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  • well I'm scheduled to go on tuesday. I'm a bit nervous. I'll do my best, that's all I can do. They thought they could get the first boss with 2 healers. But now they want to go 3, me being the third.

    Still working on gear. I'll go ahead and do enchants for some of this gear to get my healing over 1000. My mp5 is only around 104 now. That's a hard one to get up.

    finished doing instances to get the key tonight. Did Botanica, Arcatraz (can't remember if we finished that or just got the key), Old Hillsbrad, and Black Morass. I was worried about BM as I'm resto specc'd, wasn't sure if we'd have enough DPS for that. I heard about groups wiping on that. We blew through that like it was nothing. I was always 3rd on DPS though, to be expected with my gear and spec. At least the tank didn't beat me, that would have been embarassing.


    • I just started doing Kara, and boy it stretches me. I've got just above the guild's minimum specs for healing there, +1100 to heal and 9k mana. Over the last two nights we downed the bosses up to Curator...that's not very far in from what I understand. I know I've been part of the struggle too, but the group has been very supportive - they know I am in need of better gear. Last night the healing trinket dropped from R&J, so that was a perk.

      Have LOTS of potions, elixirs, regents, buff food (Golden Fish Sticks for healers) going in, you will need it ALL, and wipes mean you will need many of each.

      I glanced at Healbot and but didn't install it yet - looks very nice though. Mods we/I have found useful in there: Deadly Boss Mod; CT Raid & Buffs, HolyHope (Pally mod), Decursive, PallyPower (Pally mod), Omen.

      Oh, with an party that expects to struggle, I'd recommend buying those elixirs that last through death - that saved me burning through cheaper elixirs every death.


      • Don't get some healing mod. They are inefficient. Just look at raid frames and use your own judgment.
        "Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
        "At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
        "Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
        "In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd


        • Yeah I'm an alchemist. I have to do some farming for mats. Strangely our guild has no high level pallies. It would be nice if we had one. That way we could have a priest, pally, and shaman healer for more variety. But right now we have 2 holy priests.

          golden fish sticks. Damn, reminds me I need to work on my cooling. It's around 350 right now. Not sure if I have that recipe.


          • A serious end-game guild needs 375 fishing, 375 cooking guildies, the more the better. Otherwise you're depending on the AH, and not all servers have a good selection of the important food buffs in there.

            I'm our guilds' top fisher/cook, and I supply the tanks with Crawdad and the healers with Fish Sticks. I fish for dps food as a distant third priority - I have been encouraging them to do so on their own, or at least farm warps and basilisks and send me the meat for cooking.


            • Druids are far better at healing than priests. Priests can go shadow.
              "Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
              "At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
              "Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
              "In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd


              • Love your statements of supposed fact, Apocalypse.

                Healing mods are inefficient, eh? The ones I have looked at so far simply present target/spell options according to your own configuration, and even then, it is up to the player to act on the information, still using their judgment.

                Even better is one of the ubiquitous class X is better at ___ than class Y statements. These kind of statements are BS - there are too many variables at play to make comparisons... spec, gear, player skill, and lastly, situation - there are places when each class/spec shines a little brighter than the rest.


                • Druids are better healers? I'm not sure about that. I'm not experienced with druid healers too much.

                  I know the priests greater heal can blow away my healing wave in healing. I'm not sure how I compete with that. I think their heals are a little more mana inneficient though. Blizz balances the 4 classes in various ways. My healing is more similar to a paladins, but I can heal more than paladins. But their heals are considered the most efficient I heard. But I can chain heal, paladins can only do single target heals.


                  • It is a fact.
                    "Yay Apoc!!!!!!!" - bipolarbear
                    "At least there were some thoughts went into Apocalypse." - Urban Ranger
                    "Apocalype was a great game." - DrSpike
                    "In Apoc, I had one soldier who lasted through the entire game... was pretty cool. I like apoc for that reason, the soldiers are a bit more 'personal'." - General Ludd


                    • Originally posted by DrSpike
                      Yeah best to start raiding when they've got a a few bosses down already. Nothing quenches your enthusiasm for raiding like a night of wiping on the first boss.
                      Come on. Those are the best raids. Especially when there seems to be no reason for the wipe.

                      On the other hand, Razorgore was an almost guaranteed wipe the first time. I hated him.
                      Only feebs vote.


                      • Originally posted by Hot Mustard
                        Love your statements of supposed fact, Apocalypse.

                        Healing mods are inefficient, eh? The ones I have looked at so far simply present target/spell options according to your own configuration, and even then, it is up to the player to act on the information, still using their judgment.

                        Even better is one of the ubiquitous class X is better at ___ than class Y statements. These kind of statements are BS - there are too many variables at play to make comparisons... spec, gear, player skill, and lastly, situation - there are places when each class/spec shines a little brighter than the rest.
                        I agree mostly.

                        For healing, it depends a lot on the target audience.

                        5-person instance runs, a holy priest's versatility makes them far superior to other healer classes. Unfortunately, Blizzard 'balancing' has killed off the original design role of priests (specialist healer) and made them merely a buffbot for large raids.

                        As for Healbot and other mods of that kind, if you intend to have healer-life after WoW, you had better learn to heal without them. Just about every MMO in the market or about to enter the market has little or no UI scripting.

                        This is because most designers want people to play an MMOG, not a SimMMOG.
                        There's no game in The Sims. It's not a game. It's like watching a tank of goldfishes and feed them occasionally. - Urban Ranger


                        • Is it possible for a single character to be bugged? I'm having problems logging into an alt.
                          I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
                          For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


                          • Originally posted by Agathon

                            Come on. Those are the best raids. Especially when there seems to be no reason for the wipe.
                            Only if you are a masochist.


                            • Wiping sucks. We couldn't down Moroes in like 3 tries. So we quit for the night. My guild tried 1st boss (Attunemen) last weekend with a couple pugs. I went this time, and we downed him second try. First try may have been partly my fault as I wasted too much mana healing over the other priest and wasting my mana. So when that priest died, I didn't have enough mana to keep the main tank up. Second time we switched tanks for who tanked when the guy mounted up, we also switched priest healers (we had 2 priest, I was the 3rd healer as resto shaman), and that guy went down easy as hell. So that may have been a tank problem. One guy only had 11 hit rating.

                              Wiping 3 times (or was it 4?) on Moroes was not fun. I'm not sure what the problem is. Lack of DPS or tank problem. Our warrior has since changed his gems around to get more hit rating, but that dropped his hp's under 12000. I ****ed up as I didn't know poison cleansing totem can clear the blind effect. I found that out on wow wiki. I should look this stuff up before hand . As for the healers, I think we did okay. But I may have done a little over healing again. I was worried the priests greater heals wouldn't land in time. when I see the tank's hit points get around 25% or less I get real worried. In that case I usually only did lesser healing wave until the priest's greater heal lands.

                              Usually I ended up getting garroting. That's 100,000 points of damage!!!!! over 5 minutes. I heard the best strategy for shammies is to die and self rez. But I can't do that if it takes several tries to down him. I have a 40 min cooldown (with talents). Other than that, I felt kind of useless in that fight. I think we need to get our healing roles down. the biggest problem is the priests kept dying (they were shackling 2 of the adds). I think the warriors just aren't generating enough threat.

                              It's very frustrating wiping. I really want out. Level 70 raiding is so much work. My repair bill was 9g. I blew a ton of money on mats for enchants and to get exalted with scryers (most of that I grinded with my hunter though). I went from 3000 to 2000 gold. I still need to get enchants for gloves and bracers. I hate to enchant my green gloves though. So I need to buy more shards.

                              Can't find a group that can do Shat halls (so I can get the cloak quest reward). We wiped twice on the final boss. The dps can't handle the adds. My healing seemed okay, the tank had over 12,000 hps (though I think his gear was pvp. he wasn't that great a tank). The adds just killed us.

                              And grinding for mats for pots. I'd like to make the fortification flask. But the mats are insane for that. Fel lotus and Ancient lichen being the hardest to get.

                              I still don't know how to make money. I got to 3000 gold from completing quests (at level 70) in Blade's Edge, netherstorm, and Shadowmoon valley, but I'm just about out of quests. Now I'm down to 2000. I'd like to get an epic mount so I can gather mats quicker. But that's not looking too good right now.


                              • 9g is cheap for repairs for raiding for a night- I've had 20+g nights and I'm a mage (it gets worse with the more epics you get - it costs me about 2-3g per death right now).

                                Moroes is the first "check" in kara - it isn't so much of a dps fight - it is more a teamwork and gear check. You probably need 2 priests when you first try it for 2 shackles, also have a hunter ice trap or have a paladin fear another. You generally have one that is untanked that needs to die asap, then switch to the trap/feared one , then kill Moroes, while keeping the 2 others shackled all of the time - then run out when he dies.

                                A paladin can remove one garrote every 5 minutes from someone (preferably a healer) and soon all mages can ice block out of it. Can't remember if a hunter or rogue can get rid of it or not. Heals over time are key to keeping up as much of the dps as you can with the garrotes - though the priority is still keeping up the tanks and healers.

                                As for money, daily quests (daily instance, BGs, Ogrila and the Skyguard) can get you about 50-100g+ per day if you do 5-10 of them.

                                However once you start raiding there is a huge cost of maintaining your healing/mana pots, elixirs and flasks and food buffs aside from enchants, gems and repairs. That's why many get at least one alt to 70 so they can get the money from them doing the 70 quests and eventually the dailies and not raid with the alt.

