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FG: Nascar IX: Pit Stop Part II

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  • #31


    • #32
      TURN 34

                               ****   2** 
                                ***    ***
                               ***     ***
                              ***      ***  
                             ***       *5* 
                            *O*        **O  
                           ***         *O* 
                          ***          *** 
                          ***          *** 
                          ***          *** 
                          ***          **O*   
                          **O           ****
                          ***            **** 
                          ***             ****
                          ***              ==== end alley  
                          *4*               *xx* 16 
                          ***                *Sx* 15 
                        *******               *SxS 14 
                        *******                *SSx 13 
                        *******                 *xSx 12 
                        *******                  SSxS 11 
                        *******                   xSSx 10
                        *******                    SSxS 9 
                        ***7****                    SxSx 8 
                        *********                    xSSS 7  
                        **********                    SxSS 6 
                        ******* ***                    SSxS 5
                        *******  **                     xSSx 4 
                        *******  ##-speed limit          SSxS 3   
                        *******  **     6                 SSSx 2
                        *******  **                        xSSx 1 
                        *******  1*                         ====  start
                        *******  6*                     ***O****   sandtrap
                        *******  PP-pit stop           ********     alley
                        *******  **  marker           ********   
            finish line =======  **                  ***  
                        *******  **                 ***
                        *******  **                *** 
                        *******  **               *** 
                        *******  ##-end limit    **O 
                        ******* ***             ***    
                        **********        *********
                        *********        ********* 
                        ********        ********* 
                        *******        *** 
                        ******        *** 
                        *****        ***
                        ****        *O*
                        ****       *** 
                        ****      ***
                         ***     *** 
                          ***     ***
                           ***     ***
                            ***     **O
                             O**     ***
                              ***     ***
                               ***    ***
                                **** ****
      MAX=Max speed
      Cust=Sway(S) or Turbo(T) or Performance (P)
      ***   *************       ***      ***   **     **  ****  **********
       1.   Spaced Cowboy        SE       5     1     15  turb  BBMR(3M)
       2.   Kassiopeia            NW     10     2     16  turb  AA(2M)R(6M)L
       3.   Sparrowhawk           W       8     4     11  perf  (M3)LM(L+1)M2
       4.   gjramsey              S       9     0     15  turb  AAL(M8)
       5.   Tuberski              N       6     4     12  sway  ARMMMLR
       6.   Jonny                 S       4     2      8  sway  (m5)B
       7.   Vovan                 S      13     2     13  sway  A(13M)
      As expected Jonny and Spaced throttle down to hit the pit marker at speed 4.
      Vovan has hit his top speed and is cruising. Will his top speed be enough to keep the lead he will have in two turns.
      GR gets his speed up but will have to slow down for the pit.
      Sparrow making his move through the last turn. but will 4 WCs be enough for the last lap. To have any chance, he can't pit.
      Kassi making his move but won't have enough WCs for the last lap.
      Tuber dances around the oil.

      Three drivers will get the white flag next turn.

      Now accepting orders for turn 35.
      Last edited by rah; May 9, 2005, 13:44.
      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #33
        And due to the increased amount of multi turn order PMs, I would appreciate that you list turn numbers for each order. I sometimes do the updates when my mind isn't most nimble. (while drinking over the weekend )

        Don't worry about those already in the queue. But it would be nice on future orders.
        It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
        RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


        • #34
          Orders sent....pit stop coming up soon....


          • #35
            Although I sent in both 34 and 35 together, I screwed up turn 35 and just sent in a revision

            /me is one of those people that should just send in one set of orders at a time

            Edit: I was just trying to figure out Kassi's orders to make sure he isn't going to rejoin the "let's see how badly we can mangle the #3 car" club, but if he is indeed going "W" I don't think I have anything to worry about......however, I suspect he is really going NW What did you say about drinking while updating rah?
            Last edited by Sparrowhawk; May 9, 2005, 13:40.
            "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


            • #36

              I did the update this morning from work so I can't use the drinking excuse.

