I used to be a big Xbox fan, and I'm still playing it (hoping to eventually beat KOTOR2 and Ninja Gaiden, after a 6 month hiatus), and had been anticipating the Xbox 360.
But what's so special about these next-gen consoles, really? All the hype surrounds the "realistic graphics" that are OMGWTF so lifelike. So what? Graphics can help a story's immersiveness, it can't replace it. Why would I want to fork out 400 bucks to play sequels and clones to games I already own?
There's no innovative new game designs, no new concepts introduced. The biggest innovation made in the console world was the introduction of Xbox Live, and MS' efforts to open up consoles to user mods, something PC gamers have enjoyed for years. Sony has....well, Sony has been coasting on the Playstation name recognition for far too long.
Which leaves Nintendo. Maybe it's nostalgia, who knows, but I think Nintendo is the last best hope for the gaming world. And if the Revolution does suck, and all these rumors about Nintendo's strategy of thinking in totally different directions and trying new things flatlines, I'll still be content with my SNES and Final Fantasy III.
/end babble
But what's so special about these next-gen consoles, really? All the hype surrounds the "realistic graphics" that are OMGWTF so lifelike. So what? Graphics can help a story's immersiveness, it can't replace it. Why would I want to fork out 400 bucks to play sequels and clones to games I already own?
There's no innovative new game designs, no new concepts introduced. The biggest innovation made in the console world was the introduction of Xbox Live, and MS' efforts to open up consoles to user mods, something PC gamers have enjoyed for years. Sony has....well, Sony has been coasting on the Playstation name recognition for far too long.
Which leaves Nintendo. Maybe it's nostalgia, who knows, but I think Nintendo is the last best hope for the gaming world. And if the Revolution does suck, and all these rumors about Nintendo's strategy of thinking in totally different directions and trying new things flatlines, I'll still be content with my SNES and Final Fantasy III.
/end babble