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Can we have the game this week?

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  • #61
    because losing my cool online would make me look like a little child

    what good is yelling at the developer going to do?


    • #62
      Originally posted by Rantz
      Honestly most of the MOO posting I'll be doing until the game is out will likely be here, since folks here at least seem to have *some* semblence of rational thought... lol
      Are you sure you're feeling alright? Haven't banged the head on the old keyboard once too often ... ?


      • #63
        i agree with ravagon, Don K Hokey seems to fly right in the face of that rantz. but i'm glad you're coming around here


        • #64
          the problem with you supposed "rational" thinkers, those of you who project an exhorbatant amount false pride in your posts and replies merely for having the proverbial grip, is that its bull. You're so caught up in yourselves and some ridiculous notion of the very thing you don't have: rational thought.

          You've witnessed delays before, so you accept, even welcome any related to this game. You've painted a picture of the industry as if it was completely commonplace to have such fiascos, and so of course, you refuse to acknowledge MOO3 as one. I guess its partly because you have so much insider knowledge and experience with developement. Screw your knowledge and experience. Screaming at the devs is pointless you say? WELL ONLY BECAUSE HALF OF YOU WON"T PARTICIPATE IN IT.

          Again, count to ten, gather your thought, then take IG/QS's **** out of your ***, turn around, pull up your pants, and tell them to stop messing with you.


          • #65
            It's just funny to me to think about having this much venom towards a game that a person has never played and doesn't own.

            That will cost, at most, $50 when it comes out.

            That has absolutely no real-life value.

            Comparing it to a car or a You know, you can live in a house, right? Like, for multiple years and stuff? Even cook dinner, take a bath, sleep there, have friends over...

            Why would I get this mad about Moo3? It didn't sleep with my girlfriend, cause me to get fired or increase global warming. (at least, I hope not.)Why should I yell at people for delaying what can only be considered an exceptional luxury item that will ultimately give me some pleasure and distract me?

            I can understand getting worked up about something out of your control in an irrational manner. I do watch sports after all, and my fav teams were horrifyingly bad this season. But I can't imagine being actually angry at the people or even the organizations involved. These are real people, ya know? They have families, lives, friends, and are trying to do their jobs as best they can. Heck, they have the job of making other people happy - and that's simultaneously one of the most rewarding and frightening jobs a person can have.

            Anyway, CT has had some reasonably eloquent points about why he believes that the game will suck and why he won't buy it. I don't agree with him and I think he's acting somewhat paranoid and without knowledge, but he's at least eloquent about it and not particularly hateful.

            This latest stuff...sorry, don't get it. Why would I be mad about a game? Especially one that I have absolutely no financial, familial, or anything other than trivial investment in?


            • #66
              I do not relish delays, in fact I abhore them, but there is nothing that I can do to make them speed up the work or release the game. Moo3 has been delayed several times, but it remains to be seen whether it is indeed a fiasco. If QS and IG don't make money it will be a fiasco for them. If the game sucks, it will be a fiasco for the fans and QS and IG.

              What exactly do you think that all the fans screaming would accomplish? That QS would release a game that isn't finished? What a great idea!


              • #67
                Hopefully, when all's said and done, the devs will take it all for what it is - over-enthusiasm for something people are looking forward to.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Don K Hotay


                  Are gamers (and consumers in general) these days so damn full of understanding and patience that they don't realize what IG/QS have been doing is bull****? Just because it IS just a computer game doesn't make it any less important for a consumer to have and hope for. To me, this game was comparable to nothing less than a car or a house, because the tremendous enthusiasm and desire I have for it was spurred on and cultivated by the developers and the community of fans. Its been a massive ad campaign the last two or three years, and if the product being delayed by a week or a month or a quarter had been a car or a house, would anyone argue with any sort of rage or frustration I or anyone else felt?
                  Ah, but see here is the rub, no one said you HAD to buy the game. Ever hear about the movie version of Spiderman? Production of a movie based on the comic was delayed for over 5 years (more like 15+ if I remember correctly) yet it eventually came out. The same will happen with this game.

                  Funny, I don't remember QS advertising this game to the general public as you claim, but I *do* remember them letting the fans in on the development process, which 99% of the companies DON'T do, which you may have construed as ongoing "advertisement.

                  Funny you mention if the game were a house... I have been trying to get a house built for over a year now. First there was the six months it took to find a lot, then came the next six months during which time the lot was _finally_ bought and the ground cleared. It wasn't until the last month or so that the foundation was poured and the framing began. Yes I know about frustration, but yelling at the general contractor (especially when he's my father-in-law and we're buying the house at his cost to build!) doesn't make the house get built any quicker.

                  Stop thinking you're special because _you_ are angry and frustrated, there are a lot of things in the world that are _much_ more important right now than a game, so relax and enjoy the nuclear fall-out free air while you can.

                  And instead of making dull-wittted, ironically condescending remarks to those of us who are expressing genuine feelings, perhaps you should count to ten as some others do, become genuinely enlightened, and join in and let IG/QS know that what they are doing is BULL****!!!!!!
                  And perhaps YOU should count to ten and see if what you're posting you'd say to the developers face-to-face without getting a fist in your mouth. Funny, counting to ten is usually a way to CALM DOWN, not get more upset.

                  The advice still stands, take a break and stop yelling at people if you want to be taken seriously, otherwise all you're doing is pissing people off and showing your maturity level, or lack there-of.

                  Oh, by the way "enlightenment" does not mean you can be rude and call people incompetient or stupid just because they aren't there face-to-face with you to put a boot in your butt. On the other hand, saying someone is acting childish because they are throwing a temper tantrum is something else...


