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Vanguard Saga Of Heroes - Player made screenshots released

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  • Originally posted by kolpo
    You can also gain equipment the wow way: solo to max level as fast as possible and AFTER that do group and raid content to get better stuff.
    That comes down to how fast levelling is. WoW-style leveling speed makes the whole game except the endgame content pointless, including all equipment. Which would be a shame; I think every part of a game should be enjoyable.

    Last time I started a new character in VG (2 1/2 months ago), you could get to level 10 in a weekend, but then the levelling speed continuously dropped down to 1-2 levels per week (20-25 hours weekly play). I'm not sure if they increased the levelling speed. If they did, it would be a reason for me to scrap Vanguard entirely. It's already been WoWified enough by doubling solo content and removing death penalty.

    In early EQ2 was it extremely easy to get a group, my shaman had often a group invite in less then 30 mins and otherwise could I quickly make my own.
    Yes, healer classes were very sought for. I had more problems with my paladin main, because 50% of all players played tanks.

    The later EQ2 revamps(who increased soloing) changed this. When I compare vanguard group exp and solo exp, am I not even sure that groups give more, this while in early EQ2 groups gave a LOT more exp then solo.
    True, even though this was the time I begun to dislike EQ2.

    I actually would like a game where neither exp nor loot are split in groups(everyone get's 100% exp and his own loot from every kill), thought I fear this is way too radical for the mainstream gamer
    I don't know if I would like such a game. Probably not.

    Why don't you guys go back to EQ if you liked the "hardcore experience"?
    As funny as it sounds, I was considering exactly that. However, EQ1 is way too mudflated for my gusto.


    • Originally posted by Sir Ralph
      Sure you can play through the game with that, but hey, it's a game about dressing your baby (just like little girls do ).
      An apt summary of MMOs.


      • Originally posted by Sir Ralph
        Edit: Oh, and you're right about the death penalty. It's been toned down from being quite harsh in the forst half of the year to a mild annoyance now. These altars make it really really cheap. And the XP loss is not worth to mention either. If anything, that's what makes me really pissed.
        I knew you wuz lying!


        • Originally posted by kolpo

          You can also gain equipment the wow way: solo to max level as fast as possible and AFTER that do group and raid content to get better stuff.

          In early EQ2 was it extremely easy to get a group, my shaman had often a group invite in less then 30 mins and otherwise could I quickly make my own. The later EQ2 revamps(who increased soloing) changed this. When I compare vanguard group exp and solo exp, am I not even sure that groups give more, this while in early EQ2 groups gave a LOT more exp then solo.
          Agreed. This was one of the things that prompted my it's WoW comment earlier. Looks like they just caved and made soloing much more a part of the game than originally intended (look back to Ralph's early posts).


          • Well to be honest, if I had to choose between EQ2 and Vanguard at the moment, I'd select EQ2. Both are WoWified to an equal amount, just that EQ2 is 2 years more mature and polished than World of Vankcraft. But I swore never to return to EQ2 and will stick with that.


            • Originally posted by DrSpike
              I knew you wuz lying!
              Not quite; thing is, as I told, I didn't log on since NWN2 came out (except a few very short sessions) and I wasn't even aware how small the death penalty got (good players don't die often, you know ).


              • So what are your thoughts on the messiah Brad now?


                • He's the villain who sold off "Teh Vision" for some filthy lucre!

                  Just kidding, I wish him good luck. Perhaps I'll even play his game. Most likely I will.


                  • By the way: Do you know about "Settlers 2 - The New Generation"? It was released September (IIRC) last year and highly anticipated. After Settlers 3-5 sliding away from the original Settlers concept towards a cookie cutter RTS, it promised to go back to the basics of the first Settlers 2, which is from 1996 and considered by many people the best Settlers sequel ever. It was released exactly like Settlers 2 was, just with prettier graphics. Does this remind you of "EQ1 with prettier graphics" which Vanguard was supposed to become?

                    I tell you what. Settlers 2 TNG incredibly sucks. Gaming has moved on ten years since, and the game's economy feels very simple and shallow compared with modern games.

                    This made me think. May be too much "back to the roots" enthusiasm is rather a way into a disaster. Perhaps Brad is right after all. He probably is.


                    • Im not sure what to make of open beta Vanguard right now. One thing I can say with some certainty is that if they plan on having a short open beta and then release (less than a month), I would expect the game to be at least a bit less buggy, a bit more stable, and some basics like quest paths are not broken..........

                      I KNOW this is the industry standard for release BUT Brad kept telling us HIS game would be DIFFERENT.

                      Not sure what I make of the game and all this yet. Im going to let open beta soak in until we get close to release and then make my decision.......
                      *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                      • Originally posted by conmcb25
                        I KNOW this is the industry standard for release BUT Brad kept telling us HIS game would be DIFFERENT.
                        Well no one believed that..........ok, some people did.


                        • Im not insinuating that I believed it. But it is what Brad said. Take of that what you will. I read over at a guild website today, that Brad has come out and said he is out of money, thats why the game will be released................

                          So it all comes down to that almighty Dollar, Pound, Euro, Zloty, Yen, Drachnar, whatever.........
                          *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


                          • Vanguard is coming out on Jan 30th...way too early.
                            "The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
                            Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "


                            • Aye - it is too early

                              Oh well - there will be other MMORPGs

                              Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


                              • Originally posted by Asher
                                Vanguard is coming out on Jan 30th...way too early.

                                Unless you are a die hard fanboi or just need to be in at the beginning, my guess is it would be best to wait until summer at least.
                                *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta

