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FG: Vampire! The Paradise Island

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  • #31
    Dear Mr. Kassiopeia,

    I’m very happy to learn that you have accepted the offer. Please be advised that this letter confirms your appointment as the head butler of the Paradise Island, which will be effective today. Your current crew consists of Mr. Hercules, an experienced Chef who specialized in hard garlic style cuisine, and officer Mr. GeoModder, who will be responsible for all communication needs between Mr. H and the expedition. We are currently still in search of a well-qualified attendant. However, since a team of scientists and adventurers is already formed, Mr. H is anxiously looking forward to the start of the investigation. The investigation team is scheduled to arrive the island on the night of the twenty second. Please see that all necessary preparations are done one day before its arrival. I will send Stena (our little daring ferry boat) to transport you and your crew to the island in the morning of the 22nd.
    Last edited by Snowflake; October 21, 2004, 15:46.
    Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

    Grapefruit Garden


    • #32
      Dear Ms. Snowflake,
      I spoke to a person the other day, saying you needed a priest on the island. I haven't got any feedback from him, infact he's disappeared without a trace, but I got your adress from him. If the priest position or something alike still is available, I'm glad to offer my services.

      Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
      I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
      Also active on WePlayCiv.


      • #33
        Snowflake looked at the list of names she wrote down in front of her:

        Father Nikolai
        Architect Smilie
        Doctor Spike
        Bioscientist d'Heresson
        and TWO security experts Mr. Gunner and Mr. Tacticus

        Hmmm ... Quite an interesting combination. We didn't get an historian but I suppose this will do ... Mr. H is surely anxious for this expedition to start ...
        Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

        Grapefruit Garden


        • #34
          The pressure is too much!!!!!!!!!!!

          Well, I must confess that my career as a Security Expert has not been a rousing success. I have attempted to conceal the truth, but the fact remains that I have failed at every security job handed to me.

          If you were to do perform some simple research, you will see that on every job, a serious security breach has occurred. Now, I have been cleared of any personal wrong doing, but the fact remains that I did not attend fully to my duties.

          You might ask, "why?" Well, let me tell you. My hobby is history. I love doing research. In fact, it is what led me to accept the job of Personal Security Detail for archelogy team due to the travel and the opportunity to visit archelogical digs. I will emphasize that I am in no way responsible for the missing archelogical Iraqi artifacts "lost" during the latest conflict there. I feel better declaring that history is truly my passion. However, this career didn't pay the bills....which led me back to my disreputable security career.

          I would like to ammend my application from "Security Coordinator" to "Historian" assuming the position is still available and you can afford to pay a living wage. I have incurred some serious debts and the collectors of these debts are none too friendly. It seems right to step aside for Mr. Tacticus. I mean, c'mon, look at that name - TACTICUS! He deserves the job....all I did was to simply carry a gun.

          Would Mr. H accept my ammeded application for the position of "Historian"?

          With humble apologies and awaiting in earnest,

          Mr. G
          Haven't been here for ages....


          • #35
            I assure you Mr Gunner that you will never have to worry for any unpaid debts after this adventure.

            We will wait another few hours in case anybody else still wants to join us. The game will start tonight. Consider Mr. Kassiopeia and his crews as well as any equipment/materials already transported onto the Island.
            Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

            Grapefruit Garden


            • #36
              Mrs. Snowflake,

              A word of clarification if you please. Is my job assignment now in the radio chamber or after the secretaries' desk?

              Mr. GM
              He who knows others is wise.
              He who knows himself is enlightened.
              -- Lao Tsu

              SMAC(X) Marsscenario


              • #37
                You have total freedom how you are going to perform your duty. However, I will be your main contact when I return from the island.
                Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                Grapefruit Garden


                • #38
                  Sitting behind the steering wheel of her little red car, Ms. Snowflake looked at the small gathering in the harbor with great interest. “What a group of eccentric people we have here,†she said to herself, amused. There was the small, dapper, bearded Doctor Spike, who was carrying a rather large suitcase and pacing impatiently, a black cat sat docilely within his left arm. On the other corner the strangely dressed Mr. d'Heresson was squatting in front of a small rock, apparently looking at something on the ground with passion. Snowflake stared hard, but couldn’t figure out what it was that he was studying. The architect Mr. Smilie was sitting on a bench in front of the shoreline, his face pale and solemn, apparently lost in his own thought. The only noise other than the splattering of the waves, was the high pitched continuous speech from Mr. Tacticus, who was enthusiastically talking to his colleague Mr. Gunner. A rather good looking young man, Snowflake noted to herself, a bit shy, perhaps, or preoccupied? It was Tacticus who was doing all the talking … and this Mr. Gunner claimed that history was his true passion … Snowflake wondered how much truth was involved in the rumor of the missing archeological Iraqi artifacts …

                  A slim black figure walked toward the harbor hastily. Snowflake jumped out of her car and greeted the legendary priest. “Good afternoon dear Father Nikolai. I am Snowflake, Mr. H’s personal assistant. We are very honored to have you join this expedition.†The priest nodded with a kind smile. Ms. Snowflake walked toward the others cheerfully. “Mr. H wishes to express his personal gratitude to each of you for devoting yourself on this effort. He looks forward to the uncovering of the mystery of the Parade Island.†She shook her hands with each person, “I will accompany you all to the island tonight to make sure everything is in order, and then I will return to the mainland tomorrow morning.†“Splendid,†Murmured Mr. Gunner, holding Ms. Snowflake’s hand firmly. Such a cold hand … A thought flashed through Snowflake’s mind.
                  Last edited by Snowflake; October 26, 2004, 14:58.
                  Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                  Grapefruit Garden


                  • #39
                    Stena was actually a small motor boat. After two hours of sailing it finally churned its way round the rocks and entered into the narrow opening between the island and the rigorous stone reefs. One by one, people landed their feet on the uneven and rugged sandy soil. It was getting dark. Light fog was rising on the surface of the water. A flock of seagulls squealed sharply, circling Stena, who was swaying heavily with the waves. A vague noise could be heard in the distance, like a roaring of a wild beast. The Captain frowned, looking at the seagulls: “We better get back soon. Looks like a thunderstorm is coming. I wonder why they haven’t forecasted it.†He looked at Ms Snowflake with concerns: “You sure you don’t want to go back with us? If there is a big thunderstorm Stena will not be able to get back here tomorrow.â€

                    “It’s ok.†Snowflake smiled, “I’m sure they have plenty of food and rooms for one more person, we planned for a ten-person party after all.â€

                    “Look, the Castle!†Mr. Gunner pointed to the huge dark shadow sitting atop of the steep cliff. A dim yellow light twinkled through the darkness.

                    “What a masterpiece!†Mr. Smilie sighed with admiration.

                    “I wonder where the chauffeur is,†grumbled Dr. Spike, dragging his large suitcase with him.

                    Ten minutes later the party arrived at the giant unlit building. The light they saw earlier was not visible now. Perhaps it was at the other side of the building. Father Nikolai pushed the broad oak door, but couldn’t open it. Mr. d'Heresson stepped up to help him. With a creaking sound, the door slowly opened, revealing a large empty hall. As if put under a spell, the group of people stopped the casual chatting that they had been carrying along the short way up and stepped into the hall quietly.

                    A light sound of click broke the spell and the golden light of crystal chandeliers shined the room, accompanied with Ms Snowflake’s uttering of a gasp. “Welcome to Paradise Island, gentlemen.†Mr. d'Heresson almost jumped on the tepid voice heard behind them. Mr. Kassiopeia came forward, bowing slightly. He was tall, lank and rather respectable looking. “You must be Ms. Snowflake.†He took over her small travel case before he turned toward the group again. “Guest rooms are at the second floor. Mr. GeoModder will show you the way. The dinning room is to your left. Dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes.â€

                    When Snowflake stepped into the great dinning hall, she found the entire group was already sitting beside a long table, wines in their hands, chatting heatedly with each other. Perhaps it was the effect of good wines and hot food, everybody seemed to be in their best mood. Snowflake found that the secretary was a clever and attractive young man, and the Chef was a mellow and trustworthy person. “We certainly have a good service crew, at least more normal than the rest of the team …†She mused to herself.
                    Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                    Grapefruit Garden


                    • #40
                      We are now on the island (and waiting for the Vampire's order ). Please feel free to stroll around after dinner.
                      Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                      Grapefruit Garden


                      • #41
                        I'm posting the rules again here, in case some of the players missed the discussion.

                        1. With the exception that in the first night the head vampire produces one dead and one vampire, each vampire will have one victim each night, with the head vampire's victim becoming vampires and the other victims dead. (In other words it is more important to find the head vampire, so that the producing of new vampires would be stopped).

                        2. People choose how many and who should die the next day. The number of people who are deemed to be vampires can be more than one, and will be decided by half of the votes. Say over half people voted to kill over 3 people, then 3 people will be killed.

                        3. A vampire cannot kill his victim or make him a new vampire if he is staying with another person. However if the vampire find the same couple of people on a second night he will be able to kill his victim.

                        4. A head vampire would die if he couldn't drink blood for 3 nights. A regular vampire would die if he couldn't drink blood for one night.

                        5. There may be other rules since this is a test run. We will add them when needed.
                        Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                        Grapefruit Garden


                        • #42
                          Hmm, a fine example of late Gothic Revival architecture. We shall be able to appreciate the details better in the daylight. For now, I have found a map of the Island. It's an old one, but from a glance looks fairly accurate.
                          Attached Files
                          Visit First Cultural Industries
                          There are reasons why I believe mankind should live in cities and let nature reclaim all the villages with the exception of a few we keep on display as horrific reminders of rural life.-Starchild
                          Meat eating and the dominance and force projected over animals that is acompanies it is a gateway or parallel to other prejudiced beliefs such as classism, misogyny, and even racism. -General Ludd


                          • #43
                            I have a few questions regarding the rules:

                            - What happens if we don't a majority on how many people to kill?
                            - What, exactly, are the rules for staying with people? I recall them being mentioned in the discussion thread, but not what the eventual decision was.
                            - Does rule #4 mean that a 'lesser vampire' will die if, any point, he finds himself unable to feed? The way it's worded, it looks like it, but I'd like some clarification.


                            • #44
                              I don't know how will this game look, exactly, so I'll just see and copy someone else's behaviour

                              btw, mr d'Heresson says:
                              Nah, I'm sure there are no vampires on this island. Somebody must have seen a Toh-Toh black aardvark in the night and get scared...
                              Toh-Toh aardvarks don't attack humans very often, unless they have nothing else to eat and the herd finds someone strolling alone.
                              But perhaps the aardvarks of this island act different.
                              I'm very eager to find out.
                              "I realise I hold the key to freedom,
                              I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
                              Middle East!


                              • #45
                                Great maps! Thanks smilie!

                                For GT's question, the number of people to kill is decided like this. For example, 3 people say 3, 2 people say 2 and 4 people say 1. Then over the half people agree to kill 2 or above 2 and thus 2 will be killed.

                                When you want to stay with somebody, you PM me that you'd like to go to his room. If there are more people who want to go to the same person's room, the person who sent the first PM will get into the room and the others will be bumped back.

                                Your understanding regarding rule number 4 is correct.
                                Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

                                Grapefruit Garden