              I love your club name.
              I think almost everyone is already a member.
              It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
              RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • #37


                • #38
                  Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                  • #39
                    Just waiting on VOVAN.
                    It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                    RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                    • #40
                      TURN 35

                                               ****   ***
                                                ***    ***
                                               ***     ***
                                              ***      ***  
                                             ***       *** 
                                            *O*        **O  
                                           ***         *O* 
                                          A** A=3,2    *** 
                                          ***          *** 
                                          ***          *** 
                                          ***          **O*   
                                          **O           ****
                                          ***            **** 
                                          ***             ****
                                          ***              ==== end alley  
                                          ***               *xx* 16 
                                          ***                *Sx* 15 
                                        *******               *SxS 14 
                                        *******                *SSx 13 
                                        *******                 *xSx 12 
                                        *******                  SSxS 11 
                                        *******                   xSSx 10
                                        *******                    SSxS 9 
                                        ********                    SxSx 8 
                                        *******4*                    xSSS 7  
                                        **********                    SxSS 6 
                                        ******* ***                    SSxS 5
                                        *******  **                     xSSx 4 
                                        *******  ##-speed limit          SSxS 3   
                                        *******  **     6                 SSSx 2
                                        *******  **                        xSSx 1 
                                        *******  **                         ====  start
                                        *******  **                     ***O****   sandtrap
                                        *******  PP-pit stop           ********     alley
                                        *******  **  marker           ********   
                            finish line =======  1*                  ***  
                                        ***7***  6*                 ***
                                        *******  **                *** 
                                        *******  **               *** 
                                        *******  ##-end limit    **O 
                                        ******* ***             ***    
                                        **********        *********
                                        *********        ********* 
                                        ********        ********* 
                                        *******        *** 
                                        ******        *** 
                                        *****        ***
                                        ****        *O*
                                        ****       *** 
                                        ****      ***
                                         ***     *** 
                                          ***     ***
                                           ***     ***
                                            ***     **O
                                             O**     ***
                                              ***     ***
                                               ***    ***
                                                **** ****
                      MAX=Max speed
                      Cust=Sway(S) or Turbo(T) or Performance (P)
                      CAR   DRIVER           DIRECTION  SPEED  WC    MAX  CUST  ORDERS
                      ***   *************       ***      ***   **     **  ****  **********
                       1.   Spaced Cowboy         S       5     3     21  turb  B(4M)A
                       2.   Kassiopeia           SW      12     1     15  turb  AAML(2M)(L+1)(7M)
                       3.   Sparrowhawk          SW       9     4     10  perf  L(M7)A
                       4.   gjramsey             SE       7     0     15  turb  (M5)L(M3)BB
                       5.   Tuberski              W       7     4     12  sway  AMMMLMLM
                       6.   Jonny                 S       5     4     14  sway  (m4)A
                       7.   Vovan                 S      13     2     13  sway  (M13)
                      OK< It's been awhile and I haven't received anything from VOVAN
                      I'm assuming he is doing a straight M13. If not, he can ask me to change it before the next turn and I'll revise it and question his intelligence unless he's just changing lanes.

                      The white flag is waving for VOVAN, Jonny and Spaced, As VOVAN TAKES THE LEAD
                      GJ is standing on his brakes as he heads into the pit.
                      Kassi pays another round of dues in the "mangle the 3 car club" as he slams into Sparrow from behind. Dropping Kassi's MAX to 15 and The highly dented car 3 down to 10. Sparrow is the loser of this crash.

                      Another interesting spot for an Oil slick, since this has been a popular space to end a move after coming out of the last turn. Another slight advantage to the sway bar cars.

                      Tuber bringing up the rear but with 4 WCs, and a top speed of 12 will probably not pit and make up some ground.

                      Now accepting orders for turn 36.
                      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • #41
                        Playing bumper cars when your max speed is huge

                        Note the sig
                        Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                        • #42
                          Orders sent.

                          Sig Updated.


                          • #43

                            Ya gotta love it.
                            It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                            RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                            • #44
                              Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by rah

                                Ya gotta love it.
                                I am not sure all of us have gotta love it


                                "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge

