1. Ship Design.
a. I want to click on a ship design and update it. (not the ships themselves shouldn't be updated until a refit.)
b. I want to delete ship designs.
c. I'd like the drop down menu not to have a default. (ex. I'll click from the bottom up LR, star ship, then it defaults back to lancer, orbtial me.)
d. When you click on the weapons tab, it covers up your size used/total in the corner.
e. Extend the ship names.
2. I'd love in the Empire section another tab for Miltary priorities.
3. Site Rep
a. Let us decide what should be red, green, and yellow.
b. Separate military and ciliviation buildings.
c. Let us click to show spy actions. Show what class the spy that just died was so I won't have to guess.
4. Dip.
The only issue I have here is with the tech exchange. Show what Class and Level the techs are!
5. Tech.
I don't really have any problems here. I do think it is alittle tedious to click on each of the different schools.
a. Why not just show us the level researched and percentage complete on the first screen?
6. Finances.
I'd say leave it alone just explain it.
7. Empire Section
a. Make a Military pri. List.
8. Main Map.
a. Make the system names show at all zoom levels
b. That Guardian I just ran into. It shows the system name during battle, when I look on the map it isn't there.
c. A little Skull and cross bones flag for all the systems that my ships don't make it back from.
d. Some times my map gets stuck scrolling up. I have to wait for the next turn and it magically gets fixed sometimes. It isn't my mouse though because I can still move the cursor to all the other tabs.
9. AI
Leave it alone. I've played three games. I can tell you right now; just leave it alone. My first game Klacons I won by Senate, my Second Rass I lost by senate, and my 3 I turned off Senate and playing as Silicoids. I'm a peaceful guy myself. I haven't had the resources to really start ship building until turns 150-160. Before that it was 3-5 scouts, colonies and outposts. Both my first two games ended about 180. That's
10. Victory.
a. The Senate win require 2/3 majority not just sightly more than the New Orions.
11. Encyclopedia.
a. Release how to mod it out. Let the community do the work for you. Patch in 2 months.
b. I've looked at all those spreadsheet .txt files. How hard would it have been to throw those numbers in the help???
12. Build Que.
a. on the military build que., I'd like to see the stats of the ship that I designed; not some generic description. Remember how Moo2 did it? Come on All I want is Ship Size, Attack/ Defense, Armor, Shields , and Drive. There is plenty of space there for it.
b. why all the icons? I'd be happier with my build ques had names. I can always read, but icons don't relay enough info.
c. expand the military build que to six places.
a. I want to click on a ship design and update it. (not the ships themselves shouldn't be updated until a refit.)
b. I want to delete ship designs.
c. I'd like the drop down menu not to have a default. (ex. I'll click from the bottom up LR, star ship, then it defaults back to lancer, orbtial me.)
d. When you click on the weapons tab, it covers up your size used/total in the corner.
e. Extend the ship names.
2. I'd love in the Empire section another tab for Miltary priorities.
3. Site Rep
a. Let us decide what should be red, green, and yellow.
b. Separate military and ciliviation buildings.
c. Let us click to show spy actions. Show what class the spy that just died was so I won't have to guess.
4. Dip.
The only issue I have here is with the tech exchange. Show what Class and Level the techs are!
5. Tech.
I don't really have any problems here. I do think it is alittle tedious to click on each of the different schools.
a. Why not just show us the level researched and percentage complete on the first screen?
6. Finances.
I'd say leave it alone just explain it.
7. Empire Section
a. Make a Military pri. List.
8. Main Map.
a. Make the system names show at all zoom levels
b. That Guardian I just ran into. It shows the system name during battle, when I look on the map it isn't there.
c. A little Skull and cross bones flag for all the systems that my ships don't make it back from.
d. Some times my map gets stuck scrolling up. I have to wait for the next turn and it magically gets fixed sometimes. It isn't my mouse though because I can still move the cursor to all the other tabs.
9. AI
Leave it alone. I've played three games. I can tell you right now; just leave it alone. My first game Klacons I won by Senate, my Second Rass I lost by senate, and my 3 I turned off Senate and playing as Silicoids. I'm a peaceful guy myself. I haven't had the resources to really start ship building until turns 150-160. Before that it was 3-5 scouts, colonies and outposts. Both my first two games ended about 180. That's
10. Victory.
a. The Senate win require 2/3 majority not just sightly more than the New Orions.
11. Encyclopedia.
a. Release how to mod it out. Let the community do the work for you. Patch in 2 months.
b. I've looked at all those spreadsheet .txt files. How hard would it have been to throw those numbers in the help???
12. Build Que.
a. on the military build que., I'd like to see the stats of the ship that I designed; not some generic description. Remember how Moo2 did it? Come on All I want is Ship Size, Attack/ Defense, Armor, Shields , and Drive. There is plenty of space there for it.
b. why all the icons? I'd be happier with my build ques had names. I can always read, but icons don't relay enough info.
c. expand the military build que to six places.