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FG: Nuclear War XXII - Nuclear Proliferation!

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  • #16


    • #17


      • #18

        All I need is Ljube's and Tassidar's orders, and then the fun can begin.


        • #19
          Orders in and don't wait for Tassadar. He isn't playing this for real.


          • #20
            He's fairly inactive anyway.


            • #21


              • #22
                19/19 - update in the coming half-hour or so.


                • #23
                  YAY, i hope no one nuked me
                  What type of idiot quotes himself


                  • #24
                    Looking forward to it.
                    "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

                    Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


                    • #25
                      Visit First Cultural Industries
                      There are reasons why I believe mankind should live in cities and let nature reclaim all the villages with the exception of a few we keep on display as horrific reminders of rural life.-Starchild
                      Meat eating and the dominance and force projected over animals that is acompanies it is a gateway or parallel to other prejudiced beliefs such as classism, misogyny, and even racism. -General Ludd


                      • #26
                        My post was a more tactful way of saying it.
                        "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

                        Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


                        • #27
                          Turn 1: I'll take the ICS, with some Revenge and Secrecy on the side

                          Truly, the world was a builder's paradise today. The price of construction materials skyrocketed as:
                          snoopy369 expanded his collection of fauna with Fish.
                          Jaguar made more computer users angry with 404 Page not found.
                          Paramir continued his expansion on Alpha Centauri with Spartan.
                          Skanky Burns stole another car in Los Santos.
                          Kassiopeia added another Shift key to his keyboard.
                          Atragon built another megamart, Costco.
                          Kuciwalker opened up The Pub for all events.
                          Vlad continued banging on his keyboard, this time spelling AEOU.
                          Ljube continued his domination of the Iberian with Cordoba.
                          Tassadar built Tassagrad as an offering to Teh Putin.
                          self biased continues his Oriental tour de force in aki.
                          And Exodus adds a kitkat to his candyland.

                          All in all, 12 cities were built.

                          5 leaders (Lord Nuclear, Shogun Gunner, Sparrowhawk, Spaced Cowboy, and Hercules) worker on secret projects.

                          That leaves Smiley and DrSpike unaccounted for; what were they doing? Pre-emptive strikes, it seems; DrSpike launched 2 nukes at Smiley while Smiley himself was launching 1 lone nuke at Hercules.

                          And that, ladies and gentlemen, concludes the 1st turn.

                          The World As It Stands, Turn 1
                          snoopy369Dog, Cat, Bird, Fish
                          Lord NuclearCarthago Nova, Caralis, Cyrene
                          JaguarFatal Exception OE, Abort-Retry-Fail, Illegal Operation, 404 Page not found
                          Shogun GunnerSake, Ebi, Hokkigai
                          ParamirMorgan, Gaian, University, Spartan
                          :) SmileyMud
                          Skanky BurnsLiberty, Vice, San Andreas, Los Santos
                          KassiopeiaControl, Alt, Delete, Shift
                          AtragonK-Mart, Zellers, Target, Costco
                          DrSpikeCiv1, Civ2, Civ3
                          Spaced CowboyDoo, Whaa, Ditty
                          HerculesCrimson, Claret
                          KuciwalkerTown Hall, Tea Room, Dungeon, The Pub
                          Vlad AntlerkovASDF, QWERTY, ZXCV, AEOU
                          Ljube-ljcvetkoMadrid, Sevilla, Toledo, Cordoba
                          Comrade TassadarTassadaria, Intellectual, Kazar, Tassagrad
                          SparrowhawkMother Teresa, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela
                          self biasednatsu, fuyu, haru, aki
                          [Exodus] Pheonimars, twix, boost, kitkat
                          Now taking turn 2 orders...


                          • #28
                            Orders in.

                            "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                            • #29
                              Poor smiley.

                              "You're the biggest user of hindsight that I've ever known. Your favorite team, in any sport, is the one that just won. If you were a woman, you'd likely be a slut." - Slowwhand, to Imran

                              Eschewing silly games since December 4, 2005


                              • #30
                                Herc: nothing personal, but there can only be one Brick
                                Visit First Cultural Industries
                                There are reasons why I believe mankind should live in cities and let nature reclaim all the villages with the exception of a few we keep on display as horrific reminders of rural life.-Starchild
                                Meat eating and the dominance and force projected over animals that is acompanies it is a gateway or parallel to other prejudiced beliefs such as classism, misogyny, and even racism. -General Ludd

