Originally posted by Sn00py
I'm surprised you worked on an adventure game Mike; do you think there is a market for adventure games again, similar to the earlier ones? I had a lot of fun with them when I was a kid, I wonder if kids these days would get the same feeling if the game was made right (modern, but not too 3Dish). 3D is nice, like Syberia, Dreamfall and TLJ, but it doesn't leave much for the imagination and of course, where is the quirky, whimsical graphics? I always found that to make the game so much more interesting. Especially the likes of Lesiure Suit Larry 5.
I'm surprised you worked on an adventure game Mike; do you think there is a market for adventure games again, similar to the earlier ones? I had a lot of fun with them when I was a kid, I wonder if kids these days would get the same feeling if the game was made right (modern, but not too 3Dish). 3D is nice, like Syberia, Dreamfall and TLJ, but it doesn't leave much for the imagination and of course, where is the quirky, whimsical graphics? I always found that to make the game so much more interesting. Especially the likes of Lesiure Suit Larry 5.

And I don't have any issue with the 3D graphics. 3D does not equal realistic. You can make very cartoony-looking games with 3D graphics; it all depends on the artistic style they choose.
Here's one to check out from ex-Lucas Arts employees: A Vampyre Story