NE isn't hard. There is some spillover rep just from all the bloodymyst azuremyst quests on the Dranei starting area. I also did quests in darkshore to supplement XP from bloodmyst. And after bloodmyst went on to Ashenvale.
It was then I noticed I was well into revered, I figured the cat looks better than the elephant thingy. And seeing as I have no ne chars as I don't like them (I actually have a druid I never play actually), this was my best chance at the kitty cat mount.
Did all the Teldrassil quests including the 1-5 area. They don't have exclamation points, so you have to talk to everyone. Don't forget the guy by the ramp going up the treehouse thingy as that's a long quest chain involving the pools. There's also a cooking quest on Teldrassil that gives 250 NE rep.
don't forget all the Ashenvale and Darkshore quest lines. Some of the lines are long. Like the one going into that tower with the warlock dudes in it in northern Darkshore. And a quest line that takes you all the way to Duskwood on the other continents fighting the undead animal thingies (I'm not good at remember creature names
). I also did the NE NPC quest line in Desolace and 3 cloth turn ins (wool, silk, and mageweave), that's all it took.
It was then I noticed I was well into revered, I figured the cat looks better than the elephant thingy. And seeing as I have no ne chars as I don't like them (I actually have a druid I never play actually), this was my best chance at the kitty cat mount.
Did all the Teldrassil quests including the 1-5 area. They don't have exclamation points, so you have to talk to everyone. Don't forget the guy by the ramp going up the treehouse thingy as that's a long quest chain involving the pools. There's also a cooking quest on Teldrassil that gives 250 NE rep.
don't forget all the Ashenvale and Darkshore quest lines. Some of the lines are long. Like the one going into that tower with the warlock dudes in it in northern Darkshore. And a quest line that takes you all the way to Duskwood on the other continents fighting the undead animal thingies (I'm not good at remember creature names