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  • #91
    I'm still not sure if I'll get WOW.

    I don't like the cartoony graphics and the newbie stuff. It looks like it'll be a game for newbies, and not fore people smart enough to play real MMORPG's


    • #92
      AO is a lot more intensive (from what I hvae seen) than EQ2.

      Of course, from what I have heard, starwars galaxies is the most intensive of all.

      Jon Miller-
      GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Dissident
        I'm still not sure if I'll get WOW.

        I don't like the cartoony graphics and the newbie stuff. It looks like it'll be a game for newbies, and not fore people smart enough to play real MMORPG's
        Then what's your problem with WoW?
        I make no bones about my moral support for [terrorist] organizations. - chegitz guevara
        For those who aspire to live in a high cost, high tax, big government place, our nation and the world offers plenty of options. Vermont, Canada and Venezuela all offer you the opportunity to live in the socialist, big government paradise you long for. –Senator Rubio


        • #94
          Originally posted by Dissident
          I've never played a MMORPG until last night. So I can't say for sure.

          But I bought EQ2 last night.

          Pretty cool so far . But as I said, I have nothing to compare it to. We'll see how long I play before I get bored of it. But I don't expect that anytime soon.
          Originally posted by Dissident
          I'm still not sure if I'll get WOW.

          I don't like the cartoony graphics and the newbie stuff. It looks like it'll be a game for newbies, and not fore people smart enough to play real MMORPG's
          That was quick, newbie to veteran in a matter of days.
          There's no game in The Sims. It's not a game. It's like watching a tank of goldfishes and feed them occasionally. - Urban Ranger


          • #95
            My opinion of WoW has sunk after playing it some more. It seems rather shallow once you have played it for a while.

            One of the key focuses of WoW was supposed to be PvP, but they've made the majority of their servers (in beta, atleast) non-pvp. Which makes absolutely no sense at all. I really do not understand why they did this - the game mechanics don't even acomodate it. For instance I, as an undead, ran to the dwarven lands (all the way to the newbie zone). All the NPCs would try to kill me on sight, of course, but they are easy enough to get by. So I'm there with all the the dwarves, gnomes, humans and elves - I can't talk to them, they can't talk to me. We can't group. We can't trade. We can't fight (without it being "declared" by one party by either toggling pvp on or killing an npc). So, what the ****'s the point?

            And then, even when you do get to fighting - whether it be consensual on a PvE server or on a PvP server, there is still no point. You don't get anythign from it and your opponent losses nothign from it - not even a loss in durability (provided they go back to their corpse).

            Supposedly they intend to include some sort of 'honour point' system that will give purpose to PvP and some sort of "battlegrounds" that will make PvP more common in the PvE servers. But if they haven't gotten around to doing this yet and the game's being released in a weak, I'm inclined to believe that they're shifting from what they set out to do and are instead going the path of EverQuest and making yet another pointless level-grind.

            All that aside, I don't think there's enough on the character side of thigns to keep the game interesting. Granted, all of the individual classes are vastly different from each other and offer a completely different experience, but that's where the variety ends. The difference between the different races is sparce - the new racial traits have helped in this regard, but for the most part the abilities are not very signifigant. There is also very little customization in how your character developes - limited only to talents which augment the same skills every single person of your class has. I haven't played long enough to say how much of a difference the talents end up having in the late levels, but I don't feel there will ever be much variety between characters outside what class they are.

            And in the same note, while the quest system is really nice and makes the game alot more interesting, it really only works for your first character because it's always the same.
            Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

            Do It Ourselves


            • #96
              What are the racial traits?


              • #97

                Stoneform: Activate to gain immunity to poison, disease, and bleed

                Gun Specialization: Increase Gun Skill

                Frost Resistance: Increase Cold Resistance

                Treasure Finding: Activate to see treasure chests on mini map - lasts until canceled - no cooldown

                Escape Artist: Activate to break out of a Root or Snare effect

                Expansive Mind: Increase Intelligence

                Arcane Resistance: Increase Arcane Resistance

                Engineering Specialist: Increase skill bonus to Engineering

                Perception: Activate to increase stealth detection radius

                The Human Spirit: Increase Spirit

                Diplomacy: Bonus to faction point gain

                Sword Specialization: Increase Sword skill

                Night Elf
                Shadowmeld: Activate while immobile and out of combat to enter stealth mode

                Quickness: Dodge chance increased

                Wisp Spirit: Become a wisp when dead with movement speed increase

                Nature Resistance: Increase Nature Resistance


                Blood Fury: Activate to increase Strength

                Hardiness: Increase resistance to stun & knockout effects

                Command: Pet melee damage increased

                Axe Specialization: Increase to Axe skill


                War Stomp: Activate to stun opponents

                Endurance: Max Health increased

                Cultivation: Increase skill bonus to Herbalism

                Nature Resistance: Increase Nature Resistance


                Berserking: Activate when "Wounded" to increase melee & spellcasting speed

                Regeneration: Increase health regen bonus

                Beast Slaying: Increase damage bonus to Beasts

                Throwing Weapon Specialization: Increase Throwing Weapon skill.


                Will of the Forsaken: Activate to become immune to fear, sleep, and charm effects

                Cannibalize: Increase health regeneration while consuming a corpse

                Underwater Breathing: Underwater breath increased

                Shadow Resistance: Increase Shadow Resistance

                They sound better than they actually are. The "immunities" are skills that you have to manually activate and have a regen time. Really each race only gets one unique skill that's actually meaningful and a few others that are pretty much meaningless. A whole 15 extra points to herbalism? That's beyond useless (especially if you aren't a herbalist). Certain race/class combinations effectively don't even get any traits, because they are no use to them.
                Last edited by General Ludd; November 16, 2004, 23:13.
                Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                Do It Ourselves


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Qilue

                  That was quick, newbie to veteran in a matter of days.


                  • #99
                    gun? are there guns in this game? then I'll definately buy it


                    • Yeah, there are guns. More then there should be, really, because there's so many "dissidents" playing the game.

                      I might still buy WoW if they make a RP-PvP server that has an enforced naming policy, and/or some other mechanics to encourage roleplay other than stamping RP next to the server name.
                      Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                      Do It Ourselves


                      • There are laser cannons, assault rifles, plasma rifles, and grenade launchers in AO

                        as well as sword, maces, and big logs

                        Jon Miller-
                        I AM.CANADIAN
                        GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                        • Originally posted by General Ludd
                          Yeah, there are guns. More then there should be, really, because there's so many "dissidents" playing the game.

                          I might still buy WoW if they make a RP-PvP server that has an enforced naming policy, and/or some other mechanics to encourage roleplay other than stamping RP next to the server name.
                          This might interest you General. Linky
                          There's no game in The Sims. It's not a game. It's like watching a tank of goldfishes and feed them occasionally. - Urban Ranger


                          • Originally posted by Qilue

                            That was quick, newbie to veteran in a matter of days.

                            Good catch.


                            • Originally posted by General Ludd
                              My opinion of WoW has sunk after playing it some more. It seems rather shallow once you have played it for a while.

                              One of the key focuses of WoW was supposed to be PvP, but they've made the majority of their servers (in beta, atleast) non-pvp. Which makes absolutely no sense at all. I really do not understand why they did this - the game mechanics don't even acomodate it. For instance I, as an undead, ran to the dwarven lands (all the way to the newbie zone). All the NPCs would try to kill me on sight, of course, but they are easy enough to get by. So I'm there with all the the dwarves, gnomes, humans and elves - I can't talk to them, they can't talk to me. We can't group. We can't trade. We can't fight (without it being "declared" by one party by either toggling pvp on or killing an npc). So, what the ****'s the point?

                              And then, even when you do get to fighting - whether it be consensual on a PvE server or on a PvP server, there is still no point. You don't get anythign from it and your opponent losses nothign from it - not even a loss in durability (provided they go back to their corpse).

                              Supposedly they intend to include some sort of 'honour point' system that will give purpose to PvP and some sort of "battlegrounds" that will make PvP more common in the PvE servers. But if they haven't gotten around to doing this yet and the game's being released in a weak, I'm inclined to believe that they're shifting from what they set out to do and are instead going the path of EverQuest and making yet another pointless level-grind.

                              All that aside, I don't think there's enough on the character side of thigns to keep the game interesting. Granted, all of the individual classes are vastly different from each other and offer a completely different experience, but that's where the variety ends. The difference between the different races is sparce - the new racial traits have helped in this regard, but for the most part the abilities are not very signifigant. There is also very little customization in how your character developes - limited only to talents which augment the same skills every single person of your class has. I haven't played long enough to say how much of a difference the talents end up having in the late levels, but I don't feel there will ever be much variety between characters outside what class they are.

                              And in the same note, while the quest system is really nice and makes the game alot more interesting, it really only works for your first character because it's always the same.

                              I found with CoH the quests (missions) became too samey after a while as well. Having a more quest based system rather than lots of hunting sounds great, but it's not without it's own problems IMO.

                              I also agree about differentiation within class. Compared to even something like NWN there doesn't seem a lot here. I suppose the classes being distinct and quite quick levelling help with alts though.

                              As regards PvP I think you need to be a bit more patient. EQ2 doesn't have any PvP at all on release, and CoH is doing it in an expansion. Not many games have good PvP on release. At least there is a base there, and I'm sure they will develop it to add some endgame content.

                              As regards roleplaying, come on, you always knew it was going to be sparse.


                              • Originally posted by DrSpike

                                As regards PvP I think you need to be a bit more patient. EQ2 doesn't have any PvP at all on release, and CoH is doing it in an expansion. Not many games have good PvP on release. At least there is a base there, and I'm sure they will develop it to add some endgame content.
                                I don't really know about CoH, but atleast EQ2 has always said that they've had no plans for PvP - which isn't a surprise, since EQ has always been the posterboy of the camp/level/horde playstyle. But World of Warcraft was advertising PvP as key feature, and they've neglected it. I really don't understand why PvP is such a taboo. Look at Dark Age of Camelot, for instance. Every server has meaningful and plentiful PvP and at the same time has safe zones for the cowards people who want something different to camp monsters in all day long. It's not executed the way I would personally want things(I think the PvP servers in WoW would be set up pretty good if PvP had some meaning to it), but it's been a very succesful format and there are few complaints about it from the players one way or the other. Infact, virtually everyone looks forward to being powerful enough to help out their realm in DAoC, and all the high end players end up fighting PvP the majority of their time rather than camping monsters.

                                I think the problem is that alot of people hear PvP and think there's going to be a some level 60 guy waiting at the spawn to point to kill them as soon as they start their character. It's probably the ****y EQ PvP servers or the UO free-for-all (which I kind of like, actually, although UO didn't execute it as well as it could of) that have made so many people completely afraid of the term.

                                As regards roleplaying, come on, you always knew it was going to be sparse.
                                Yeah... but I was optimistic for a while there.

                                The official word is that they have no plans of making a RP-PvP server but will "continue to monitor the situation"

                                Yeah, I'll be skipping on this WoW. And EQ2.

                                I'm still tempted by the Roleplay server on the original EQ - it's ruleset is almsot exactly what I'm looking for... too bad it's stuck onto the worst game mechanics ever.

                                *sigh* Why do MMORPGs always have to suck so?
                                Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                                Do It Ourselves

