A GM is selected who is responsible for the running of the game. His duty is to keep the Mafia's identity secret, while also giving the other players a chance to catch him/her.
Setting up.
The GM advertises the number of players to be involved in the game. This must be an even number.
Once he has the required number of players, he sets the scene in whatever way he sees fit, i.e by giving the players jobs, describing the location etc...
1 or more players are selected at random and informed in strict secrecy that they are the Mafia. The others players, together with the Mafia, from the Villagers.
Round #1 - Nighttime
The mafia, or the first mafia if there are more than 1, informs the GM
by PM who he wishes to kill. The GM then posts a decription of the death in the game thread and the players proceed to Round #2.
Round #2 - Daytime
All living villagers may now vote as to who the killer is. The one who gets the most votes is put to death by the villagers. Voting normally lasts for 24 hours or untill a clear majority is reached. in the case of a tie, the GM has the duty to decide at random who dies, which should be done in a way that is seen to be fair and impartial. The night then falls, and another nighttime round is played. If a mafia is killed in the first round before he even strike once, the GM may choose a replacement if they so wish (why waste all that background story?)
Winning the Game
The villagers win if all the mafia are killed.
The mafia win if all the other villagers are killed.
* * * * *
Nuclear War
Each player starts with 3 cities, and may perform 1 order each turn. Orders should be sent to the GM through:
(When orders has been sent, please post a “sent” msg in the thread, to make sure the GM has received the order).
If you don’t send any orders for a turn, you won't be auto-set to do something (The GM won't deflect for you, the GM won't do anything for you... ), and since the GM posts a msg from time to time in the forum about who still needs to send orders, people can see who’s open for nuking, so be sure to send them. You can send the GM a default order, if you wish, but I recommend that you send a queue.
If you don’t send your orders, there will be consequences, unless you can come up with a good reason BEFORE you’re missing your orders (i.e. if you’re going on vacation tell us BEFORE you leave, not when you get home)
# of turns missed: Consequences:
1: nothing
2: You’ll lose one city this round
3: You’ll lose two cities this round
4: ---------you get Wasted--------
Each turn takes about 24 hours (Ending at 10 AM GMT each day) (Though there might be some changes, so don’t count on it being ready every day at this time... maybe it’ll be earlier, maybe later). If the GM has received all orders before time runs out, the turn has ended and he'll post the results early.
You will be able to change your orders up until one hour before the end of the turn.
Spy missions don't count as orders: e.g. you can sabotage an enemy and nuke him in the same turn. Each player starts with zero spies. You can send out multiple spies per turn if you have them.
All orders marked with a * sign shall be referred to as "unknown projects" unless they specifically come into play that turn.
If you post a "sent" msg in the thread, but the GM doesn't recieve any orders, he'll auto-set you to whatever you want your 'default' orders to be - send them with your first orders (Of course he'll send you a msg that he didn't recieve your orders)
The only orders that can be combined are Sabotage with any other order. Stockpile cannot be combined with deflect, for instance.
* * * * *
1. You get 100 points to start, you gain no extra points by winning.
2. You must distribute your 100 points to the 3 areas of attack, defence and power each combat round, which come in sets of 3, therefore you must distribute the 100 points into 9 "boxes".
No more than 50 points per line. Each ADP is compared to the opponents ADP. 1st<-->1st, 2nd<-->2nd, etc...
3. Ties result in 50% power damage rounded down, afterweapons and armor are calculated . 0 attack 0 defense ties are possible.
4. Each player has 20 points to distribute to weapons and armour. This is public knowledge and is sent in with your gladiators name. Half of these points are added to each of the 3 A/Ds. They also add their full values to power (if hit) and subtract from power (if hit) respectively.
EXAMPLE: Player 1 selects a weapon rating of 12 and an armor of 8, for 20 total. Player B selects a weapon 9 and armor 11. They then fight each other.
Player A selects 3 sets of orders:
for a total of 100.
Player B has selected:
for 100.
No one line can equal more than 50.
These are in turn modified by their weapons and armor, and so look like this when complete:
So for the 1st swing, (18-20.5) is negative, so player misses, as does player B, since (9.5-12) is also negative.
2nd swing both opponents hit each other (11-5.5=positive #, also 24.5-24). Player A does very little; his total is (0+12-11)=1 hit point of damage. Player B hit for (20+9-8)=21 h.p.'s.
