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Initial RoN strategy tips

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  • #16
    Pausing... yeah, but you're actually supposed to pause in this game! I don't do this a lot, but still use sometimes for a cooler evaluation of the situation and issuing orders.

    Well, I'm, for now, not nearing beating the AI on Tough. Still need to try out things like Horse Archer rush... although I'm now inclined to think that the Bantu Umpakati rush can work very well.
    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


    • #17
      Not trying to brag or anything, but I beat tough without pausing (except for bathroom/beer-breaks)

      You just need to pay a lot of attention to military and defense, a lot more than on moderate. Just don't worry about your boom too much, keep a large army ready and try to keep up economically. You'll be behind a few minutes every age but that's easy to overcome. As long as you have a solid homebase with good defenses, the comp can't hurt you too much.


      • #18
        Playing my second game in a row on Atlantic Power (islands map), 4 players. And that's very tough for me. I've always sucked a LOT on water in all RTS games, not so much here, but still... I tried an early attack, and succeeded partially, but I couldn't deliver reinforcements efficiently, for my enemies ships made quick work of my arriving transports, while my navy just couldn't get rid of them - argh!

        The first game ended after over 2 hours, being really high tech, where I finally was able to take over an island occupied by enemy after several failed attempts - using some really, really mixed arms. Tons of machine guns, some tanks and a great deal of helicopters were involved, with Stealth Bombers doing the cleaning job.

        The second game started with some early attacks from me, but I didn't manage to take anything much out, except for 2 or 3 buildings and some gatherers - that's when I started losing the water battles (duh), and will have to work hard to regain them.

        BTW, Information age rules! You have a superb income of resources, and Artifical Intelligence technology... need an army? Build two Barracks in newly acquired territory, and that's anything you want...
        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


        • #19
          The correct formula is n*(n-1)/2. Two cities give you one route only, 3 cities give you 3, 4 give you 6 etc. provided the caravan max is not lower.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Solver
            Playing my second game in a row on Atlantic Power (islands map), 4 players. And that's very tough for me. I've always sucked a LOT on water in all RTS games, not so much here, but still... I tried an early attack, and succeeded partially, but I couldn't deliver reinforcements efficiently, for my enemies ships made quick work of my arriving transports, while my navy just couldn't get rid of them - argh!

            The first game ended after over 2 hours, being really high tech, where I finally was able to take over an island occupied by enemy after several failed attempts - using some really, really mixed arms. Tons of machine guns, some tanks and a great deal of helicopters were involved, with Stealth Bombers doing the cleaning job.

            The second game started with some early attacks from me, but I didn't manage to take anything much out, except for 2 or 3 buildings and some gatherers - that's when I started losing the water battles (duh), and will have to work hard to regain them.

            BTW, Information age rules! You have a superb income of resources, and Artifical Intelligence technology... need an army? Build two Barracks in newly acquired territory, and that's anything you want...

            i've found that naval maps are a tad more strategic than land maps, simply because you need an EFFECTIVE navy to really get anywhere en masse (assuming you're playing skilled enemies).
            "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
            - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


            • #21
              I find that when attacking an enemy city its wise to take out all the buildings that add to the city's defense before attacking the city itself.

              Which is basically any/all military buildings and the temple. This makes taking the actual city easier, and worst case (you get beaten back), a few destroyed buildings will leave the city defenses softened up for next time as well as providing you with resources via plunder and costing your foe resources if they choose to try and rebuild. If you hit the unit production buildings it will also delay reinforcements which is always a good thing.



              • #22
                I agree with olaf that you want to take out military buildings early. You might want to be a bit more careful with the temple. A common tactic is to build a temple forward of the city. Attacker now spends a decent amount of time banging down the temple. During that time I get a nice opportunity to shore up the city defences, perhaps finish building a tower, and even do some damage to the units attacking the temple. Once the attacker pops the temple and proceeds to attack the city several citizens quickly rebuild the temple way in the rear.

                Poping the temple can help, but only do it if you're going to be able to rush right in, otherwise you're just letting the defender buy time.


                • #23
                  Yeap, continue learning that them amphibious maps need a serious navy.

                  Paul, you may want to continue visiting this thread . I am going to make an update today, and turn this into a thread for my strategy stuff .
                  Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                  Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                  I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                  • #24

                    OK, time for an update. This time, it's a section on Wonders, with comments on all of them

                    Colossus: Classical Age, 1 Wonder Point, 200 Wood 200 Timber. Wealth income +30%, pop cap +50, timber and wealth commerce cap +50.

                    Well, quite a useful early wonder to pick. Consider its immediate advantage, the Wealth boost you got. Early on, Wealth can be quite a scarce resource, with you having nothing but a few Caravans generating gold, you don't yet have enough of them, nor do you have enough cities. Therefore, this boost is nice.

