Originally posted by kolpo
You can also gain equipment the wow way: solo to max level as fast as possible and AFTER that do group and raid content to get better stuff.
You can also gain equipment the wow way: solo to max level as fast as possible and AFTER that do group and raid content to get better stuff.
Last time I started a new character in VG (2 1/2 months ago), you could get to level 10 in a weekend, but then the levelling speed continuously dropped down to 1-2 levels per week (20-25 hours weekly play). I'm not sure if they increased the levelling speed. If they did, it would be a reason for me to scrap Vanguard entirely. It's already been WoWified enough by doubling solo content and removing death penalty.
In early EQ2 was it extremely easy to get a group, my shaman had often a group invite in less then 30 mins and otherwise could I quickly make my own.
The later EQ2 revamps(who increased soloing) changed this. When I compare vanguard group exp and solo exp, am I not even sure that groups give more, this while in early EQ2 groups gave a LOT more exp then solo.
I actually would like a game where neither exp nor loot are split in groups(everyone get's 100% exp and his own loot from every kill), thought I fear this is way too radical for the mainstream gamer

Why don't you guys go back to EQ if you liked the "hardcore experience"?