Originally posted by Urban Ranger
You made a killing on pixels or pixel items? What I meant was not everybody needs his own store. Only one is needed.
Do you set the prices, or is it automatic? I saw people selling Valuable Trinkets for over 1 mil each.
You made a killing on pixels or pixel items? What I meant was not everybody needs his own store. Only one is needed.
Do you set the prices, or is it automatic? I saw people selling Valuable Trinkets for over 1 mil each.

You set the prices how many you want to sell, and the max per day. The manage prices screen in your shop tells you the lowest price in the mall. You can beat this, or if you're close it's usually better to buy the cheapest out and make a profit.
The bad part of the mall is the dupers/super rich. If someone opens a store carrying 100,000 of the item you used to sell the cheapest for $10, you're out of luck for a long time.
I've started diversifying- buying the real cheap stuff and selling it for a markup in the market where people have to pay slightly higher prices. I'm nicer, though- I don't gouge people. I make a profit.