                    However, it's the population increase where the Colossus really rules. This early on, the wonder might let you research military technologies a bit later, for you have the pop slots anyway. In the late game, the extra 50 units can be of great help. Consider fighting an enemy at cap of 200, with yourself being at 50... if you use that by actually having 250 units, you're a very good step ahead of him. Always put this Wonder on highest priority if you're Bantu, for an awesome pop limit!

                    Pyramid: Classical Age, 1 Wonder Point, 200 Food, 200 Timber, Food and Wealth commerce cap +50, city limit +1, food income +20%.

                    Not a superb wonder, IMO, but useful. The city limit is good, because you should try and build as many cities as you can. Also, this provides a chance to get a bit later with the civics techs...the food bonus is nice for the cases when you don't get quite enough of it. If building this wonder as Egypt, it provides an absolutely fantastic food income.

                    Colosseum: Medieval Age, 1 Wondr Point, 300 Metal 300 Timber, national borders +3, attrition in your land +50%, forts, towers 20% cheaper.

                    Another mediorce wonder, but one that can get very useful depending on the circumstances. It's the attrition damage added why I like Colosseum, because attrition helps you defend, and an enemy that knows you have the Colloseum is likely to depend heavily on Supply Wagons. The borders boost is also nice, especially when fighting an enemy and assimilating one of his cities.

                    Terra Cotta Army: Medieval Age, 2 Wonder Points, 300 Food 300 Wealth, free light infantry every 30 seconds + 0.5 second for every infantry you control.

                    A highly useful wonder, especially early on. It creates free units - during your peaceful buildups, it's something extra to defend yourself with (and sort of a defensive protection for an Egyptian who's going for a wonder victory), while during wars it's still a reasonable boost. In a few minutes you do get something valuable for yourself. Note, though, that later in the game usefulness of this wonder does increase somewhat - the actual generation time is going to be more like 40 and over seconds, and, one unit doesn't matter that mucn then - but early on, it does matter a lot.

                    Porcelain Tower: Gunpoweder Age, 2 Wonder Points, 400 Wealth 400 Metal, Ships created 50% faster, you get bonuses of ALL rare resource in your borders, even if not having a merchant there, market and rare resource income +200%.

                    I always have this as high priority on naval maps, but even on land maps, I don't exactly want to miss this one out.

                    The ship creation bonus is so fantastically good for the times you're fighting a big naval war for control of the seas! Every single ship counts there, and you get yours in place sooner... this one has won battles for me. Light ships are created at lighting rates with this wonder.

                    Now, the don't need merchants bonus isn't so great, for I attempt to already have a merchant on every rare resource deposit before I get to Gunpowder age, but it's the added income that matters! Say, Aluminium gives you +30 to metal and oil - congrats, with Porcelan Tower, it's 90 to both. A big boost. Also, the Market income boost means that you actually gain quite a lot of extra wealth income.

                    Temple of Tikal: Gunpowder Age, 2 wonder points, 400 Food, 400 Timber, Increases timber gather rate by 50%, timber commerce cap +100, temple effects +50%.

                    400 food and 400 timber isn't that much for Gunpowder Age, you should be able to generate the amount in a reasonable time. Get this one if you want it... what you get is quite some extra timber (pays for itself rather quickly), and cute additions to your borders and income. Nothing I would break my neck about, but a nice boost.

                    Angkor Wat: Enlightement Age, 3 Wonder Points, 500 Wealth 500 Timber, Metal gather rate +50%, metal commerce cap +100, barracks, stable and dock units cost -25%.

                    I like this one. I really do, and how much I do depends on the map. There are those maps where you can't get your hands on many mountains, and your Metal production suffers quite a lot. If this is the case, I definitely want this wonder. However, the unit cost reduction is my favorite part here. 25% is quite a lot. Simply put, it makes those expensive naval ships quite affordable, and barracks unit become plain cheap. Creating all those Musketters becomes a clear pleasure then!

                    Versailles: Enlightment Age, 3 Wonder Points, 500 Food 500 Metal, non-knowledge research costs -50%, supply wagons heal troops (heal twice as fast if you're French), siege and supply speed +25%.

                    This is a wonder I do defnitely want most of the time. And it's one of the wonders that is very useful for both peace and war. The ability to get your supply wagons to heal your troops is pretty huge. Nothing can be nicer after a battle, and it also makes Supply Wagons much more valuable during a battle. The research discount you get is also great, and will result in quite some saved costs during the game. Knowledge shouldn't be that hard to acquire, while the extra other resources you keep really matter. The siege and supply speed bonus is also nice... consider this, your siege actually has some quite reasonable speed now. Not enough to run away from Tank fire maybe, but at least they're no longer the slow lumbering weapons they may have been.

