Understandable ...
teaches me, to never ever assign them to their dropships, if I am not sure that I´ll really need them (and/or assigning them beforeehand gives me a huge tactical advantage).
Fortunately I finally found another 2 swarm soldiers that had been crippled in the battle before, so I was able to use them for another boarding action and didn´t have to return to Terra with them still on board.
Speaking of Swarms...
wow, I thought that the Swarm Queens with their 600 shields and 60k tons were the grandest menace, the swarms possess ....
well, that was, before I stumbled upon a 200k tons swarm ship that is able to gain a speed of 4k km/s and, according to intelligence reports, has shields with the strength of 45k
teaches me, to never ever assign them to their dropships, if I am not sure that I´ll really need them (and/or assigning them beforeehand gives me a huge tactical advantage).
Fortunately I finally found another 2 swarm soldiers that had been crippled in the battle before, so I was able to use them for another boarding action and didn´t have to return to Terra with them still on board.
Speaking of Swarms...
wow, I thought that the Swarm Queens with their 600 shields and 60k tons were the grandest menace, the swarms possess ....
well, that was, before I stumbled upon a 200k tons swarm ship that is able to gain a speed of 4k km/s and, according to intelligence reports, has shields with the strength of 45k
