hmm... preliminarily, I think we might do a D&D campaign- so I'll post all the races, alignments and classes here for perusal and suggestion
(feel free to pick)---
(The most numerous and hardy creatures of the realms, Humans are generally well respected and can make equally good fighters and magic casters.)
(The longest lived creatures of the realms, elves tend to be secretive and to retreat in on themselves.
RESTRICTIONS- No Barbarians)
(Dwarves are short and tend to like mountains and fighting. They also have a thing for clerics)
(RESTRICTIONS- NO Wizards/Sorcerers)
(Crazy and wildly inventive. Gnomes aren't exactly the stablest-minded of all creatures, nor are they very strong or focused.)
(RESTRICTIONS- No Barbarians,Paladins)
[NOTE: Only FOUR Gnomes per group of 20]
(Short, fast and excellent thieves)
(RESTRICTIONS- No Barbarians, Rangers)
(Not quite accepted in either human or elvish society, the 1/2 elves have infravision and some of their elven benefits, but lack the elves longer lifespans and generally lack their quicker reflexes)
(RESTRICTIONS- No Barbarians)
(Big, tough and ugly. Hated by almost all.)
(RESTRICTIONS- No Wizards/Sorcerers/Paladins)
Lawful Good
Neutral Good
Chaotic Good
Lawful Neutral
True Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Lawful Evil
Neutral Evil
Chaotic Evil
RED Font= Power that is secretly activated. Remember, you can still say "VOTE SENT" even if your character really can't vote that round.
BLUE font = Power that is revealed to all.
(The warrior for good- the Paladin is pure of heart and must always act to nourish the weak, and correct injustice where it exists.
The Paladin can cast PRAYER, and healing spells to bless the troops...)
[Can Petition a god for guidance in voting ONCE per game.
(and the petition for guidance will result in myself voting for the correct assassin for your character- however your character will have no idea who they voted for)
[WARNING: Paladins, being Lawful Good, feel compelled to tell the group who they voted for if someone asks them.
They must search out evil wherever it exists- and, they figure, someone who kills, must be evil. Therefore, others should vote as they do. They fear no retribution. Their God will look over them.
Their votes will not be secret]
[NOTE: Only THREE Paladins per group of 20]
(The scout. A great archer)
(The Ranger has the ability to Look for Clues which can be used TWICE per game. When used, the GM will inform the player, in private, which hints are real and which are red herrings for that round and that round only.
(The generic warrior)
(The Fighter has the ability to SLAY assassin for ONE round... If the assassin targets him that round, the assassin auto-dies because of the Fighters alert skills.)
(Man of the Wild- ferocious fighter)
[ONCE Per game can determine one player to die whom he acuses of being the Assassin. None will oppose the Barbarian as he goes into his rage.
HOWEVER, the next 3 turns the Barbarian is withheld from the voting circle.]
(The Barbarian has the Unique Ability to resist all Influence from Magical people: Clerics/Wizards/Sorcerors/Druids/etc. This is Auto-Activated)
[Limit: TWO Barbarians per group of 20]
(Naturally attuned to magic)
[ONCE per game can make his/her vote count double...but the same round that this is invoked- S(he) will receive an additional 2 votes against him/herself]
(Sorcerer has the ability to Influence. Once per game he use it on another player, who will automatically vote for the person the sorcerer names. However, the player so influenced will automatically vote against the sorcerer the next round because of the wills of magic. However, this power cannot occur when there are less than 4 survivors left. The GM does the switching behind the scenes both times)
(Researcher of Magic)
[ONCE per game can cast a diviniation and discover all the votes made by everyone the previous round... however, the Paladin's secret power vote will always be shielded from him by his gods.]
(The Wizard can magically alter one persons vote ONCE per game unbeknownst to all, but will have 2 votes accure against him the next round)
[ONCE per game can change one person's vote to whatever he/she desires...but LOSES own vote next round. (fatigue/hiding from the other person's anger)]
(ONCE per game can EVADE death at the hands of the assassin; must be activated at start of round before assassin strikes. Loses vote next turn.)
[Limit: THREE Rogues per group of 20]
(Like a Skald. His magic comes from his music.)
[ONCE per game can negate two votes for him... the next round however, the spell wears out and two votes come against him]
(ONCE per game can EVADE death at the hands of the assassin; must be activated at the start of the round)
[NOTE: Only TWO Bards per group of 20]
(Servant of a God)
[ONCE per round can protect ONE player from the Assassin. The next round, the cleric loses his vote because he is tired]
(The Cleric has the ability to Ask the Dead. ONE time each game he can direct specific Yes/No questions to the dead (either assassinated or executed). The GM determines if the dead person knows the answer, and if so, will answer it honestly.)
(Servant of Nature)
[ONCE per game can raise one player from the dead. After this however, the Druid loses all ability to vote and falls into a coma for 3 days. The person who is raised gains a special hint about the assassin.]
(ONCE per game the Druid can ASK NATURE for a clue)
[NOTE: Only THREE Druids per group of 20]
(Hand-to-hand fighter. The Monk disdains weapons)
[ONCE per game gains a specific hint about ANYTHING from the Gods... This is a question/answer and must be along the lines of "is X a hint?" or "what does X mean?"
The next turn, the Monk falls comatose and cannot vote.]
(ONCE per game the Monk can chose to stay awake for 24 hours and be immune from assassins. However, he will lose the ability to vote next turn.)
[NOTE: Only ONE Monk per group of 20]
(feel free to pick)---
(The most numerous and hardy creatures of the realms, Humans are generally well respected and can make equally good fighters and magic casters.)
(The longest lived creatures of the realms, elves tend to be secretive and to retreat in on themselves.
RESTRICTIONS- No Barbarians)
(Dwarves are short and tend to like mountains and fighting. They also have a thing for clerics)
(RESTRICTIONS- NO Wizards/Sorcerers)
(Crazy and wildly inventive. Gnomes aren't exactly the stablest-minded of all creatures, nor are they very strong or focused.)
(RESTRICTIONS- No Barbarians,Paladins)
[NOTE: Only FOUR Gnomes per group of 20]
(Short, fast and excellent thieves)
(RESTRICTIONS- No Barbarians, Rangers)
(Not quite accepted in either human or elvish society, the 1/2 elves have infravision and some of their elven benefits, but lack the elves longer lifespans and generally lack their quicker reflexes)
(RESTRICTIONS- No Barbarians)
(Big, tough and ugly. Hated by almost all.)
(RESTRICTIONS- No Wizards/Sorcerers/Paladins)
Lawful Good
Neutral Good
Chaotic Good
Lawful Neutral
True Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
Lawful Evil
Neutral Evil
Chaotic Evil
RED Font= Power that is secretly activated. Remember, you can still say "VOTE SENT" even if your character really can't vote that round.
BLUE font = Power that is revealed to all.
(The warrior for good- the Paladin is pure of heart and must always act to nourish the weak, and correct injustice where it exists.
The Paladin can cast PRAYER, and healing spells to bless the troops...)
[Can Petition a god for guidance in voting ONCE per game.
(and the petition for guidance will result in myself voting for the correct assassin for your character- however your character will have no idea who they voted for)
[WARNING: Paladins, being Lawful Good, feel compelled to tell the group who they voted for if someone asks them.
They must search out evil wherever it exists- and, they figure, someone who kills, must be evil. Therefore, others should vote as they do. They fear no retribution. Their God will look over them.
Their votes will not be secret]
[NOTE: Only THREE Paladins per group of 20]
(The scout. A great archer)
(The Ranger has the ability to Look for Clues which can be used TWICE per game. When used, the GM will inform the player, in private, which hints are real and which are red herrings for that round and that round only.
(The generic warrior)
(The Fighter has the ability to SLAY assassin for ONE round... If the assassin targets him that round, the assassin auto-dies because of the Fighters alert skills.)
(Man of the Wild- ferocious fighter)
[ONCE Per game can determine one player to die whom he acuses of being the Assassin. None will oppose the Barbarian as he goes into his rage.
HOWEVER, the next 3 turns the Barbarian is withheld from the voting circle.]
(The Barbarian has the Unique Ability to resist all Influence from Magical people: Clerics/Wizards/Sorcerors/Druids/etc. This is Auto-Activated)
[Limit: TWO Barbarians per group of 20]
(Naturally attuned to magic)
[ONCE per game can make his/her vote count double...but the same round that this is invoked- S(he) will receive an additional 2 votes against him/herself]
(Sorcerer has the ability to Influence. Once per game he use it on another player, who will automatically vote for the person the sorcerer names. However, the player so influenced will automatically vote against the sorcerer the next round because of the wills of magic. However, this power cannot occur when there are less than 4 survivors left. The GM does the switching behind the scenes both times)
(Researcher of Magic)
[ONCE per game can cast a diviniation and discover all the votes made by everyone the previous round... however, the Paladin's secret power vote will always be shielded from him by his gods.]
(The Wizard can magically alter one persons vote ONCE per game unbeknownst to all, but will have 2 votes accure against him the next round)
[ONCE per game can change one person's vote to whatever he/she desires...but LOSES own vote next round. (fatigue/hiding from the other person's anger)]
(ONCE per game can EVADE death at the hands of the assassin; must be activated at start of round before assassin strikes. Loses vote next turn.)
[Limit: THREE Rogues per group of 20]
(Like a Skald. His magic comes from his music.)
[ONCE per game can negate two votes for him... the next round however, the spell wears out and two votes come against him]
(ONCE per game can EVADE death at the hands of the assassin; must be activated at the start of the round)
[NOTE: Only TWO Bards per group of 20]
(Servant of a God)
[ONCE per round can protect ONE player from the Assassin. The next round, the cleric loses his vote because he is tired]
(The Cleric has the ability to Ask the Dead. ONE time each game he can direct specific Yes/No questions to the dead (either assassinated or executed). The GM determines if the dead person knows the answer, and if so, will answer it honestly.)
(Servant of Nature)
[ONCE per game can raise one player from the dead. After this however, the Druid loses all ability to vote and falls into a coma for 3 days. The person who is raised gains a special hint about the assassin.]
(ONCE per game the Druid can ASK NATURE for a clue)
[NOTE: Only THREE Druids per group of 20]
(Hand-to-hand fighter. The Monk disdains weapons)
[ONCE per game gains a specific hint about ANYTHING from the Gods... This is a question/answer and must be along the lines of "is X a hint?" or "what does X mean?"
The next turn, the Monk falls comatose and cannot vote.]
(ONCE per game the Monk can chose to stay awake for 24 hours and be immune from assassins. However, he will lose the ability to vote next turn.)
[NOTE: Only ONE Monk per group of 20]