Moroes is why shadow priests are good. That way you have a druid and a shammy healing while two priests can dps/backup heal and shackle.
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World of Warcraft
"Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
"At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
"Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
"In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd
that would be ideal if they were shadow. I think it's too much focus for them to main heal each tank and try to keep shackles up. I just don't think my mana pool and healing is good enough to main heal though.
But i'm kind of burned out on this healing thing. My healing wave really can't compare to the priest's greater heal. And my PUG tonight couldn't get past the first boss in normal mech. the warrior wasn't using a shield, which was a major problem. But I still think I should have been able to keep him alive. Having 2 resto healers in the group didn't help either. The druid tried tanking the boss in bear form. I couldn't even keep him alive. I know he's resto, but he's in bear form. I feel like I should have kept him alive. I know the tank wasn't using a shield, but he had great pvp equipment with enchants. They even said something about me wearing greens.
Anyways I'm at 1100 healing and 112 mp5. I need those pants from mech boss drop.
I struggled on Moroes too 1st time, but after it was explained better, I managed well - pally makes a big difference.
In two Kara trips and a BG reward I've gone from +1100 or so heals to +1300, and my mana pool has gone up too, so it does get easier if you get some class appropriate drops.
The KEY to gold is DAILIES - there is a 5-man group chain leading to Blade's Edge (Ogrila and Skyguard) dailes - 4 dailies there; Skettis has 2 more; and cooking 275 will open another - that's 7 dailies that everyone should be doing. BG is another, and Heroic daily if you can.
Another bunch is the Netherwing dailies (7?), but you'll have to pay 5k for epic flight training first to open them up.
Daily quest (WoWWiki)
A slate of 10 dailies should net you between 100 and 150g a day, depending on which you do.
Originally posted by Dis
But i'm kind of burned out on this healing thing. My healing wave really can't compare to the priest's greater heal. And my PUG tonight couldn't get past the first boss in normal mech. the warrior wasn't using a shield, which was a major problem. But I still think I should have been able to keep him alive. Having 2 resto healers in the group didn't help either. The druid tried tanking the boss in bear form. I couldn't even keep him alive. I know he's resto, but he's in bear form. I feel like I should have kept him alive. I know the tank wasn't using a shield, but he had great pvp equipment with enchants. They even said something about me wearing greens.
Anyways I'm at 1100 healing and 112 mp5. I need those pants from mech boss drop.There's no game in The Sims. It's not a game. It's like watching a tank of goldfishes and feed them occasionally. - Urban Ranger
Originally posted by Qilue
When I get into that kind of group, I always seem to develope connection problems.
If I got too frustrated with a PUG I usually just said something like, "This isn't working out for me folks, best wishes."
On more than one occasion this straight-forward approach resulted in other (competent) people in the group sending me a tell thanking me for my patience to that point (I don't bail quickly/easily.), and asking if it was okay to put me on their Friends list for future grouping. Some of those people ended up in my guild.
Of course, if you really suspect you are the group's problem, then they'll really respect you if you state so, and bow out. They'll LOVE you if you go a step further and see if you can find a replacement.
Not sure this really applies, but I was once in a group where I was doing an instance I had never done before, but I was not only the highest level member of hte group but also my druid. I joined the group as they were Looking for More DPS, and I wanted to join as a cat, but once I joined and they noticed I was a higher level the the underpowered tank they had, they wanted me to tank in bear form. I reluctantly agreed with the caveat that I told them I sucked at tanking (and i still do) and that if it wasn't going well that they would let me DPS and let the tank tank.
After the second or third wipe where my tanking tanked, the group fell apart. I suspect if I had DPS from the start it would have gone much better.
Seems a matter of recognizing strengths and weaknesses and making to most of them whether you are level 20 or 70.
/me"Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge
You can fight the first boss from Mech on the stairs for easy mode. He's even easier on Heroic actually."Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
"At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
"Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
"In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd
new rule. No shield=No heal.
I didn't even notice at first. I usually don't pay much attention to people's equipement. I figure they should know what they need to wear for a 70 instance. Didn't notice until the warlock whispered me about it.
Feel bad for the poor fire mage. He pulled aggro on so many fightsI couldn't keep him alive. The warrior was probably in zerker stance.
I can laugh about it now. But I was pissed last night. I logged out, so I still don't know what my repair bill is going to be. I should have left earlier. But I hate bailing on bad pugs. I always stick it out until the bitter end. Until last night.
Originally posted by Apocalypse
You can fight the first boss from Mech on the stairs for easy mode. He's even easier on Heroic actually.
I think he was more of a pvp warrior. He had some beautiful looking enchants on his weapons. I think he had an axe and a sword in off hand. But his hp's were piss poor if he was a pvp warrior. He only had 9600 hit points.
Bind heals that you use a lot to your mouse buttons so you can use wasf to move around while still healing.
And the trick is for him to be on the floor while you are on the stairs."Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
"At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
"Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
"In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd
and our guild still can't take out Moroes. We had 3 rogues in our party this time. But we lack serious crowd control. All we had is one holy priest to shackle.
If we had a shadow priest and some hunters maybe we can CC the adds long enough to take them down.
Another problem is healers pulling aggro on Moroes because of healing. Doesn't help he's immune to taunt.