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FG: Nascar VII - The Race Thread

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  • Sent!

    "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


    • Sent.
      Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


      • ALR3M (speed 5 because I hit 2 sandbags)


        • ARLMMM
          We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


          • rahlling right along?
            "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


            • *bump* for rah, but no hurry, since it is a holiday weekend.


              • AR(M4)(R+1)
                It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                • Turn 30: Prepare for Launching!

                     S -******-
                     t  ******                                    ***********|***
                     a  ******                                   ************|***
                     r  ******                                  *************|***
                     t  ******                                 **************|***
                         *****                                 ***           F
                          ****                                 ***           i
                          ****                                 ***           n
                       **|****|*****                            **           i
                      ***|****|******                           **           s
                     **   ****      *******                     ^^                       
                    **    ****       *********         (sand         traps!)          *******
                   **     ****              ***ooo*********oo*******ooo**o*************     **      ****
                   **    ** **                *********ooo*****ooo**********o***ooo         |*|  ****  ***
                   **   **  **                     ***ooo*****      *******oo***************|*|***       **
                    *****   **                     **           ^^                          |*|           *
                     ***    **                    **            **                           **           *
                            **                   **             **                            **          *
                            **                ****              **                             **         *
                            **          ***  *                  **                              **       ** 
                             **        **  **                  6**                               **     **
                              **********                     *****                     ****       **   **
                               ********                     **** *                    ******       ** **
                                                           **    *                   ********       ***
                                                          **     *                  ***    ***      **
                                                         *1      *                 ***      ***    **
                                                         **      *                 ***      ***4  **
                                                          **   **                   *******|***|***
                                                         *\**\*                      ******|***|**
                                                        *   **                              ***
                                                       *     **********    (sandtraps!)    *** 
                                                       *      **3****2*****o***ooo******oo***
                                                        *             **o****5o******oo***** 
                  Car Number Player Name Speed Wild cards Direction Orders
                  1 rah 6 0 N AR(M4)(R+1)
                  2 Spaced Cowboy 5 1 W ARL(3M)
                  3 Sparrowhawk 6 1 W A(M6)
                  4 Gamecube64 - - - -
                  5 Ljube-ljcvetko 5 0 W ALR(3M)
                  6 Kassiopeia 7 2 NE AMR(R+1)(4M)
                  Note: Car 5 is sitting on a sandbag.

                  Kassi now holds a 5 space lead on Rah; unfortunately for Kassi, though, his current speed has him headed right for the pit in the middle of the jump. Rah is coming around the bend and also approaching the jump. Sparrowhawk and Spaced Cowboy are in the straightaway exiting the sandbag alley, on the higher track; meanwhile, Ljube is still in the midst of the sand alley.

                  Now accepting turn 31 orders.


                  • Sent.
                    Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


                    • 5M
                      We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                      • Sent, though at this point I am just hoping to land on the other side of the jump before Kassiopeia crosses the finish line.

                        "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                        • Sent, and preparing to extend the wings.
                          It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                          RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                          • A4MRL


                            • Turn 31: I'm afraid he's not going to make it...

                                 S -******-
                                 t  ******                                    ***********|***
                                 a  ******                                   ************|***
                                 r  ******                                  *************|***
                                 t  ******                                 **************|***
                                     *****                                 ***           F
                                      ****                                 ***           i
                                      ****                                 ***           n
                                   **|****|*****                            **           i
                                  ***|****|******                           **           s
                                 **   ****      *******                     6^                       
                                **    ****       *********         (sand         traps!)          *******
                               **     ****              ***ooo*********oo*******ooo**o*************     **      ****
                               **    ** **                *********ooo*****ooo**********o***ooo         |*|  ****  ***
                               **   **  **                     ***ooo*****      *******oo***************|*|***       **
                                *****   **                     **           ^^                          |*|           *
                                 ***    **                    **            **                           **           *
                                        **                   **             **                            **          *
                                        **                ****              *1                             **         *
                                        **          ***  *                  **                              **       ** 
                                         **        **  **                  ***                               **     **
                                          **********                     *****                     ****       **   **
                                           ********                     **** *                    ******       ** **
                                                                       **    *                   ********       ***
                                                                      **     *                  ***    ***      **
                                                                     *3      *                 ***      ***    **
                                                                     **      *                 ***      ***4  **
                                                                      **   **                   *******|***|***
                                                                     *\**\*                      ******|***|**
                                                                    *   **                              ***
                                                                   *     **********    (sandtraps!)    *** 
                                                                   *      **2******5**oo***ooo******oo***
                                                                    *             ooo****oo*****ooo***** 
                              Car Number Player Name Speed Wild cards Direction Orders
                              1 rah 7 0 NE AR(M6)
                              2 Spaced Cowboy 5 1 W (5M)
                              3 Sparrowhawk 7 0 N AMR(M4)(R+1)
                              4 Gamecube64 - - - -
                              5 Ljube-ljcvetko 6 0 W A(4M)RL
                              6 Kassiopeia 4 1 N A(A+1)ML(7M)
                              Spectators in the sand gaped as Kassi flew into the sky, only to fall short of the landing ramp, on the grassy slope between the ramp and sandbag alley #1. He was able to drive his car up onto the ramp, but it took a significant amount of time and effort. (Speed halved.) Meanwhile, Rah lines himself up for the jump, in a last-ditch effort for salvaging victory. Sparrowhawk now has a solid 3rd place position, with a good lead over Spaced Cowboy, about to enter the turn, and Ljube who is now just leaving the sandbag alley #2.

                              Now taking turn 32 orders.


                              • I have no idea how that happened, but I guess there's no helping it.

                                Edit: Meh, now I do.
                                Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!