                    Kremlin: Industrial Age, 4 Wonder Points, 600 Metal 600 Food, timber, food, metal commerce caps are +200, attrition damage to enemies doubled, extra free spy that doesn't count towards pop limit and respawns - all spies are created insantly.

                    A good wonder that can be an excellent one. The commerce cap boosts are very nice, as they allow you to have some insane income, especially if you do the proper research at economic buildings, or happen to have any other commerce enchancing wonder. My favorite part here is the doubled attrition. It will, once again, make your enemies sit in an uncomfortable position (and HEAVILY dependent of suppy wagons) when fighting you. If you are Russia, GET THIS WONDER, GET IT, GET IT! Can't stress that enough. Russians with Kremlin do indeed give ridicilous attrition... and if you happen to have the Colosseum too, you are in the most comfortable defensive position possible in this game at all.

                    The spy bonus is a more subtle thing. It's quite useful, and you can count on a spy anytime you want, but I am yet to learn how to make the best use of them - although I am surely going to try and do so.

                    Anyway, this is a wonder that you don't, in most cases, want to miss out.

                    Statue of Liberty: Industrial Age, 6 Wonder Points, 600 Food, 600 Wealth, ground and air unit upgrades free, reduces attrition to your units by 100%, bombers and anti-air guns cost -33%.

                    This is quite a fantastic wonder, and one I try to get in all of my games. Just consider, free upgrades! It means, as soon as advance an age, you immediately get your troops upgraded, and if you're an age ahead of the enemy, you will have a few easy minutes till he advances and does the upgrading! Also, think of the resource pool that you save... that's quite some cost to upgrade your 30 Riflemen to Infantry, isn't it? Well, this no longer needs to be a problem! Also, on hitting Modern you immediately have the ability to construct Bombers and Helicopters - huge.

                    Taj Mahal: Modern Age, 6 Wonder Points, 700 Timber 700 Wealth, buildings double hit points, wealth income doubled, wealth commerce cap +300.

                    I can quite see how this can be a good wonder. The HP bonus means that even for the artillery (which IS powerful in RoN), it will be a serious challenge to dispose of your buildings, and in most cases you will at least have the chance to respond to the thread before you're dead. Nonetheless, I prefer the added wealth income... by now, there should already be a healthy level of wealth, and the Taj Mahal gives you high amounts of it.

                    Eiffel Tower: Modern Age, 6 Wonder Points, 700 Metal 700 Timber, oil gather rate +100% and oil commerce cap +200, national borders +6.

                    This is yet another wonder that I attempt to pick up every time. Oil is a crucial modern resource, you can't get aircraft or tanks without it. And, it's often quite scarce. Especially on some water maps, where tons of oil is on the water, and you don't have control of the sea. Therefore, go and grab this wonder, and you will have decent oil income with even only a few Oil Wells in your empire. The national borders increase is, yet again, a nice boon bot nothing too great - although any territory increase is good for giving extra space to build on, and limiting the options of enemies.

                    Super Collider: Information Age, 8 Wonder Points, 800 Knowledge, 800 Food, buying costs at Market never more than 125, selling never less than 50, technology research is instant.

                    IMHO, this one is a bit overrated. I try not to use the Market too much anyway, preferring to gather all my resources the natural way. By now I should already have a very powerful economy. Tech insant research... hmm... the econ techs are likely researched already, to the degree that I need them. Library research is done or nearly done with. And if I have the Statue of Liberty, I need no upgrades. So, while this one can defnitely be a boost in some situations, I wouldn't say the Supercollider is superpower.

                    Space Program:Information Age, 8 Wonder Points, 800 Knowledge 800 Wealth, reveal entire map, aircraft and missile creation double speed and half the cost, no nuclear embargos.

                    Now this is what I call a very good wonder. You can spy on your enemie to your heat's content. You know exactly where are they massing their forces and how are they attacking, so you can be well prepared, and defend/strike at the correct locations. Besides, the aircraft that really rules later in the game (stealth bombers KILL the enemy) is cheapo stuff now... get this wonder. If your opponent gets it, you shouldn't be feeling easy, for now it's him who knows every single move that YOU make.


                    Whew, quite a post, eh?
                    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Solver
                      Super Collider: Information Age, 8 Wonder Points, 800 Knowledge, 800 Food, buying costs at Market never more than 125, selling never less than 50, technology research is instant.

