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FG: NASCAR VIII: NFS Underground II Edition
Hope someone else can hit a oil slick. I went from a good lead to trailing the pack. Which was a shame after how well I negotiated sandtrap alley.It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O
Turn 22: "Looks like a crash just waiting to happen."
Quite a mundane turn. A few of the racers plowed through sand bags as there was no way to really avoid them.
Rah, Jonny, Kassi bunch up like they want to kiss bumpers.
Sparrow holds onto a slight lead, and Ramsey is close behind.
Code:|*********| /----\ /------\ |*********| /******\ /********\ |*********| /********\ /******o***\ |*********| /***ooo****\ /**ooooooo***\ |*********| /***ooooo****| /***oo/---\o***\ |*********| -/****/---\****| |***oo/ \o***\ \********o\/o****/ /***/ |o*o**| |***| \*******ooo****/ /***/ /---\ \o***| |^^^| \************/ /*o*/ /*****\ \o***\ |...| \**********/ /o**/ |******\ \oo**| |...| /-------------------/o**/ |***o***\ |o***/ |...| /*********ooo***********/ |***|***| /o**/ |^^^| |******o******s***ooo***/ |***|***|/**2/ /***| |***oo***o*************/ |***|***|**4| /o***|---\ |**oo---------------------------------------3-------/oo***/****\ |***oo*******oo****o***>.....>*ooo*******>.....>******s**/***o**\ \******oo*******o*****>......>****oo*****>.....>*******/***/***/ \----------------------------------------------------/***/***/ Sand Bag Alley /---\ /---\ |***|***|***| /***/***/ /*****\ /*****\|***|***|6**o\-----/o**/***/ |*******|*******|***|\***\**5ooooooo**/***/ |***o***|***o***|***| \***\**********/***/ --------------/****|***|***|***|***| \***\********/***/ F******************|***o***|***o***| \***\------/***/ F*****************/|******/|******/ \************/ F****************/ \****/ \****/ \**********/ ----------------/ \--/ \--/ \--------/
Code:NASCAR 8 Car Number Player Name Speed Wild cards Direction Orders 2 Rah 8 3 SW ALL(M3)RRM 3 Kassiopeia 8 3 SW (2L)(3M)(2R)(3M)B 4 Jonny 9 3 SW L(m2)L(m1)R(m1)R(m2) 5 Sparrowhawk 8 3 SE ARL(M5)L 6 gjramsey 8 3 S AMR(M2)L(M3) We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.
Turn 23: "Never underestimate the power of the Murray!"
Rah and Kassi do the tango, as Rah tries to get cute with a slipstream...otherwise there would not have been a problem...yet!
On the lighter side, Rah actually wins the toss and gets the spot.
Everyone checks on speed this turn as the hairpin is looming...and what is that...more freaking oil...S'up?
Code:|*********| /----\ /------\ |*********| /******\ /********\ |*********| /********\ /******o***\ |*********| /***ooo****\ /**ooooooo***\ |*********| /***ooooo****| /***oo/---\o***\ |*********| -/****/---\****| |***oo/ \o***\ \********o\/o****/ /***/ |o*o**| |***| \*******ooo****/ /***/ /---\ \o***| |^^^| \************/ /*o*/ /*****\ \o***\ |...| \**********/ /o**/ |******\ \oo**| |...| /-------------------/o**/ |***o***\ |o***/ |...| /*********ooo***********/ |***|***| /o**/ |^^^| |******o******s***ooo***/ |***|***|/***/ /***| |***oo***o*************/ |***|***|***| /o***|---\ |**oo-----------------------------------------------/oo***/****\ |***oo*******oo****o***>.....>*ooo*******>.....>******s**/***o**\ \******oo*******o*****>......>****oo*****>.....>*******/***/***/ \----------------------------------------------------/***/***/ Sand Bag Alley /---\ /---\ |***|***|***| /***/***/ /*****\ /*****\|***|***|***o\-----/o5*/***/ |*******|*******|***|\***\***ooooooo**/***/ |***o***|***o***|***| \***\3*********/***/ --------------/****|***|***|***|***| \***\24****6*/***/ F******************|***o***|***o***| \***\------/***/ F*****************/|******/|******/ \************/ F****************/ \****/ \****/ \**********/ ----------------/ \--/ \--/ \--------/
Code:NASCAR 8 Car Number Player Name Speed Wild cards Direction Orders 2 Rah 5 3 SE SLIP-A(M3)L(M3)L(M2) 3 Kassiopeia 4 3 SE ML(3M)L(2M) 4 Jonny 9 3 SE L(m6)L(m1) 5 Sparrowhawk 8 3 NE AML(M5)LMB 6 gjramsey 9 3 E AL(M2)L(M5) We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.