The collectors addition, if I remember correctly, comes with both the CD and DVD version (don't ask me why) an exclusive in-game pet (which is only for show and does not fight or do anything - you can choose between a zergling, a mini-diablo, or a panda) a hard-cover "art book", a cloth map, a "making of" DVD, a soundtrack, and a 10 day free trial key (which can not be converted into a full working account) that can be given away, or used yourself if you want to throw away ten days of play for some reason.
No announcement yet.
World of Warcraft
I bought my World of Warcraft at EB for 54.99 Canadian , whereas Future Shop had it listed at 59.99. I thought that since they guarantee the lowest price they would lower the price to match later on, instead they RAISED the price to 69.99 - that shows how popular WoW is
I've never been stuck in a queue, but there has been some lag off and on and the server does have a nasty habit of randomly booting people sometimes.
Also, 2 nights ago, every Pacific and Mountain server went down at the same time.
Even worse, anytime a raid occurs with a large number of people (50+) it lags everyone out. I'm not high enough level to take part in huge raids, but if I was I'd be pretty pissed that this happens."Luck's last match struck in the pouring down wind." - Chris Cornell, "Mindriot"
What kind of argument is that?
All games have problems that need fixing. MMORPGs are patched and updated regularly for many years. The original Asheron's Call is still getting content updates."The issue is there are still many people out there that use religion as a crutch for bigotry and hate. Like Ben."
Ben Kenobi: "That means I'm doing something right. "