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QS have released Patch info!

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  • I actually went through and shut off everysingle program running except for explorer and that still didnt fix it. I am at a loss.


    • Official Infogrames Tech Support

      "Bugs? There are no bugs. We have destroyed two bugs, two anomalies, and a misspelling. We have driven them back. I guarantee you, there are no bugs in our software. Those who say there are bugs, (dramatic pause) THEY are the bugs. All they tell is lies, lies, and more lies! - Thank you for calling Infogrames support. (click)"


      • Re: direct x problem

        Originally posted by cyberghost
        i have the direct x surface not available message pop up EVERY TIME i try to play this game i am on my 1st game. it started happening around turn 475. i am currently on turn i cant go even one turn without the direct x crashing my game. am i frustrated? you bet your freakin collective butts i'm frustrated with this problem...
        Actually, you may be one of the lucky ones according to your symptoms!

        First, delete most or all of your saved games.

        If that does not work, then I would ask if you had applied any of the patches QSI has released since you began the game. If so, then I'm afraid you may have to start all over again.

        Hope this helps a little better than the worthless Infogrames FAQ. If not, see the man above!


        • I guess i could copy my save game to a diskette and then delete it and start over. I wont feel so bad that way. And who knows maybe QS will eventually fix this bug. By the way it would be a shame if your reply was stuck in my post and nobody else got a chance to read it , because it is absolutly the funniest thing i have seen posted anywhere hands down. My wife hates games but when i showed her your post she laughed and laughed!
          Please put it in a thread where everyone can see it .It is too funny not to share!!


          • Re: Official Infogrames Tech Support

            Originally posted by Kahn

            "Bugs? There are no bugs. We have destroyed two bugs, two anomalies, and a misspelling. We have driven them back. I guarantee you, there are no bugs in our software. Those who say there are bugs, (dramatic pause) THEY are the bugs. All they tell is lies, lies, and more lies! - Thank you for calling Infogrames support. (click)"
            So there is he hiding!

