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A Rant On Games and Boobs

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  • A Rant On Games and Boobs

    I'd be pretty surprised if no one else has noticed the tendency of newer games to include large boobs in their games. At first, I thought this was a 'mainstream' thing limited to crappy Hollywood flicks and suchlike. But no--even computer games are getting into it. But I ask you--how many people bought NWN because Ms. Elven Paladin had a big chest? It certainly didn't motivate me to buy that game. Neither did her armor, which inexplicably included little rings for nipples. What the? Is NWN suddenly a tacky romance novel for boys who don't to look up porn?
    NWN--the single player version--sucked, storyline wise. That's pretty obvious, and it was a mistake for me to buy it. But I trusted Black Isle to make a good game, like Baldur's Gate II/I. The 2nd, in particular, was one of the best games I've played thus far. You know what? It didn't have boobs. There were no D-cups to ogle. D-cups, in fact, would have made ridiculous (read: NWN).
    Blizzard has also jumped in on the action. Starcraft--the single player version--was something I enjoyed playing. Its characters were plausible (to a point), and the story was interesting (to a point). But after Starcraft we head into Warcraft III, and things start to slide downhill. The Single Player version of that game was, to put it mildy, a joke. Its characters were badly made caricatures of caricatures. Putting up with the 'wizened' Tauren chieftain stating the obvious millions of times throughout the Orc Campaign only bored me to death. And, of course, there were boobs. Jaina, the 'heroine', wore what was practically a bikini top. Did it add anything to the game? No. Did Night elves wearing bikinis add anything? No. But Blizzard, like Black Isle, decided to go "mainstream" and attract fanboys with a liking for pixelated cleavage. And I hate that. It's condescending, pathetic, and irritatingly out of place.
    And of course, now there's Starcraft: Ghost. It seems that every female character must be the reincarnation of Pamela Anderson in order to appear in a game nowadays.
    "You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."--General Sir Charles James Napier

  • #2
    Its no great surprise. The game companys demographic features teenage boys heavily. Its not like bigger pixel boobs take more resources than small ones, so I don't greatly care.
    I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


    • #3
      We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


      • #4
        how many people bought NWN because Ms. Elven Paladin had a big chest?

        “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
        - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


        • #5
          Er you mean stuff like those?
          Attached Files
          Who is Barinthus?


          • #6
            Re: A Rant On Games and Boobs

            Originally posted by Zevico
            I'd be pretty surprised if no one else has noticed the tendency of newer games to include large boobs in their games. At first, I thought this was a 'mainstream' thing limited to crappy Hollywood flicks and suchlike. But no--even computer games are getting into it. But I ask you--how many people bought NWN because Ms. Elven Paladin had a big chest? It certainly didn't motivate me to buy that game. Neither did her armor, which inexplicably included little rings for nipples. What the? Is NWN suddenly a tacky romance novel for boys who don't to look up porn?
            NWN--the single player version--sucked, storyline wise. That's pretty obvious, and it was a mistake for me to buy it. But I trusted Black Isle to make a good game, like Baldur's Gate II/I. The 2nd, in particular, was one of the best games I've played thus far. You know what? It didn't have boobs. There were no D-cups to ogle. D-cups, in fact, would have made ridiculous (read: NWN).
            Blizzard has also jumped in on the action. Starcraft--the single player version--was something I enjoyed playing. Its characters were plausible (to a point), and the story was interesting (to a point). But after Starcraft we head into Warcraft III, and things start to slide downhill. The Single Player version of that game was, to put it mildy, a joke. Its characters were badly made caricatures of caricatures. Putting up with the 'wizened' Tauren chieftain stating the obvious millions of times throughout the Orc Campaign only bored me to death. And, of course, there were boobs. Jaina, the 'heroine', wore what was practically a bikini top. Did it add anything to the game? No. Did Night elves wearing bikinis add anything? No. But Blizzard, like Black Isle, decided to go "mainstream" and attract fanboys with a liking for pixelated cleavage. And I hate that. It's condescending, pathetic, and irritatingly out of place.
            And of course, now there's Starcraft: Ghost. It seems that every female character must be the reincarnation of Pamela Anderson in order to appear in a game nowadays.
            You're not the only one who's disappointed and angry because of this... I started getting pissed off about the filth and perversion which was slowly spread into the even most mainstream games (think FarCry, standard FPS blockbuster for all ages; or ditto for Quake II) more than four years ago.

