Originally posted by El_Cid
These are the kind of games that console gaming really needs imho(please not ANOTHER super violent FPS! I beg you!)......
These are the kind of games that console gaming really needs imho(please not ANOTHER super violent FPS! I beg you!)......
But as usual you mischaracterise the baseline as well. Without really trying here are some highly rated non-FPS games, many of which do not have highly rated counterparts on the PC.
Sports - this years EA releases have gone down surprisingly well for instance, all with high scores at metacritic.
Tiger Woods 09
Fifa 09
NHL 09
Madden 09
RPG - a growing group of solid games, to name a few:
Lost Odyssey
Mass Effect
Tales of Vesperia
Fighting games:
Virtua Fighter 5
Soul Calibur 4
Arcade games
Braid, very innovative
Geometry Wars, for a new take on old school arcade shooter
Portal - very innovative and also released with Orange Box.
Lots of remakes of arcade classics
Driving games
Forza 2 - best driving game ever on any format, with infinite replayability
Rhythm games
Rock Band 1 & 2
Guitar Hero 2, 3 and Aerosmith
Free-form games
GTA4, rated as best game ever. I don't agree but it's damn good and very innovative.
Saints Row 1 & 2
And then, though you class all FPS as one genre, there are story driven FPS games like BioShock, tactical games like Rainbox Six and Ghost Recon: Advanced Warrior, there's Gears of War as a third person game with innovative cover & movement mechanics, large scale war like Call of Duty series, all alongside your 'standard' shooters (some of which are very good, like Halo and Half-life etc). All these games play very differently.
So basically there's something for everyone. The sooner you accept this fact the easier things will be.
