4 during battles and if I have a population of over 150. This is all vs. 1 computer, mind you. The game hits 1 FPS if I have like 5 comps and then will crash.
But the game loads OK, albeit slowly, and I haven't had any issues with CTW or anything (besides FPS issues).
Graphics Card PNY 128MB GEFORCE4 TI4600 DDR
RAM Ingram PC800 ECC 128MB X 4 RDRAM (512 Total)
OS Windows 2000 Professional
Runs like a drunken snail through a bowl of caramel. FPS is 30, if I'm lucky, at the lowest settings possible (I've tried almost EVERYTHING [see my post "Choppy FPS Issues"]). Averages about 20 throughout the game and about 4 during battles and if I have a population of over 150. This is all vs. 1 computer, mind you. The game hits 1 FPS if I have like 5 comps and then will crash.
But the game loads OK, albeit slowly, and I haven't had any issues with CTW or anything (besides FPS issues).