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FG: Nascar VII - The Race Thread

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  • #46

    "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


    • #47
      Rah, your orders are legal.

      Updating now...


      • #48
        Turn 5: Boom!

           S -******-
           t  ******                                    ***********|***
           a  ******                                   ************|***
           r  ******                                  *************|***
           t  ******                                 **************|***
               *****                                 ***           F
                ****                                 ***           i
                ****                                 ***           n
             5*|****|*****                            **           i
            4**2****|******                           **           s
           **   ****      *******                     ^^                       
          **    ****       *********         (sand         traps!)          *******
         **     ****              *******************************************     **      ****
         **    ** **                *************************************         |*|  ****  ***
         **   **  **                     *1*********      ************************|*|***       **
          *****   **                     **           ^^                          |*|           *
           ***    **                    **            **                           **           *
                  **                   **             **                            **          *
                  **                ****              **                             **         *
                  **          **3  *                  **                              **       ** 
                   **        *6  **                  ***                               **     **
                    **********                     *****                     ****       **   **
                     ********                     **** *                    ******       ** **
                                                 **    *                    ********      ***
                                                **     *                  ***    ***      **
                                               **      *                 ***      ***    **
                                               **      *                 ***      ***   **
                                                **   **                   *******|***|***
                                               *\**\*                      ******|***|**
                                              *   **                              ***
                                             *     **********    (sandtraps!)    *** 
                                             *      *******************************
                                              *             **********************
        Car Number Player Name Speed Wild cards Direction Orders
        1 rah 11 3 NE A(M)(R)(L)(L+1)M(R)M(L+1)(M3)
        2 Spaced Cowboy 5 4 E ARM(R+1)MM
        3 Sparrowhawk 3 6 E BLmRmLR
        4 Gamecube64 2 6 NE BRMMM
        5 Ljube-ljcvetko 3 6 NE R(R+1)3M
        6 duke o' york 7 7 NE (A)MMMMMLM
        The amazing streak of no crashes has now ended, with half of the racers involved in various incidents. On the left/upper track, Ljube and Gamecube collide. Ljube gets the front spot (randomly selected), and both of their speeds were cut in half. Meanwhile, Spaced avoids the traffic and avoids through the turn.

        On the right/lower track, Sparrowhawk runs off the track, confused by the weaving track. (Speed penalty applied.) Duke is now catching up with him, while Rah zooms ahead into the 1st sandbag alley.

        The sandbag alley is brutal, though; if the later drivers can go through the field while avoiding the sandbags hit by earlier drivers, they may be able to catch up. This isn't over, not by a long shot.

        Now accepting orders for turn 6.


        • #49
          Bloody hell!!! Why did you have to use breaks GC? I expected you would accelerate! I should have gone rah's way. At least I can predict his moves.



          • #50

            I changed my signature


            • #51

              I was sure I checked and double checked so when you said I was confused I went back and checked and checked again...and on what must have been the fourth or fifth time of going over it, I realized where I screwed up, I got the last LR backwards

              That may cost me, but the slower speed should at least make it easier to negotiate corners


              Edit: Sent! and a suggestion...any way it could be indicated what path Rah (and anyone coming after him) takes so that you can tell what spots definitely don't have sandbags? Or do each of the racers keep track of that for themselves??
              Last edited by Sparrowhawk; October 7, 2004, 23:20.
              "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


              • #52
                We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                • #53
                  The sandbag alley is brutal, though; if the later drivers can go through the field while avoiding the sandbags hit by earlier drivers, they may be able to catch up. This isn't over, not by a long shot.
                  Oh joy. With almost no WCs left, I can't wait.
                  It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                  RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by rah

                    Oh joy. With almost no WCs left, I can't wait.
                    My only hope at this point. :0
                    We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                    • #55
                      No reason to have to PM this one.


                      Sand goggles on. How many will I hit?
                      You guys can only hope that I miss a few so you have an idea what a safe path might be. If I'm the only one to hit any, I'll be quite suspicious.
                      It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                      RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • #56
                        Turn 6: We now return to your regularly scheduled race...

                           S -******-
                           t  ******                                    ***********|***
                           a  ******                                   ************|***
                           r  ******                                  *************|***
                           t  ******                                 **************|***
                               *****                                 ***           F
                                ****                                 ***           i
                                ****                                 ***           n
                             **|***5|*****                            **           i
                            ***4****|2*****                           **           s
                           **   ****      *******                     ^^                       
                          **    ****       *********         (sand         traps!)          *******
                         **     ****              ***************oo*1************************     **      ****
                         **    ** **                *************************************         |*|  ****  ***
                         **   **  **                     ***********      ************************|*|***       **
                          *****   **                     **           ^^                          |*|           *
                           ***    **                    **            **                           **           *
                                  **                   **             **                            **          *
                                  **                63**              **                             **         *
                                  **          ***  *                  **                              **       ** 
                                   **        **  **                  ***                               **     **
                                    **********                     *****                     ****       **   **
                                     ********                     **** *                    ******       ** **
                                                                 **    *                    ********      ***
                                                                **     *                  ***    ***      **
                                                               **      *                 ***      ***    **
                                                               **      *                 ***      ***   **
                                                                **   **                   *******|***|***
                                                               *\**\*                      ******|***|**
                                                              *   **                              ***
                                                             *     **********    (sandtraps!)    *** 
                                                             *      *******************************
                                                              *             **********************
                        Car Number Player Name Speed Wild cards Direction Orders
                        1 rah 10 3 E A(M2)R(M9)
                        2 Spaced Cowboy 6 4 E A(6M)
                        3 Sparrowhawk 5 4 E A(A+1)RLLMR
                        4 Gamecube64 3 6 E ARMM
                        5 Ljube-ljcvetko 6 4 E A(A+1)(A+2)R(5M)
                        6 duke o' york 6 6 NE BMRRLLM
                        No crashes this turn. It's a good thing.

                        Rah enters sandtrap alley 1 and hits two sandbags, slowing him down slightly. On the upper track, Spaced Cowboy accelerates towards the alley, with Ljube and Gamecube lagging a bit behind. Sparrowhawk and Duke are still making their way through the serpintine turns on the lower track.

                        As Duke mentioned in the Mafia thread, he is quitting Nascar due to his connection "difficulties", so I had to make orders up for him this turn. If anyone wants to take his place (until the time when/if duke returns) speak up.

                        Now accepting turn 7 orders.


                        • #57
                          Sent, still puttering along.
                          I changed my signature


                          • #58
                            We're sorry, the voices in my head are not available at this time. Please try back again soon.


                            • #59

                              This is turning into a Rahce

                              "Clearly I'm missing the thread some of where the NFL actually is." - Ben Kenobi on his NFL knowledge


                              • #60
                                We'll keep the goggles on.
                                No need for PMing this one

                                We'll let the sand provide the necessary breaking.
                                It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                                RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O

