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The patch thread: what to patch?

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  • Amen, to all the above.
    I ahve to sat that being able to upgrade ships is a HUGE fix that needs to be dealt with! Spy are fine, as they are even if they are kind of annoying. I like the size of the tech tree as it is, but some real descriptions NEED to be added big time!
    And PLEASE fix the vicroys from Building troopships and support units all the damn time. That is a really big pain in my A**!!!!!!!!!
    And here is a request I ahve not seen here. In MOO2 I could choose to invade, bombard, etc a planet. I find the lack of this control to be a downgrade, not an upgrade in this game. I only get to do orbital bombardments if the AI decides to grant me the permission to do so. Granted maybe if I controled comabt it would allow me to have this ability. But I find the fleet comabt cotrol to be just about useless to control. It is clunky as hell. And besides in MOO2 I could let the AI handle the comabt and still choose what do to the planet I'm attacking. This would be a huge plus for me.
    And one other while I am at it. Being able to actually choose the make up of the Antaran Expedition would be a nice bonus. and also expand the info you get from the expeditions. Telling me it is outbound, inbound, at destination, etc. Is the bare minimuim of info. I would think this could be expanded to give it a fuller, richer effect. After all this supposed to be a civ changing process. i would think I could get more info after sending out dozens of ships. If I spent that much time and money
    outfitting a research mission like this and all I herard back from the mission commander was "outbound" I would fire him at the least!
    Being able to save custom races should have been in the factory release as far as I am concerned. Please put in a patch!!! I am tired of remaking the same race over and over!!!
    Ok that is my wish list.............For now.



    • I will focus only on the diplomatic AI here. As it is now the D AI understands only one thing. HATE

      If they hate you they will be at war no matter what. If they don't hate you they let you take all their planets and keep offering deals. Just play a game with expert diplomacy and you will see what I mean.

      To QS: Teach the D AI some other things. Like FEAR for instance. Or SURVIVAL. Or COMMON SENSE.

      In demand box add demand "Stop spying" I had trade agreements and non agression pacts with some race with a funny name and they kept harassing me with their spies all the game.

      Also, social spies are .... well what can I say, but just think a single spy bringing an Empire-wide unrest?? Not only it's annoying but it's also childish and rediculous.

      Make defensive spies to actually work. As it is now it's unclear to say the least. I didn't notice an improvement using defensive spies. It seems that only the oppressometer does something (which you almost can't use if the enemy uses social spies).



      • Just cure the DX error and I'll be happy!


        • Originally posted by Stephen Roney on the official Atari forum (patch info thread)

          Because you just can't wait another day....
          This was put as the header to the latest patch update. I believe we have all waited long enough.


          • There are lots of problems in this game, but much has been said about fleets, guardians, ship design, horrible viceroys that only build troop ships, etc.

            But I'm having some SERIOUS problems with diplomacy.

            1) Allies ask you to declare war on someone, but they don't tell you who you're supposed to declare war to. Can we say what the ****? The only reasonable option is to say no. Ah, but if you say no, you get a penalty. So the only option? Make a BS counteroffer (it doesn't matter if it's good or bad). This leads me to my next complaint.
            2)Counteroffers are NEVER accepted (which makes it easy to get out of any alliance obligations without penalty).
            3)Most "exchange" or even demands you propose are NEVER accepted, even if they are VERY favorable. I'll exchange super-duper-mega-hyperdrive for pd lasers and they'll turn in down.
            4)Yet it will be very easy to propose some kind of trade/science pact and get accepted, and it is quite easy to get an alliance out of somebody.
            5)Voting in the orion senate is weird... If you vote you cannot change your mind, or there isn't a "are you sure?" message dialog. Granted, in real life you cannot retract a vote, but since this is a TURN BASED GAME, your vote theoretically hasn't been sent by diplomats yet. So shouldn't you be able to pull your senate diplomat to the side and say "I change my mind about condemning the klackons"?

            While number five is a trivial complaint, the other four make the game almost unplayable and make me want to turn diplomacy OFF for ALL RACES.

            Note: When I type in caps, it isn't because I'm yelling, it's because I don't know how to do italics in this forum

            PS: I loved MOO2 to death... why couldn't they just have left parts of the game that WORKED (ie, ship design)?


