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Is there any innovation in gaming?

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  • Is there any innovation in gaming?

    I used to be a big Xbox fan, and I'm still playing it (hoping to eventually beat KOTOR2 and Ninja Gaiden, after a 6 month hiatus), and had been anticipating the Xbox 360.

    But what's so special about these next-gen consoles, really? All the hype surrounds the "realistic graphics" that are OMGWTF so lifelike. So what? Graphics can help a story's immersiveness, it can't replace it. Why would I want to fork out 400 bucks to play sequels and clones to games I already own?

    There's no innovative new game designs, no new concepts introduced. The biggest innovation made in the console world was the introduction of Xbox Live, and MS' efforts to open up consoles to user mods, something PC gamers have enjoyed for years. Sony has....well, Sony has been coasting on the Playstation name recognition for far too long.

    Which leaves Nintendo. Maybe it's nostalgia, who knows, but I think Nintendo is the last best hope for the gaming world. And if the Revolution does suck, and all these rumors about Nintendo's strategy of thinking in totally different directions and trying new things flatlines, I'll still be content with my SNES and Final Fantasy III.

    /end babble

  • #2
    I didn't bother to mention PC gaming much, because we all know PC games consist of Xbox games + PS2 games + RTS.

    and card games.


    • #3
      Innovation in gaming, and then you mention xbox

      All the good games are released for PC, consoles are only for people who want "OMGWTF AWSOME GRAPHICS"
      This space is empty... or is it?


      • #4
        The handheld scene is supposed to be fairly innovative at the moment, mostly thanks to the DS. You could try that.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Adagio
          All the good games are released for PC, consoles are only for people who want "OMGWTF AWSOME GRAPHICS"
          Graphics for PC games are generally better than for consoles, partly because graphics cards are constantly being released, and partly because monitors have HD resolution.

          Nintendo is way more innovative than Microsoft, Sony, or just about any PC developer. The DS and the Revolution will be the places to go for unique gaming experiences.
          John Brown did nothing wrong.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Adagio
            Innovation in gaming, and then you mention xbox

            All the good games are released for PC, consoles are only for people who want "OMGWTF AWSOME GRAPHICS"
            I said Xbox' only innovation was creating Xbox Live.

            And what games are released on PC, that are significantly different from a console? Civilization is the only game that comes to mind.

            The handheld scene is supposed to be fairly innovative at the moment, mostly thanks to the DS. You could try that.

            Yeah, I've been thinking of picking up a DS, GBA or GameCube, since they are cheap, and seem to offer more options for "party" games, as well as Zelda etc.


            • #7
              Don't know about consoles, but there is innovation of a kind still with PC gaming. Ok, you can't invent FPS or anything, but games like Guild Wars have really moved their genre forward.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Verto
                And what games are released on PC, that are significantly different from a console? Civilization is the only game that comes to mind.
                I would more ask the another way around... what games to consoles are better than those for PC?

                Originally posted by Felch
                Graphics for PC games are generally better than for consoles, partly because graphics cards are constantly being released, and partly because monitors have HD resolution.
                That's correct, but most people who buy consoles doesn't know that
                This space is empty... or is it?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Adagio

                  I would more ask the another way around... what games to consoles are better than those for PC?

                  My original statement was that, consoles and PCs both feature identical games, with the exception of a few things, like TBS/RTS.

                  But I'd say a lot of FPS/shooters are more fun on the console, since you aren't having to use a keyboard and mouse..but that is a matter of preference.


                  • #10
                    Having recently bought a PSP i've been disappointed by the lack of innovation. Most of the games are just boughts of PS2 games. I know it's a new piece of hardware but at the moment i'm having the most fun playing Ridge Racer (again). Other big games are things like GTA3 again not very original.

                    I think Ninetendo are pretty good are innovation but they're the smallest player. The DS looks more much interesting than the PSP but i had reasons other than gaming for going Sony sadly.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Verto

                      But I'd say a lot of FPS/shooters are more fun on the console, since you aren't having to use a keyboard and mouse..but that is a matter of preference.

                      keyboard + mouse is completely superior to a stupid gamepad for FPS games... FACT!

                      there is no comparison...

                      I can't believe you just made that statement... well... actually... yes I can
                      To us, it is the BEAST.


                      • #12
                        Most innovation to games, recently, has been graphics, physics, and sound... because the upgrade to hardware has allowed game developers to really make games the way they've envisioned making games. I know people like to say, oh gameplay is the most important thing... and generally it is... but you can't negate everything else. Gameplay by itself is fine... but combined with graphics, physics, sound, and everything else is what makes an awesome game.

                        There's only so much you can do with gameplay. Most innovation in the future is going to occur with graphics, sound, physics, AI, environments, etc. And I am looking forward to that.

                        Obviously, what makes a game great is how fun it is. But beyond that, what sets games apart are the other things. I'm a big fan of first person shooters. And one of my wishes for FPS games is that I would like to see realistic environment interaction... i.e. the rounds/bullets from the guns hitting objects, walls, doors, and stuff and actually causing damage. Not just causing things to fly around, but actual damage. And I'd like to see realistic bullet physics, too. I'm talking about actual ballistics data applied to game engines. I want a 7.62mm round from an AK47 to behave like a real life 7.62mm round. And when it hits a crate or something, I want it to change direction, or go through it, or do something unpredictable... like in real life. And I think that is the kind of innovation that would take FPS gaming to the next level.

                        However, I think that kind of thing would be extremely difficult to program and would require a lot of processing power. But it's something that I think we might see in the coming years.
                        To us, it is the BEAST.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Sava

                          keyboard + mouse is completely superior to a stupid gamepad for FPS games... FACT!

                          there is no comparison...

                          I can't believe you just made that statement... well... actually... yes I can
                          I agree with Sava.


                          • #14
                            I too agree with Sava, for fps games keyboard and mouse is best

                            Hell, for any type of game keyboard and mouse is superior to gamepads (with very few exceptions, like fighting games)
                            This space is empty... or is it?


                            • #15
                              The most likely place for innovation will always be the PC, because its always at the top-end of hardware, and top-end software requires the top-end hardware, and im not just talking about graphics and the next FPS.

                              Thats not to say consoles dont innovate because they clearly have and will continue to here and there, like action-adventure and probably sports-action.

                              You cant rely on old companies like Sega and Nintendo to innovate, if history has taught us anything, its that newcomers are always the biggest innovators.
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