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World of Warcraft

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  • As a hunter I felt I should be skilled in all types of weaponry, so I am now a master of all, jack of none.

    My best and favourite option is to use two axes (one in each hand, this is great if your axe has bonuses, you get x2 for having 2 axes) and bow and arrow. This is a deadly combination. 1 handed axes are just too slow for me, and the dps is not high enough to make it worth my time, maybe in the future.

    The game was getting very repetitive for me recently, but now its picking up again. I really get that 1 more turn (quest) addiction, just like old Civ.
    be free


    • Originally posted by Sn00py

      The game was getting very repetitive for me recently, but now its picking up again. I really get that 1 more turn (quest) addiction, just like old Civ.
      I've posted at some earlier time that wow is a game, albeit of a completely different genre, that gives me the Civ "one more turn" feeling. But in a different way.

      I don't raid, but I like to pvp, so when raiding becomes the only option for advancing my character in terms of how well I can do in pvp, I will be tempted to be gone.

      But, wow wasn't designed as a pvp game, so maybe i'm fighting a losing battle.

      Really all that I have left is to craft my low tier blacksmith only weapon. PvP some more and then see what's what.

      I need to get back to my civ.
      While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.


      • Originally posted by Sn00py
        As a hunter I felt I should be skilled in all types of weaponry, so I am now a master of all, jack of none.

        My best and favourite option is to use two axes (one in each hand, this is great if your axe has bonuses, you get x2 for having 2 axes) and bow and arrow. This is a deadly combination. 1 handed axes are just too slow for me, and the dps is not high enough to make it worth my time, maybe in the future.

        The game was getting very repetitive for me recently, but now its picking up again. I really get that 1 more turn (quest) addiction, just like old Civ.
        You know that you only get a portion of the offhand DPS?

        And generally, the stats on a two hand weapon reflects the two hand nature of it... generally the two stats of the 1-hand weapons equal the stats of a comparable 2-hand weapon.

        Jon Miller
        Jon Miller-
        GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


        • bugger if thats true Jon, but either way, I like having two axes on my sides, I look very deadly. I just wish I could see my bow and arrows on my back as well.
          be free


          • The number I have heard cited for offhand DPS modifier is 50%.

            Jon Miller
            Jon Miller-
            I AM.CANADIAN
            GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


            • Originally posted by Jon Miller
              No real difference bewteen weapons anymore (There use to be).

              However, Polearms generally have agility bonuses. Maces more often have caster bonuses, while swords have some as well (but axes are almost entirely just melee bonuses). The sword caster bonuses are more likely to be damage while the maces are the ones with heals. Staves are almost entirely magic bonuses.

              I think that thrown just sucks. I think that currently guns are an easier range option than bows, but bows (and crossbows) are still competent.

              Additionally, two handed is better damage for some setups while dual 1-handed is better for others (I think for dual 1-handed to be better you have to have talents though).

              The classes I have mostly played have been Druid and Paladin, both who can't dual weild and so for melee damage I would go 2-handed.

              Jon Miller
              I keep meaning to go with a gun for my hunter. But all the guns have lower dps than bows available at my level.


              • Originally posted by Dis

                I keep meaning to go with a gun for my hunter. But all the guns have lower dps than bows available at my level.
                Doesn't say much for the gun-makers of Azeroth, does it?
                Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


                • Originally posted by Sn00py
                  bugger if thats true Jon, but either way, I like having two axes on my sides, I look very deadly. I just wish I could see my bow and arrows on my back as well.

                  yeah i'm the same way.


                  • well I need to get going on quests. I keep helping guys lower level than me, which doesn't give much esperience. I'm done doing SM runs. They are fun, but not giving experience at this point.

                    I need to find people to do Uldaman. I have quests there. It seems like everyone seems to do the same instances over and over. I'm done with SM. Though someone will probably ask me tonight, and I'll say yes. .

                    and I'm not giving any more silver to all these beggers. . People see you are a high level and they hit you up for silver. No more!


                    • Originally posted by Asmodean

                      Doesn't say much for the gun-makers of Azeroth, does it?
                      But the bows are 'magic'.


                      • oh I forgot to mention I tamed King Bangalash. I saw it mentioned, so I figured I'd try it. I haven't seen any other hunters on my server with this pet, so I figured it'd be cool. Though soon as I tame her, I run into another hunter with the same pet. . Oh well.

                        She's supposedly better than other cats because she has cobra reflexes skill meaning faster attacks. it'd be cool if elites had better bonuses, but oh well.

                        I also tamed the panther mastery elite because I didn't think I could get Bangalash by myself. But he wasn't that hard. I still had 1/4 health left after taming him. So now I have 2 cats and a bear. Not sure it was worth paying 5 gold for an extra stable slot. I suppose I could use that 3rd spot for a different type of animal. But I refuse to go pig! Everyone keeps saying how great they are. And there are too many out there.

                        This cat can hold it's own. I thought it would take a lot of damage, but it seems to be tanking just as well as my bear. Perhaps because it does more damage, so battles are quicker, it doesn't take as much damage. But I doubt it could tank in intances like my bear could. Yes!! I used my bear as a tank in an instance. When our warrior left I took the role of dps and my bear was the tank. We had a druid in caster form as the off tank. Yeah the bear died in the boss battles in SM (armory and cathedral), but it held out a long time. I doubt this cat can do this. Because bosses have so many hit points, the extra damage the cat does is negligable. It probably won't have the staying power of the bear. In instances most of the damage done is by the players. But it seems like it would be too much a pain to keep levelling both pets. I also want to have my cat for pvp. I want to do more pvp. So that's another reason I wanted to go cat.

                        The downside is it has no training points. So I'll probably never get up to great stamina 7 before I hit level 60.

                        so it made me wonder. Is it better to choose a pet at a low level and keep him the whole game, or get one at a higher level? I had my bear since around level 13 or so. And ugly brown bear, not pretty like my cat. I'll never give him up. He's been good to me. I'll make sure he's well fed in the stables. But I think I'll be sticking with Bangalash.

                        Even though he has no traning points, he is already level 43. So starts with a lot of armour and hitpoints already. I'm just wondering how that would compare to having a cat at level 10 and levelling it up to 43 putting points in great stamina and natural armour the whole time.

                        With my bear I made the mistake of blowing all my points on resistances, and not having enough for great stamina 7. You get very few points on level ups. . It was good in spell casters though. Spells didn't even phase him. Nature magic, shadow magic, it didn't matter. Barely made a dent.

                        Shadow magic on me, however; tears me a new one. I'm very weak on spell protection. That's the thing that causes me to die, or almost die. If I have multiple casters shooting shadow bolts or whatever they are at me, I'm hurtin'.


                        • I know I have been playing too long when I get that "inn/tavern" song stuck in my head. Like it is now. .


                          • I know I've been playing too long when someone asks what my age is, I refer to my WoW characters level.
                            be free


                            • Do you guys use the auctioneer addon for the AH?

                              It's essential.
                              "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                              Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                              • Originally posted by Sn00py
                                I know I've been playing too long when someone asks what my age is, I refer to my WoW characters level.
                                type /age
                                "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                                Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "

