Re: Re: Football Manager 2005(Sega)
If only he had asked
- still i did post this before he did his CM5 thread.
Anyway i'm going to bore Maq(and anyone else) silly with some training stats
So i'm using three main training regimes(with two coaches assinged to each)+ one for my goalie. The training regimes are broken into morning/afternoon/evening sessions.
First Team - i use this for mostly my midfield players, but i put others in it from time to time.
Sun: rest all day
Mon: 5-a-side(large pitch)/Overloading(Atk)/Setpiece(Atk)
Tue: Closing down sesion/Overloading(Def)/Setpiece(Def)
Wed: 5-a-side(large pitch)/Pig In Middle/Technique
Thr: Overloading(Atk)/Crosses/Sprints
Fri: 5 a-side(large pitch)/Overloading(Atk)/Training match
Sat: rest all day
Defending - i use this for all my defenders, but think i might put some of my defensive midfielders in from time to time?
Sun: rest all day
Mon: 5 a-side(large pitch)/Overloading(Def)/Setpiece(Def)
Tue: Heading/Overloading(Def)/Tactical training
Wed: 5 a-side(large pitch)/Technique/Pig In Middle
Thr: Setpieces(Def)/Overloading(Def)/Weight training
Fri: 5 a-side(large pitch)/Overloading(def)/Training match
Sat: rest all day
Attacking - Forwards and strikers and maybe an attacking midfielder sometimes?
Sun: rest all day
Mon: 5 a-side(large pitch)/Overloading(Atk)/Setpieces(Atk)
Tue: Crosses/Overlaoding(Atk)/Setpieces(Atk)
Wed: Sprints/Overloading(Atk)/Setpieces(Atk)
Thr: Shooting/Technique/Weight training
Fri: Clossing down session/Heading/Shooting
Sat: rest all day
I used that chart thing you linked to - so i've tried to use the skills that increase stats the most. Still it's all a bit like fumbling in the how does it look?
The thing is with games like this its worth the effort to get a decent training set-up, especialy in the lower leagues were your training and tactics make all the diference.
I'm having a good cup run(in two at the momment), and i've found time to give everyone atleast a few games, so my players are all happy(except one stubborn git who is a good player, but *****es about where i play him all the time!) with superb morale.
In 12 games i've only lost 1 but have 5 draws, which is keeping me out the top three spots in my league(conference south).
Originally posted by DrSpike
You could have mentioned it to UR.
You could have mentioned it to UR.

Anyway i'm going to bore Maq(and anyone else) silly with some training stats

So i'm using three main training regimes(with two coaches assinged to each)+ one for my goalie. The training regimes are broken into morning/afternoon/evening sessions.
First Team - i use this for mostly my midfield players, but i put others in it from time to time.
Sun: rest all day
Mon: 5-a-side(large pitch)/Overloading(Atk)/Setpiece(Atk)
Tue: Closing down sesion/Overloading(Def)/Setpiece(Def)
Wed: 5-a-side(large pitch)/Pig In Middle/Technique
Thr: Overloading(Atk)/Crosses/Sprints
Fri: 5 a-side(large pitch)/Overloading(Atk)/Training match
Sat: rest all day
Defending - i use this for all my defenders, but think i might put some of my defensive midfielders in from time to time?
Sun: rest all day
Mon: 5 a-side(large pitch)/Overloading(Def)/Setpiece(Def)
Tue: Heading/Overloading(Def)/Tactical training
Wed: 5 a-side(large pitch)/Technique/Pig In Middle
Thr: Setpieces(Def)/Overloading(Def)/Weight training
Fri: 5 a-side(large pitch)/Overloading(def)/Training match
Sat: rest all day
Attacking - Forwards and strikers and maybe an attacking midfielder sometimes?
Sun: rest all day
Mon: 5 a-side(large pitch)/Overloading(Atk)/Setpieces(Atk)
Tue: Crosses/Overlaoding(Atk)/Setpieces(Atk)
Wed: Sprints/Overloading(Atk)/Setpieces(Atk)
Thr: Shooting/Technique/Weight training
Fri: Clossing down session/Heading/Shooting
Sat: rest all day
I used that chart thing you linked to - so i've tried to use the skills that increase stats the most. Still it's all a bit like fumbling in the how does it look?
The thing is with games like this its worth the effort to get a decent training set-up, especialy in the lower leagues were your training and tactics make all the diference.
I'm having a good cup run(in two at the momment), and i've found time to give everyone atleast a few games, so my players are all happy(except one stubborn git who is a good player, but *****es about where i play him all the time!) with superb morale.
In 12 games i've only lost 1 but have 5 draws, which is keeping me out the top three spots in my league(conference south).