Originally posted by conmcb25
It has everything to do with it. They are both MMO's set in Middle Earth, and that concept was worked on by several publishers and developers.
It has everything to do with it. They are both MMO's set in Middle Earth, and that concept was worked on by several publishers and developers.
At least to the point where Turbine said this idea sucks, lets do something different, which is your claim, or are you now admitting thats a wrong assumption, and the real reason they aren't close to being similar is the WoW influence?
Are you finally admitting thats the REAL reason?
Are you finally admitting thats the REAL reason?
Turbine didn't say the idea sucked, Sierra/Vivendi did. Why do you think they went to Turbine for help in the 11th hour?
AGAIN, LOTRO is based on an engine and fundamental design that existed for years before WoW was announced let alone available. Turbine has been making games like WoW before Blizzard even considered making World of Warcraft. That is the style of the games they make, it has nothing to do with WoW's influence and everything to do with making a game that let's them re-use their current technology and plays to their expertise and experience.
They're different games, there's not 1 line of code from the original Middle Earth Online in LOTRO. On the other hand, there's many lines of code from the original Asheron's Call in LOTRO.
The only thing connecting MEO and LOTRO is they're both taking place in Middle Earth. That's it.
You don't have the balls nor the intelligence to realize how wrong you are.
Seriously, I'm done now. I can't stand talking to you, it's like walking to an ugly brick wall with an annoying parrot perched on top who says lame catch-phrases from 80's sitcoms.
