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Sony is pathetic.

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Kuciwalker
    Just like you've argued in the past, there's a dearth of good jRPG's for the platform, so the reviewers mark up what little there is that's playable.
    I don't think that's the case, because both people I know with Blue Dragon both really enjoy the game. And it's not because there's a dearth of games for them to play...the opposite, really.
    "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
    Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


    • #62
      Most reviews I saw of Blue Dragon said that it was okay, but nothing special.

      Which returns to the original point: the 360 is not beating the PS2 in every genre; as a specific example, the 360 has not great jRPG's whereas the PS2 definately does.


      • #63
        True, if you're a fan of JRPGs and for some reason you've never owned a PS2 (does this mysterious person exist?), then sure the PS2 makes sense.
        "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
        Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


        • #64
          I'm not a big fan of jRPG's (I only play the really good ones), but I was in exactly that position several months ago and made exactly that choice


          • #65
            Also, if you only look at modern consoles you'd still want a PSP or a DS before a 360, probably.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Asher
              Seeing as the SO enjoys the other JRPGs on the 360 and they got reviewed even worse, I'd think he'd enjoy that as well.
              Lol! I had to look on wikipedia to know what was the meaning of SO.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Kuciwalker
                Also, if you only look at modern consoles you'd still want a PSP or a DS before a 360, probably.
                DS, maybe -- if you like those kind of games.
                PSP, no way. No point.

                The SO (cronos ) loves his DS. Mainly because he's got every english DS ROM ever and games are free.

                I think he loaded 30 ROMs onto his cartridge before he left on his business trip earlier this week.
                "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                • #68
                  DS, maybe -- if you like those kind of games.
                  PSP, no way. No point.

                  I'm talking specifically about jRPG's. Several pretty good ones have come out recently for the PSP. (I know this because the one of the ES-playing friends has been glued to her PSP for a while now.)


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Asher
                    I hadn't been aware you've had extensive online console experience. Oh, you haven't.

                    You're not fooling anyone. You're not some unbiased God, you're about 10 years behind the curve and a cheapass to boot. Some of us are actually gamers. So if you're going to keep pimping consoles you don't own and games you don't play, then go ahead, but do it elsewhere.
                    lol - your priceless and this proves what seems to be common behaviour, if someone disagrees with your 'view' you just paint them as a schumk and think you've 'won', it's quite pathetic.

                    I've never claimed to have extensive experienece at console mp - totaly the opposite infact. But what I have stated is my experience of it has convinced me it's not worth my time or money. I wish it was otherwise.

                    I find gaming behind the curve to be a very useful technique to remove the chaff from the grain. How many of us have had dissapointing gaming purchases over the years? I find by staying behind the curve my gaming positives have increased by a huge amount.

                    And I don't actualy miss out on anything in the long run. In fact I bet on average I get a better game experience than those guys rideing the curve. My games are usualy patched+work and well reviewed across the broad spectrum of review sites and peer reviews by the time I get to them.

                    Now if the games industry had got it's **** together by now, i wouldn't feel the need to use this tactic.

                    And finaly how can a guy whos sunk thousands of pounds into gaming in the last 5 years be a cheapass? When they came out i bought XBOX, GC, GBA and hundreds of titles for them as it was part of my research into modern game development.

                    @ the fuming few,

                    What i've seen and experienced of next-gen just hasn't convinced we it's worth it yet, thats all.

                    Now if some of your find this a personal attack on your very beings....well thats not my problem. But it's quite insulting to see people who should(in most cases) know better try to tar me as some extreme nut-job.

                    I live+breath games(have done for over 20 years), right now i'm right in the middle of designing my first full computer game - i've made various games over the years in the days of board games, p+p rpgs and those adventure book things(fighting fantasy etc).

                    I'm a game player, a game maker and a game contributer. But what i'm not is a marketing jocky who will tell you that you really have to buy everything because it's so damn awesome, when it clearly, often is not the case.

                    To me next-gen game development has some serious issues, and all of Dr.Spikes games he mentioned have atlest equal or better examples of their genres elsewhere.

                    System shock2(for BioShock), Gears of War was just another on-rail shooter with some excellent scripted moments, at least thats what the reviews tell me - a good game but pretty short on play time and replayability etc.

                    Also any game(looking at you BioShock) that puts secret crap on my machine that i can't remove without a complete fresh OS install will never get my money(not a problem on console of course).

                    It's really quite sad to see certain peoples insecurities over my posts. I'm all for an honest and open debate, but you really need to try better to 'prove' me wrong(I asume thats what you want to do?) as it's certainly not working so far.

                    The PS2 is currently the best console platform if you want the widest choice of quality games. - I'll stand by that untill you can prove otherwise.

                    Oh and Asher i'm that fan of jrpg's(amongst others) that does not own a PS2 yet.

                    Now you can all get on with your childish replies, they are sooo stimulating


                    • #70
                      The problem is you show such a stunning ignorance that there's no room for debate. For instance, Gears of War is an "on rails" shooter in the same respect that The Pianist is an epic action movie.

                      There are no insecurities at all here. Why would there be? As I've said, I own a very capable gaming PC and I own all of the consoles, including a PS2 (and again in a 60GB PS3 with a PS2 built in). The problem is simply I've played many of the "next-gen" (it's current gen now, BTW) platforms and titles just as I've played many of the last-gen titles. That means I've played extensively on both platforms, online and single player, which means I can form a rather comprehensive opinion on the matter.

                      You, on the other hand, don't seem to own even any of the last-gen consoles and you certainly don't know a lot about the current-gen consoles, so why should anyone trust a word you say?

                      If you live and breathe computer games, like you say you do, there's simply no way you could do without the latest hardware to play 99% of the games. As for making your own game, john the club -- I made my first game about 12 years ago (text-based MUD, had 4000 registered players and 150 one time!). Recently I've experimented with a simple sci-fi RPG using Ogre3D with my SO. I interviewed with Silicon Knights for a job (but didn't like the location and salary). You're not the only one here that "live and breathes games", but you basically the only one here that claimed that and didn't play most of 'em.
                      "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                      Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Asher
                        The problem is you show such a stunning ignorance that there's no room for debate. For instance, Gears of War is an "on rails" shooter in the same respect that The Pianist is an epic action movie.

                        And the only actual argument levelled against the examples of the next gen games I suggested have moved their genre forward was that SS2 was better than Bioshock.

                        Now SS2 was one of the finest games of it's era and one of my favourite games of all time. But the genre moves on and in absolute terms (which is what this debate is about) if it were released today it would be seen as merely good next to BioShock.


                        • #72
                          Oh, and jRPG games are still RPG games. The clue is in the RPG bit at the end. Thus now that Mass Effect has been released (but probably not before) the Xbox arguably has the best console game in all genres.


                          • #73
                            Western RPG's are sufficiently different to be arguably a separate genre. Would you lump Civ and Starcraft together under "Strategy" games?


                            • #74
                              Western RPGs and jRPGs are closer than Civ and Starcraft, so your attempted analogy is weak, alas.


                              • #75
                                JRPGs are like Western RPGs, but with far more annoying characters, far more CG, and far less game. JRPGs are like interactive films (films which, incidentally, suck).
                                "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                                Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "

