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Who Wants A Real Civ-like Mod?

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  • #16
    Boris, as the game stands now, that is true, but I am not just changing a few things, I am changing a lot of things.
    be free


    • #17
      I'll be very interested to see how this turns out. Good work so far Snoopy!
      If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.


      • #18
        My God, that's awesome! To think, the terms "ocean" and "mountain range" would have meaning!

        Oh also I'm wondering if you can edit AI tactics. Like early on they might be very agressive but towards the end, especially with nukes, they are more passive and diplomatic?

        - PTM


        • #19
          Originally posted by Sn00py
          I'm planning to make a more civilization style mod. One that takes you a week rather than an hour. (an hour? pft, so unrewarding. )
          Can't wat, sounds like fun

          Originally posted by Antrine
          How about these modifications: Pop Limit; 300, 350, 375, 400, 525, 650, 775, 800
          Noooooo... too many
          This space is empty... or is it?


          • #20

            Actually I have been living with those increased pop limits in every game on larger sized maps as well (140 so far). And what I have discovered is economics and time are the real controlling factors to actual pop counts once you raise the game's needless pop damper.

            And if you chose to raise the Age costs or tech costs and extend out the timer for each Age change then you are free to explore building massive economies and armies in Age I, II and III (you must likewise raise the commerce limits). Which is very enjoyable for those of us who prefer that early time period.

            This game with increasing costs for each unit of like kind and for towers and forts is utterly brilliant!! Balance is preserved, however great is the gratification for pulling off building 4 forts and 9 towers early on. And when on 'Survival of the Fittest'/Toughest AI setting and you find you are fighting on three fronts full on against three civilizitions, not only at once but repeating in waves, it is nice to have large armies hitting pops of 350 all before Age III.

            I commend Big Huge obvious genius

            Great Gaming,

            The Graveyard Keeper
            Of Creation Forum
            If I can't answer you don't worry
            I'll send you elsewhere


            • #21
              The reason why I don't want a higher pop, is because it makes the game be another "Get-the-largest-army-ASAP" game
              This space is empty... or is it?


              • #22
                Sn00py, I'd be interested in knowing how long you think it would take you to get a working version of this (not necessarily complete, but like v1.0 which you might update on a later date)? I'm extremely anxious to play your mod; it looks incredible!

                Oh, and I noticed your post (thread: "Shall we mod?") and I was hoping you might be able to implement your ideas of new artwork to make cities look more like cities/towns/whatever is appropriate for the time frame in this mod. It'd be so cool because your cities could really become sprawling if scaled correctly and you could really portray the idea of a true Nation!

                By the way, Age advancing should be insanely difficult to do. It shouldn't necessarily cost too much resources but the time on it should be like several hours.

                - PTM


                • #23

                  sounds like great fun

                  I actually hoped that someone would do just that, since currently the game does remind AOE more than it does remind Civ.

                  If we would only have a mod swapper then it would be really great.

                  Then I could install my favourite mods for single play, but could change them at will, and even go back to regular settings, when i want to multiplay.


                  • #24
                    Kool idea Sn00py! Imagaine, taking a whole week to play an RTS game instead of an hour. It would be like having a nine day christmas! Oh yeah, Sn00py, do you think you could post that pic of the Pyramids you were talking about, you know, compared to the tiny people and all. I'd appreciate it.

                    BTW-how do you get your CivLike mod to start out in caves?


                    • #25
                      Cool. If you get it released I might consider going out with you.


                      • #26
                        i think a mod swapper is in the works from BHG
                        if u are impatient, i guess u have to make your own
                        Are you down with ODV?


                        • #27
                          Chuckles, that's a very scary thought and you need to forget the past

                          XBob: I will get you that Pyramid soon, I'll try and get some other screenshots of other stuff too. How I got the caves, well I just changed the graphics.

                          PTM: It will take a while, I have other projects on my hands at the same time, but I am anxious to mod RoN.
                          I will be making the cities more city like, the distance between the ground and you will be more like Civ's distance, but not too much. Age advancing will be very difficult. I've been playing a game on the slowest setting and tech on the slowest and most expensive. It is very slow, but I found myself in the 3rd age quite sooner than I thought, so I will have to make it harder than that.
                          be free


                          • #28
                            I used SimCity 4000's graphics to see what it might look like, I'm not so sure on the look, I may go for something else instead.

                            (I'm going to be making my own graphic work, I am just using others for testing first)
                            Attached Files
                            be free


                            • #29
                              And the Pyramids scaled with the workers
                              Attached Files
                              be free


                              • #30
                                And a distance shot
                                Attached Files
                                be free

