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Can we have the game this week?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by moomin

    You're all under a lot of press, but I've never seen you or Chanz post anything that even remotely rubbed me the wrong way like that - and you've withstood provacation far, far worse.
    What had me run away from posting was this exact behavior by Rantz (and other high up QS people). Of course, this is a while ago, on the old MoO 3 Delphi board when that was up. After several incidents that i really have never seen anything comparable to (by grown ups anyway), i decided to pack and go away

    Then again, the very little contact i had with Irene was nothing but positive.


    • #47
      Originally posted by GP
      Don't become all Yinlike
      Perish the thought.

      Much as I miss the guy, I'm not really that desperate.
      "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
      "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.


      • #48
        Originally posted by MarkG

        * MarkG now waits for doom.....
        Maybe I could provoke a flame war between the GalCiv and Moo3 companies. That would probably drive a lot of traffic to Apolyton. And (just coincidentally) help me with the whole postcount thing. Could be fun while we wait to see which one comes out first.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Rantz

          And, for the record GP the 'speculation' that you put forth a lot of times doesn't bug me.
          Hmmm. Maybe that means some of my shots in the dark hit. Perhaps you need some business help. I'm pretty good at analyzing problems and coming up with the unpleasant but true answer. Not too good at lying and keeping you happy with what you want to hear though...


          • #50
            Originally posted by Don K Hotay

            Febuary 28th? Unbe-f###ing-leavable!!! At this point, can even the loyal, bum-kissing, hardcore IG/QS fans ignore the suspicous nature of this game? I'm frustrated with everyone involved in the MOO3 project, the publishers, developers, the fans...the entire community. What an aggravating fiasco this has turned into. I don't care which or what kind of people are at the other end of the internet, because they deserve whatever crap gets thrown on them. Moreover, none of them deserve to be in the business that they're in, because they are abhorrently ignorant of the bottom line....not their bottome line, but THE bottom line {{{THE FANS}}}. I don't want this stupid game, and I don't care if you ever put it out, IG/QS. If I ever see any of the names involved in this project on other projects, I'll make it my mission to convince everyone to boycott it.
            Gee, another of the "I want it now" generation speaks...

            Tell me, did you turn red in the face, beat your fists on the floor and roll around some when you were done posting this? I have seen 2 year olds with more patience.

            What industry do you work for? Why don't you tell us so we can ridicule you and tell you how wrong you are doing it, even and especially if we have no prior experience with what you do.

            The game will be out when it's out, plain and simple. Complaining, whining and posting will not hurry it along. Most of the fans of the game are *extremely* frustrated, true, but yelling at the developers doesn't make them hurry, if anything (and if it were me) I'd work slower just because.

            Patience is a virtue, try some on for size, you may like it.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Ozymandous
              but yelling at the developers doesn't make them hurry, if anything (and if it were me) I'd work slower just because.
              Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
              Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
     my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


              • #52
                Originally posted by Rantz

                Yes, and the sentence before that said the internal date (both IG and QS) for gold and release is WELL before that, hence why I said I'd off myself if it wasn't out by then. Markos has played the game, Xentax, and a few others here, they know how friggin close it is at this point.

                (And no, you wiseacres, WELL before doesn't mean a week before the 28th of Feb...)
                "Friggin close" will make a fine addition to the list of adjectives used by QS and IG to describe the imminence of the release.

                Very Soon is still my #1 favorite. It warms my heart to be greeted with that every time I have opened the Moo3 website over the last SIX WEEKS. Every time that page comes up my Gaming Geek GF and I say togther in loud, firm voices "Very Sooooooooooon and the anguish of waiting is lessened temporarily. Then we play some moo2 over the net and she gets mad when I win.

                When Hell finally freezes over, and very soon vanishes from the wonderfully informative and up-to-date Moo3 site, I will be very sad.


                Very soooooooon!!
                "Cunnilingus and Psychiatry have brought us to this..."

                Tony Soprano


                • #53
                  I would have to believe that the only reason there is the level of anger focused at the developers is really solely due to a combo of very long development time combined with many many false promises of release for this game.

                  Although I know that some games have been in development for long periods and then came out and were great. Although I don't recall any other "long development" games making the same promises of release and letdown that MOO3 has.

                  Please correct me if I am wrong.

                  I really think this has to be factored into trying to understand the reasoning behind the "bash the developers" mentality.
                  While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


                  • #54
                    i think StarCraft got pushed back a lot, but blizzard fans kind of expect that sort of thing to happen. the whiny kids gave up a long time ago with blizzard, even the most think headed ones have learned that no amount of whining would help them out


                    • #55
                      I like to complain, so I'll whine a little, but these last delays are giving me a chance to pound Metal Dungeon into dust and finish the newest Robert Jordan book. Toss in another certification test to round out the wait and I'll be ready for galactic domination about the time MOO3 rolls into the stores...

                      * Harry chuckles as he clears level 20 with five players named Thom Merrilin while reciting Groupwise ports...


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by vee4473
                        I would have to believe that the only reason there is the level of anger focused at the developers is really solely due to a combo of very long development time combined with many many false promises of release for this game.

                        Although I know that some games have been in development for long periods and then came out and were great. Although I don't recall any other "long development" games making the same promises of release and letdown that MOO3 has.

                        Please correct me if I am wrong.

                        I really think this has to be factored into trying to understand the reasoning behind the "bash the developers" mentality.

                        Are gamers (and consumers in general) these days so damn full of understanding and patience that they don't realize what IG/QS have been doing is bull****? Just because it IS just a computer game doesn't make it any less important for a consumer to have and hope for. To me, this game was comparable to nothing less than a car or a house, because the tremendous enthusiasm and desire I have for it was spurred on and cultivated by the developers and the community of fans. Its been a massive ad campaign the last two or three years, and if the product being delayed by a week or a month or a quarter had been a car or a house, would anyone argue with any sort of rage or frustration I or anyone else felt?

                        And instead of making dull-wittted, ironically condescending remarks to those of us who are expressing genuine feelings, perhaps you should count to ten as some others do, become genuinely enlightened, and join in and let IG/QS know that what they are doing is BULL****!!!!!!


                        • #57
                          All I gotta say, you all check out The Ur-Quan Masters? The re-release of Star Control II for the PC, made by regular people from the streets --

                          They came up with a game, when they have no money...they get it all done in months.

                          And some others take three years...code is code.
                          Veni, vidi, vici.
                          [I came, I saw, I conquered].
                          -- Gaius Julius Caesar


                          • #58

                            They started with the code on the 3DO. They're porting it to linux. They came up with nothing original on their own. They're copying. They're tracing.

                            There's a HUGE difference. Moo3 didn't exist. The SC2 team knows exactly how things work and what they're supposed to look like. Heck, they even have the graphics and sound files pre-done for them.

                            And have you tried it? It's in ALPHA right now. Kind of. It crashes all the time, some of the races aren't playable...all sorts of issues. And this is with them having access to some kind of source code.

                            Also, SC2 is what, over 10 years old? There are a few more complexities nowadays than there were that long ago.

                            I am willing to bet that, if someone else had already written MOO3 for a platform, they might be a wee bit quicker. But we'd be awaiting a game that we had already played...ten years ago.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Don K Hotay
                              Are gamers (and consumers in general) these days so damn full of understanding and patience that they don't realize what IG/QS have been doing is bull****?
                              get a grip.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by H Tower

                                get a grip.
                                no...why don't you lose a grip?

