Originally posted by Yushal Al Dai
Broken? I think thats a poor choice of words.
PD bug, yes a bug to be fixed.
Direct-X error, yes a bug too, but there are many many games you cannot even ALT-TAB out of at all, and no one seems to care about it.
Other than that, I think the game plays just fine.
I didnt like it at first, and put it on the shelf. Its now two months since I bought it and I cant get enough of it. I love this game. So much better than Civ3 CTP2.
I never did like Civ1 and 2 or SMAC.
My only problem with beta testers is that they all must have been really bad players...
But thats ok cause we get an epic multiplayer, without, I might add, having to pay another 30 bucks for it like Civ3 (that was just disgusting they pulled that crap and I'll never buy another of their product).
Broken? I think thats a poor choice of words.
PD bug, yes a bug to be fixed.
Direct-X error, yes a bug too, but there are many many games you cannot even ALT-TAB out of at all, and no one seems to care about it.
Other than that, I think the game plays just fine.
I didnt like it at first, and put it on the shelf. Its now two months since I bought it and I cant get enough of it. I love this game. So much better than Civ3 CTP2.
I never did like Civ1 and 2 or SMAC.
My only problem with beta testers is that they all must have been really bad players...
But thats ok cause we get an epic multiplayer, without, I might add, having to pay another 30 bucks for it like Civ3 (that was just disgusting they pulled that crap and I'll never buy another of their product).

AI aint broken, its just Gandhi like. what was the last time you have been invaded by the AI ?
Diplomacy ?
Here is the kind of messages I usually get:
"Your excellent trade offer is insulting, therefore we hate you out of love for your race," drooled Xmanimus, genuflecting posthumously. "We have considered the treaty and find it most judicious. It would be of enormous penality to our race," Xmanimus gurgled, expectorating gently. "Therefore we reject it. We henceforth declare you our friend. We loathe you completely but request via counteroffer, that we may bear your children."
As for the list of bugs here it is, straight from Atari forums:

A little sample of the 159 bugs thread (yes its another whole thread dedicated to the pesky & bad bugs), mind you its only a sample, not even the 1/10th:
-) Turn delay - severity: EXTREMELY high - bug
Turn delay can become more than 5 mins. In one of my saved games on huge Galaxy, it takes about 2 min. to pass the "ground combat stage" while never being able to see "X AI enemy left" where X != 0. But once I start giving my planets away, ie high tax, gift, etc, the delay reduced to 10 sec during the whole "ground combat stage." Notice that the saved file got a lot larger, about doubling the size, yet still processed much faster.
-) Planetary Production - severity: high - bug
I'll have something in the Military build queue, and whenever I adjust the sliders so that it says 1 turn till complete, I'll hit 'Next Turn', when I return to the queue, it'll say 'Turns till Complete' 1, and it'll show that for up to 5 turns before completing.
-) Shortcuts - severity: high - bug
Occasionally all the shortcuts will lock up completely making the keyboard useless and more importantly depriving the user of the ESC key (vital for 'upon menu' commands). A complete shut down of the programme is required to reclaim your shortcuts.
-) Hardcoded Race Modifiers - severity: high - bug
"...the Ethereans were not the ideal manufacturers that they should have been..." - MOO3 Manual, p. 44. But they get +=4 to manufacturing efficiency (best, tied with cybernetiks), +=3 to research efficiency (best, tied with psilons), AND have the second best environment bonus (+2, fishies have +3). Their hardcoded manufacturing bonus combined with their huge worlds makes for some pretty imbalanced gameplay. Is the +=4 manufacturing supposed to be +=-4?
-) (A) Savegames - severity: high - bug
Currently, if you are playing sole survivor and you load a game, the senate victory (and maybe antarian X victory) is switched back on.
Workaround: Start a new sole survivor game and then load the old game.
-) Unrest - severity: high - bug
Leader effect continues even after dismissing leader.
-) Combat scheduling - severity: high - bug
During precombat task force selection for combat, non-combat task forces are selected in lieu of combat task forces. Please reorder the task force prioritization for combat scheduling.
-) Combat Scheduler, severity: high - bug?
I've noticed that in shared systems, if you're at war with one of the races, you can't touch their planet b/c other planets belonging to other races are in the system, the only way to get around this, bomb the other planets first.
-) Combat Scheduler, severity: high - bug?
You also can't bomb an enemies' planet if a 3rd party ship is in the planet... i.e. u have to destroy the 3rd party ship first, even if it is an ally.
-) Technology - severity: high - bug
Stealing or trading for sunlight redirection does not allow you to terraform planets
-) DEAs - severity: high - bug
Building bulk freighter (and I think warehousing too) improvements to your space ports actually lowers the income generated.
-) Development plans - severity: high - bug
I cannot fill the last two lines.
-) Language bug - severity: high - bug
After getting the game, to my dismay I found it would stop for 10 or 20 seconds each minute of game time (more or less). This was really, really annoying until I found that if I changed language from Portuguese - Standard ( my native language) to US the problem stopped. I think this should be looked upon because, at least here in Portugal, the game as it is being sold is almost unplayable...
-) (F) Ground Combat - severity: high - bug
Typos in GroundCombat.txt: Unicode entries for Assault Blaster, Plasma Pod, Armored Exoskeleton. Typo in TechTables.txt: UnicodeD entry for Assault Blaster. The weapons are listed in the order in which they will be upgraded by the AI, so for example the AI will upgrade to Energy level 10 plasma projectors even if you have Energy level 38 fusion obliterators
-) (A) Colonization Screen, No Planet Selected - severity: high - bug
If you click on the Forces tab and tell the AI to colonize without a planet selected, an error message will come up stating that you have no planet selected. At this point, if you back all the way out to the galaxy map, the game will crash on your next action.
-) Securom tying up Processing power even outside of game - severity: high - bug
What it does is to tie up the firmware and microcontroller of unusual drives to such a degree that it causes hefty delays when outside the game. The drive will try to figure out the format violations, speeding up and down the spindle for *hours*.
-) Ship Autogeneration - severity: high - bug
For Recon ships, there is no ship space cap or it is an overflow error. I modded the electronics to use a percentage of space instead of a fixed amount. The autogeneration works fine for the other types of ships. In fact it only puts one of the electronics on like it should be. All except the RECON ship generation.
-) Finances - severity: medium-high - bug
The ledger always lists income from scrapped units as 0. There is no definitive single number for the overall profit or loss that appears correct every time. The number next to the reserve value on the top of the screen is almost always negative, and the ledger balance number at times predicts a profit when a sizeable loss results. If it is correct, then it is not all too clear as to which value is the right one. Need an entry that indicates what income is resulting from selling surplus raw materials.
-) Ground transport assembly - severity: medium-high - bug
Having large numbers of troops in reserve causes the unit list to truncate. This is especially difficult in late game, as sometimes hundreds of new units are built, completely burying the unit you want. Condensing units down to just one slot per unit/race in each experience level with a number to indicate the number would be much more manageable.
-) System Seat of Government built but lost - severity: medium-high - bug
The planetary queue builds a SSG, but it does not appear in the Gov DEA. AI will re-append SSG to queue immediately if a free slot is available, on next occasion otherwise. E.g. build two Gov DEAs on separate planets in a system. The second will auto-queue, build, waste, and requeue SSG's ad infinitum.

PS: Sorry but I'm already sick of MoO3 fanboyz and at a terminal phase beside that, dont worry I'm not like this usually, please apologize, had to vent...