                      IMHO, this one is a bit overrated. I try not to use the Market too much anyway, preferring to gather all my resources the natural way. By now I should already have a very powerful economy. Tech insant research... hmm... the econ techs are likely researched already, to the degree that I need them. Library research is done or nearly done with. And if I have the Statue of Liberty, I need no upgrades. So, while this one can defnitely be a boost in some situations, I wouldn't say the Supercollider is superpower.
                      Where the instant tech research really shines is if you reach the super-techs. Considering that they are "game-enders" and take very long to research, the ability to research them instantaneously is a huge boost.
                      'There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way. The war we fight is not against powers and principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting, in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain.'"
                      G'Kar - from Babylon 5 episode "Z'ha'dum"


                      • #26
                        You like ALL of them, except for SuperConductor. :~(
                        That doesn't help so much. :~(
                        Maybe you could tell us instead how to maximize the values of the ones which aren't immediately obvious? The Civ's which are best to use with them? Etc?

                        P.S. Thank you for making such a list at all in the first place!


                        • #27
                          Solver: Excellent post m8. I'm only starting out on RoN (playing the fantastic demo atm) and your posts have helped me immensely. I played the initial tutorial game once and then instantly proceeded to playing on tough.

                          I haven't won a game yet but I'm now surviving to the end with the Comp winning by a wonder victory. I'm going to turn wonder victories off from now on. IMO its an anti-climax to a game; I want a massive war :-)

                          Going to print out your Wonder summaries and edit it to include "The Diplomat's" take on the Supercollider. I agree with him on getting the end game techs/abilities. My favourite is being able to create units instantly (AI?). Getting that instantly would own!

                          For me anything which increases oil and metal are essential. They are the late game caps for me. Haven't used planes yet :-)

                          Oh well off for another game.

                          Cheers again Solver and keep up the excellent work!

                          Can't you edit your original post with the additional info that you create? Or are you posting the updates as replies so that other user's replies are in chronological sequence to the updates?

                          Thanks again,



                          • #28
                            Where the instant tech research really shines is if you reach the super-techs. Considering that they are "game-enders" and take very long to research, the ability to research them instantaneously is a huge boost.

                            IF you happen to get to super-techs yeah. I anyway might have one of them researched already by the time I can get Supercollider... though I agree it can be a boost .

                            You like ALL of them, except for SuperConductor. :~(
                            That doesn't help so much. :~(
                            Maybe you could tell us instead how to maximize the values of the ones which aren't immediately obvious? The Civ's which are best to use with them? Etc?

                            You know, it's quite easy to critisize stuff, isn't it ? Besides, it's not that I think all the rest are useful... and Supercollider is a booster too.

                            Please understand that my RoN experience is still limited somewhat. I do expect myself to be able to write a better list of Wonders at some point (with maximizing uses and such), but my current priority is trying to make a post about the early game - the first age, maybe start of the second. How to get your economy going, etc. In RoN, there's no "one way to go", especially not with the research, but there are quite some tips to give. Still, I need to experiement a little bit on myself to post that. Will do, though.

                            Solver: Excellent post m8. I'm only starting out on RoN (playing the fantastic demo atm) and your posts have helped me immensely. I played the initial tutorial game once and then instantly proceeded to playing on tough.

                            Thanks a lot, much appreciated . BTW, congrats on immediately going to tough .

                            For me anything which increases oil and metal are essential. They are the late game caps for me. Haven't used planes yet :-)

                            Yeah, especially oil for me. Can't seem to get enough of it if someone else grabs the Eiffel...

                            Going to print out your Wonder summaries and edit it to include "The Diplomat's" take on the Supercollider. I agree with him on getting the end game techs/abilities. My favourite is being able to create units instantly (AI?). Getting that instantly would own!

                            A little something here. I try to, on hitting the Information age, get all the techs in the library at about the same time. So, let's say that the moment I'm in Information, I already have access to super-techs. Now, the first thing I do, is go and research the AI. If I also start building the Supercollider, AI will probably be finished/near finished before the Wonder... note again, this is NOT to say that it's a bad or useless wonder. It's just to say that I don't think it's that crucial.

                            Can't you edit your original post with the additional info that you create? Or are you posting the updates as replies so that other user's replies are in chronological sequence to the updates?

                            I'm updating the original post with new "sections", such as that on Wonders. However, little replies like this one should mainly stay where they are, to give it some chronological sense...
                            Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                            Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                            I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                            • #29
                              Russians with Kremlin do indeed give ridicilous attrition... and if you happen to have the Colosseum too, you are in the most comfortable defensive position possible in this game at all.

                              The spy bonus is a more subtle thing. It's quite useful, and you can count on a spy anytime you want, but I am yet to learn how to make the best use of them - although I am surely going to try and do so.

                              I think you just answered your own question. Use spies to bribe supply wagons (if possible).


                              • #30
                                I think you just answered your own question. Use spies to bribe supply wagons (if possible).

                                Not as easy as it seems. I tried that, but Supply Wagons will rarely go to the front of it, staying in behind, so spies have to move past the rest of troops... possible with their cloaking, but not that easy.
                                Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                                Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                                I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man

