I'm moving up to Tough as well. I've now dominated the AI in a four-player Survival-Of-The-Fittest the past three or four games on Moderate (without pausing other than to go to the bathroom). I'm usually attacking in Medieval or Gunpowder, and am getting to the Info age. One thing I'm noticing is that no matter what nation I use on Moderate (I play random Civ), I'm able to out-expand the AI pretty early on. I tend to take a noticeable lead in land territory by the Medieval Age (before attacking at all), and from there on it becomes an exercise in leveraging my territorial lead into an economic lead and then into military dominance. In the game I finished just a few moments ago, I got my military really rolling in the Enlightenment Age, and managed to finish the game with all four super-techs researched, while no other nation could make it past Industrial because they were under military assault.
Some thoughts/observations/strategies (particular on water maps....I think they are VERY strategy-oriented):
Some thoughts/observations/strategies (particular on water maps....I think they are VERY strategy-oriented):
- Slowly building up my Navy over time with a ship here and a ship there has worked well for me on water maps. As with any resource management game, unless you're saving up for something specific, do SOMETHING with those extra resources, whether it is research, a naval unit, or a land unit.
- Again on water maps, I build a dock ASAP. Fishing provides a cheap and easy bonus to food and wealth.
- In the early going, simply churning out a steady stream of citizens (as in other RTS's) is NOT the most effective resource management. This is particularly true since wood-cutting camps cost food. In other games, those "extra" villies can always chop wood if nothing else. Not true here. Early on, they can end up standing around because there's no room in the resource gathering areas, and not enough food and/or timber to build anything. When it comes time to build that second lumber camp, don't queue up five citizens. Queue up no more than two, and start building the lumber camp as soon as you have enough food to do so.
- On water maps, build a city near your forward coastline ASAP. I won a British Isle Survival-Of-The Fittest game online yesterday by doing just this. My territory extended JUST far enough onto my opponents island to put a fortress on his coast. From there I was able to leverage the extra territory to eventually build a full-blown city, complete with military buildings, on the coast of his island. That extra city gave me the econ boost to put me over the edge. The flip side of this is that building that coastal city will prevent another player from doing what I did.
- Coastal fortresses are a WONDERFUL thing. They occupy an opponents bombarding navy for a LONG time, and they do damage themselves. They also help weaken any amphibious landing force when there's no navy around. I try to build a fortresses in every coastal city near the front lines, as well as at key coastal choke points.