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Can we have the game this week?

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Harry Seldon
    A wise man once said, the squeaky wheel gets the grease...
    A very dim witted man from a game once said "Squeaky wheel gets the kick"


    • #77
      a paranoid Man once said:
      A big Squirrel will kill to get Nuts.
      but anyway i played Moo2 since it appeared and fire it still up, and it will be replaced by MoO3. At least I hope so.. I didnt replace Civ2 . It will be propably played for a looong Time so lets take the Wait easy.
      Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


      • #78
        A certain developer once said they don't care how much you b***h before the product is released, as long as you buy it once it is released.
        I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


        • #79
          Shoot, I'll probably be b***hing in line waiting to buy the game on the day it's released. But then, I like to b***h.


          • #80
            It's true, why would developers care about anyone but themselves? They're basically the same as athlete's in that sense.
            Veni, vidi, vici.
            [I came, I saw, I conquered].
            -- Gaius Julius Caesar


            • #81
              Originally posted by TheMaestro
              It's true, why would developers care about anyone but themselves? They're basically the same as athlete's in that sense.
              most dev's do give a ****. I got into this biz because I wanted to entertain people. Not for the money and power associated with it. Because god knows, developers have SO much power and SO much money

              (falls on floor in a hysterically laughing heap)
              Rantz Hoseley
              Art Director
              Quicksilver Software, Inc.


              • #82
                Originally posted by Rantz

                most dev's do give a ****. I got into this biz because I wanted to entertain people. Not for the money and power associated with it. Because god knows, developers have SO much power and SO much money

                (falls on floor in a hysterically laughing heap)
                Heaps can laugh?
                Veni, vidi, vici.
                [I came, I saw, I conquered].
                -- Gaius Julius Caesar


                • #83
                  Some developers do care, that is the peeps from Bioware, always keeping in constant contact on their boards...MMORPG creators are usually very active, but they have to be --

                  It's all in the eye of the beholder, when people complain, publishers should take it as that means the people really want their product, but it always seems to be taken as the wrong thing.
                  Veni, vidi, vici.
                  [I came, I saw, I conquered].
                  -- Gaius Julius Caesar


                  • #84
                    Hey! you guys all starting jumping on Hokey and scared him away. He was my toy to torment, go find your own whiny fan boy to play with!


                    • #85
                      this is the second or third time you've posted a lame light-hearted remark about me. I considered ignoring your amusing insults all together, but then I thought: "this girl needs to be encouraged to post more"...for no better or worse reason than to improve your incredibly poor bantering skills. More power to you tower! good luck baby!


                      • #86
                        and you come back with the incredibly lame retort of calling me a girl.... I take it you have a problem with the opposite sex?

                        Out of curiousity, what's so insulting about being a female. Approx 50% of the human race is.


                        • #87
                          you assume too much, just as I did. Your tone sounded like those of other females that I've had the pleasure and displeasure of conversing with. By all means, take it as a compliment if you'll undoubtedly help heal the hurt you feel from other parts of my "lame retort".


                          • #88
                            Ooh, ooh! Cat fight!!!


                            • #89
                              Here's an idea...stop checking the threads if u get pissed off. Its like looking at a clock. The more you look at it, the slower time goes. This is comparable to constantly checking up on Moo3's progress. It will happen eventually just give it some TIME! Oh and while ur waiting go play Medieval:Total War or Civ3 both are cool games and good strategy. I recently had a short obsession over Haegemonia Legions of Iron but sorta over that now. Medieval!!! Awesome game!!!! But yeah I still wants Moo3!! wants it we wants it!!!! Giiiiive it to ussssssss!!!!

                              The only thing Im sorta steaming about is that i've been on holidays since November and I go to Uni late February early March...I could've been playing Moo3 IF it had been released earlier. I really really wish it had but stiff sh*t I s'pose. But I really feel like bashing someone but I guess I just have to count to ten. Log off and sign on again a week from now. But in the meantime my frustration shall be vented on these faces:


                              • #90
                                Medieval!!! Awesome game!!!!
                                Yep. It definetly is. Have you seen the preview shots and video for Rome Total War? New 3d engine. mmmm.
                                By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.