            My biggest problem with blatant softcore-porn is the same as yours, it seems: When the plot of the game is deep, when it is a central concept of the game and requires a large amount of immersion into the game -- it just ruins the gaming experience, the feeling of realism; when in the middle of a realistic storyline suddenly some 20-year old girl with big breasts and almost no clothes at all appears from nowhere and immediately falls for the main character for no reason at all (think Planescape: Torment).


            • #7
              Boobs in warcraft

              I remember someone spreading a rumour(?) that the sorcercess would flash her tits .

              But if you do want ridiculous, the female armor in World of Warcraft

              That's PLATE armor .

              What's even funnier is watching people rant about the female warrior armor, while refusing to wear a Shirt/Tabard on their toon .

              And one thing I found absolutely hilarious was to find the armor the female strippers would wear in Ironforge then wear it on my female tauren in Orgrimmar bwahahahah.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Blake
                Boobs in warcraft
                People like you pushing down the quality of games by rewarding the divertion of graphical artist's time and resources from true artwork towards perversion


                • #9
                  Originally posted by VJ

                  People like you pushing down the quality of games by rewarding the divertion of graphical artist's time and resources from true artwork towards perversion
                  and you can support this statement with what evidence?
                  To us, it is the BEAST.


                  • #10
                    and you can support this statement with what evidence?
                    Formal logic: In commercial games, developer time is not infinite. Adding more time towards perversion results in less time for the actual artwork.

                    Laws of supply and demand: Game publishers and project leads wouldn't be pushing for more of this filth if there wouldn't be a demand for it.

                    I don't know if Blake is part of this demand, the "" in my post is exactly as serious as the ""s in his.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by VJ

                      People like you pushing down the quality of games by rewarding the divertion of graphical artist's time and resources from true artwork towards perversion
                      Maybe I'm joking. Maybe I'm not. Regardless I find it all hilarious.

                      I mean in Warcraft 3 there is one "hot" race (nelfs, but they get Druids which effectively offset any hotness), 1 race with some "hot" units (alliance) and two butt ugly races (orc and undead).

                      In WoW there are 2 hot races (with ugly-ass males) 2 kinda cute races (with not quite as ugly ass males) and 4 butt-ugly races.

                      Only a minority of the units/characters have big boobs! And it's not as if pixelated boobies are more difficult to model than other things, do you REALLY think that if some graphics guy spent less time on making big boobies that the gameplay would be better???

                      And I don't care whether games feature pixelated boobs or not, but I do like to laugh at the people who do care!

                      (Altough I admit that in my opinion it would be the **** if a MMORPG had nice sliders for body part sizes.)

                      Actually... just so you know I really am shallow. What I really don't like about most MMORPG's and such is that the males are so damn buff! Like they work out in the gym 10 hours a day! I want scrawny tough as nails males! Bah!


                      • #12
                        More funnies from the World of Warcraft!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by VJ

                          Formal logic: In commercial games, developer time is not infinite. Adding more time towards perversion results in less time for the actual artwork.

                          Laws of supply and demand: Game publishers and project leads wouldn't be pushing for more of this filth if there wouldn't be a demand for it.
                          Faulty logic.
                          I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                          • #14
                            Only a minority of the units/characters have big boobs! And it's not as if pixelated boobies are more difficult to model than other things, do you REALLY think that if some graphics guy spent less time on making big boobies that the gameplay graphical artwork would be better???
                            In the long term, if the current trend continues and as games get more and more complex: yes, to a more and more distinguishable degree.

                            Faulty logic.
                            Posting +1s without any sort of content or message, even a sarcastic one
                            Reporting organised spam to moderators


                            • #15
                              You really think it took the developers/graphic artists more time to make the Lara Croft model than it would to make a generic male character, or the same Lara Croft model but with smaller boobs for that matter? The games need some sort of graphics, why not kill two birds with one stone and have the graphics also appeal to the game's target demographic?

                              And oh noes! A post of mine has been reported! That has never happened to me before!
                              I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).