            • 1) Have you installed the 1.25 patch?
              2) I have had counteroffers accepted. Also, or rather more importantly, a counteroffer is not "give me this instead of what you offered", but "give me this in addition to what you offered"
              3)They have to like you a lot before you can exchange technology and at first it will need to be 3 of yours for 1 of theirs, but over time you can get that to switch around.
              4) So?
              5) --

              PS: The only similarity between this game and MOO2 is the name.
              "Evil reptilian kitten-eater from another planet."
              Call to Power 2 Source Code Project 2005.06.28 Apolyton Edition


              • What I'd like to see:

                - New interface colours/skins, possibly different sound schemes (For different races, maybe?)
                - Re-Implementation of the races that are not playable, but are in the game (Gnolam, Darlok, etc. - yeah, right...)
                - More "Special" picks for custom races
                - Ability to save custom races/empires and possibly the settings with them (Such as development plans and system classes)
                - Implementation of custom empire flags (I know you can do it right now, but as an in-game feature, it'd be nice to have)
                - Options to change resolutions
                - Star Map Font and Font size options, in conjunction with the ability to show star system names when zoomed out further
                - More information on leaders - age, for example (And information regarding the life expectancy of their race)
                - Ability to select your opponents' races (Possibly only on low difficulty levels)
                - Ability to select your race portrait from the custom creation screen, rather than having to select a race first.
                - Ability to lock values such as taxes, terraforming, and so on.

                ...mostly little annoyances, I haven't been too deep into the game yet, and I suck at the game anyways, so I wouldn't be able to provide input on balance issues or anything.
                Last edited by Sedmire; February 9, 2004, 16:21.


                • Uh
                  Well, I just patched the game, and I guess the "saving development plans" was in it.


                  • I'm seeing lots of great ideas!! One I saw in a previous post I think should be a MUST... "make a simple path to production queues" or "Use a colony summary screen so that you can "mass edit" production" and make it so that you have more than just 3 que slots... That just doesn't last very long on a well developed planet.

                    Spies are (in my opinion) quite annoying more often than worth-while in the installed and updated to version 1.2.5, so I was VERY happy to find a mod which basically turns them off... So, doing something good to make them, say, last a lot longer and do more would be one great step to making them usefull enough to try them again... And, I agree with this statement also by the same guy: "tone down spys... they can be a bit silly blowing up everything in sight until you get counter spys in place"

                    Here's any idea, partly in tune with all the modding I'm trying to figure out how to do... Why not add an interface to edit such things as the tech tree of your chosen race (even if it can only be used at the start/creation of your game) so you can experiment? I would personally love to be able to see the effects of some of the techs out there, but might not be able to research it myself or trade for it for whatever reason. It might even be fun to see what any particular game would be like if I played a race destined to learn ALL the techs without getting any help from any other race if I wanted to try something hard (seeing that the number of techs you have slows down over-all tech levelling because you have to research all of those in each level before going on to the next)...

                    On a line of the tech token, how about it when you're in a game at turn 256 or whatever and you begin research something that you KNOW will be useless... Couldn't there be a way to make your civilization abandon it either temporarily or permanently?? To me, researching a useless tech can be a supreme waste of researching time and money...

                    Also, (I've seen this idea before, and REALLY like it) could a decent modding interface be created?? I'm not talking about editting just the text files or being able to locate certain files to be swapped out for something someone else created, but to have a tutorial along with it to help you along with practically doing whatever you want (except changing the very basics of stuff like the game engine and other major programming)? I don't know about the rest of you, but being able to go so far as to replace all the races with Star Trek universe stuff or Babylon 5, or whatever tickles your fancy can make the game's replayability go way up!! Anyone every hear of Space Empires 4?? You can do that with them as well as a whole lot more!!

                    Also... I noticed one thing missing in MOO3... There were many of them in MOO2, but now they're ALL gone....... The monsters!!! Where are the space hydras, dragons, and such?? Did they decide this universe isn't fun anymore?? I liked having the challenge of running up against those things once in a while... Can they come back, too??

                    One last thing... As far as races go, what about being able to create (or recreate) a new race easily and maybe stick it into one of the vacant slots for one of the "types" of races you can choose from?
                    Last edited by Keeblerdawg89; April 19, 2004, 23:11.


                    • 1. Has anyone else noticed that on the habitability zone chart that "martian" and "jovian" are flip-floped?

                      2. the stars with Guardians should be marked

                      3. TOO MANY WEAPON TECHS!

                      4. Make the solar systems more realistic

                      5. The Ichthytosians should like Terra Aproxima planets, not Neptune clones.

                      6. Obsolete ships shoup be able to be upgraded.

                      7. An option to exterminate races you don't want in your empire (like the harvesters).

                      8. When an opponent thretens you they should say why.

                      9. You shouldn't have to wait until your population on a world with a magnate race reaches 1000 until the planet is considered colonized.


                      • Moo3 is dead.
                        "Evil reptilian kitten-eater from another planet."
                        Call to Power 2 Source Code Project 2005.06.28 Apolyton Edition


                        • is soemone still monitoring this thread ive just got the game and my cdrom wont read the play disk verry frustrating and i cant find a nocd crack anyone have any ideas for a whereabouts of one??????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????


                          • Originally posted by deathgiver
                            is soemone still monitoring this thread ive just got the game and my cdrom wont read the play disk verry frustrating and i cant find a BLEEP! anyone have any ideas for a whereabouts of one??????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????
                            Try the Atari Forums people are still active over there.
                            "Evil reptilian kitten-eater from another planet."
                            Call to Power 2 Source Code Project 2005.06.28 Apolyton Edition