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Ozymandous
                    Funny, I don't remember QS advertising this game to the general public as you claim, but I *do* remember them letting the fans in on the development process, which 99% of the companies DON'T do, which you may have construed as ongoing "advertisement.
                    Hmm...perhaps you should look at the back of the CIVIII manual, or check some gamer mags from about this year last time...or last summer, or even circulars from local electronics companies from around Dec1.

                    Don't get me wrong....I'd rather have an enjoyable game mostly free of bugs, than a rushed one that is not. However, I'd never get away without providing a time table where I work for my boss (which may be shared with the customer). Also my work involves hardware and software design. I usually set a date that is doable (handidly). Therefore, I cannot think of one that I've missed.

                    So QS, take as long as you like. Just do not post unrealist dates for release.

                    We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by ravagon

                      Are you sure you're feeling alright? Haven't banged the head on the old keyboard once too often ... ?
                      They must be really bad at the other forums. Maybe they are a bunch of little kids over there. So even if we have trolls ( Markos, "discussion sponsors" would be more PC) here, we're not as annoying as a bunch of little script kiddies.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by kalbear
                        It's just funny to me to think about having this much venom towards a game that a person has never played and doesn't own.

                        That will cost, at most, $50 when it comes out.

                        That has absolutely no real-life value.

                        Comparing it to a car or a You know, you can live in a house, right? Like, for multiple years and stuff? Even cook dinner, take a bath, sleep there, have friends over...

                        Why would I get this mad about Moo3? It didn't sleep with my girlfriend, cause me to get fired or increase global warming. (at least, I hope not.)Why should I yell at people for delaying what can only be considered an exceptional luxury item that will ultimately give me some pleasure and distract me?

                        I can understand getting worked up about something out of your control in an irrational manner. I do watch sports after all, and my fav teams were horrifyingly bad this season. But I can't imagine being actually angry at the people or even the organizations involved. These are real people, ya know? They have families, lives, friends, and are trying to do their jobs as best they can. Heck, they have the job of making other people happy - and that's simultaneously one of the most rewarding and frightening jobs a person can have.

                        Anyway, CT has had some reasonably eloquent points about why he believes that the game will suck and why he won't buy it. I don't agree with him and I think he's acting somewhat paranoid and without knowledge, but he's at least eloquent about it and not particularly hateful.

                        This latest stuff...sorry, don't get it. Why would I be mad about a game? Especially one that I have absolutely no financial, familial, or anything other than trivial investment in?
                        Besides, who actually plays the games? I'm more interested in the business. Oh...and "sponsoring discussion."


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Ozymandous

                          Ah, but see here is the rub, no one said you HAD to buy the game. Ever hear about the movie version of Spiderman? Production of a movie based on the comic was delayed for over 5 years (more like 15+ if I remember correctly) yet it eventually came out. The same will happen with this game.

                          Funny, I don't remember QS advertising this game to the general public as you claim, but I *do* remember them letting the fans in on the development process, which 99% of the companies DON'T do, which you may have construed as ongoing "advertisement.

                          Funny you mention if the game were a house... I have been trying to get a house built for over a year now. First there was the six months it took to find a lot, then came the next six months during which time the lot was _finally_ bought and the ground cleared. It wasn't until the last month or so that the foundation was poured and the framing began. Yes I know about frustration, but yelling at the general contractor (especially when he's my father-in-law and we're buying the house at his cost to build!) doesn't make the house get built any quicker.

                          Stop thinking you're special because _you_ are angry and frustrated, there are a lot of things in the world that are _much_ more important right now than a game, so relax and enjoy the nuclear fall-out free air while you can.

                          And perhaps YOU should count to ten and see if what you're posting you'd say to the developers face-to-face without getting a fist in your mouth. Funny, counting to ten is usually a way to CALM DOWN, not get more upset.

                          The advice still stands, take a break and stop yelling at people if you want to be taken seriously, otherwise all you're doing is pissing people off and showing your maturity level, or lack there-of.

                          Oh, by the way "enlightenment" does not mean you can be rude and call people incompetient or stupid just because they aren't there face-to-face with you to put a boot in your butt. On the other hand, saying someone is acting childish because they are throwing a temper tantrum is something else...
                          Yes. Hotay is overwrought. But certainly development news is a form of advertising. And the game has had a good amount of marketing behind it during development. It even won a vaporware Hotay is not alone in finding the development delays and failure to keep to advertised schedules frustrating.


                          • #73
                            I'll agree to disagree with some of you. Just keep in mind, firstly, that the internet makes the world a smaller place, and that just because I can't see or touch a IG/QS developer doesn't mean I wouldn't tell them off if I saw them. I would tell them off in a second if I were to run into and recognize someone from IG, which is entirely probable since Beverly, MA is just a few miles away from here.

                            Growing up, I was taught to never take this kind of nonsense from any business, and that if I habitually let things go and be, I'd become nothing more or less than the asphault for companies to drive over on their road to making money at my expense. Screaming and yelling is absolutely neccessary, and a product's price tag has nothing to do with its personal value or to what degree it should be demanded by us.

                            What would it take to convince you to demand this game more vehemontly? Is it that unreasonable?


                            • #74
                              Growing up, I was taught to never take this kind of nonsense from any business, and that if I habitually let things go and be, I'd become nothing more or less than the asphault for companies to drive over on their road to making money at my expense. Screaming and yelling is absolutely neccessary, and a product's price tag has nothing to do with its personal value or to what degree it should be demanded by us.
                              I agree. If you don't complain about the things that bother you, how will people know your feelings? Our creator didn't give us the Telepathic Pick after all.
                              By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.


                              • #75
                                A wise man once said, the squeaky wheel gets the grease...