3rd and final swing Player A hits again (26-25.5) as does Player B (9.5-9). Player A does 21 damage (20+12-11) and Player B does 6 (5+9-8). The round ends with Player A down 27 hp's, and Player B down 22. The lost hit points will have no effect on points used for ADP in future combats; ADP always equals 100.
Note that since one player has an odd number for A/D and the other even, these 2 players will never have a tied result.
5. You will have two rounds against each opponent. Every win you have will give you 3 points, ever draw 1, and every time you lose you collect 0. You will gain 1 bonus point if you reduce your opponent to 0 HP, while remaining alive yourself. If you have 0 HP in the heats, you are presumed to be incapacitated, but will recover for your other bouts. In the knockout stages, 0 HP means that you're dead. The 4 contestants with the most points will go through to the semi-finals, which are fights to the death.
* * * * *
* * * * *
Name the Game
Game rules:
- If you guess a game correctly you provide the next game.
- Please check the list below before doing so.
- Games are not allowed to be newer than 1997, but anything before that is allowed.
- Usually a good clue is to write information about which computer you played it on. Also the time period and genre can be narrowed down.
- Use vague clues at first and if nobody can guess, write progressively more useful clues later.
- Shotgunning (aka DoY'ing) is not allowed. 1 guess is your limit until you are told it is incorrect.
- The answer is not Grim Fandango, except when it is.
- Googling invalidates your guess, and should be declared if used as a last resort in a difficult game.
Happy guessing.
(Rules from Spikie
* * * * *
Formula One
The game is turn-based. Each of the two drivers issues two orders for each turn. Possible orders are as follows:
1. Change speed:
a. Accelerate - add one to speed
b. Decelerate - subtract one from speed
c. Don't change speed
2. Steer:
a. Left
b. Right
c. Don't change direction
* Each player also has 6 wildcards, which they can use to double their change in speed or double their turn rate. Multiple wildcards can be used in a single round.
* Steering can now be controlled much finer.
Turning (moving to the left or right) will always move you forward 1 square, but you can now influence when this move takes place.
Say your speed is 3, and you want to go right without changing speed. You send this order in.
Y = you
o = oil slick
By default you would move:
which unfortunately takes you through a known oil slick.
If, with your order, you specified to mmr (move, move, right), then your movement would look like this:
Allowing you to bypass the oil.
If you don't specify when do your turn, it will by default be done on the first move.
A complete order may look like this: (current speed of 4)
"Accelerate left+1
This will move the car forward twice, diagonally left, once more forward and then diagonally left once more, and uses up one wildcard.
* Orders are to be PMed to the GM. They are not being made public this time. Its not like that helped preventing collisions last time, anyway.
There will be no hidden oil slicks. They will appear at crash sites and come into effect in the second lap.
There are hidden sand traps that will reduce your speed by two. The will be exposed after hit.
Only two wildcards for a direction or speed on any turn.
accel 2 and right 2 are allowed in the same turn, just no accel 3 or right 3.
Oil spots, random left or right 1-3 spaces, speed reduced in half. (unless you leave the track)
If you go off the road. 1-2 spaces. reduced to speed 0.
If you go off the road 3+ spaces. reduced to speed 0 and lose a turn.
You will be placed back on the track where you last exited, (GM's judgement)
CRASHES: If you crash, random roll who gets the space and who gets behind. (so first order is no longer an advantage) Both reduced only half speed. (if th GM determines that two people plan a crash for controlled breaking, he will reduce them both to 0 and they will lose a turn)
TWO LAPS: (so watch those wildcards)
Only cars within 20 or so spaces of the lead car will participate in the second lap. GM's judgement for competitive reasons.
The slip stream rule
If you start a turn directly behind another racer, (not including the result of a crash) the car in the rear can slip stream. To do this, his first command must be a left or right and an S is added to your command stream. This will give you a free space forward and it will not count towards your final speed.
car 1 is at speed 3 and car two is at speed 3
The two card issues a slip
RSMMMM assuming an acceleration
The 2 car will move r and 5 forward but will still be considered at speed 4.
* * * * *
Nascar Racing
Everyone starts will a speed of 6 and has 4 wildcards.
The game is turn-based. Each of the two drivers issues two orders for each turn. Possible orders are as follows:
1. Change speed:
2. Steer:
* Each player also can use wildcards during their turn, doubling their change in speed or doubling their turn rate. Multiple wildcards can be used in a single round.
* Steering can now be controlled much finer.
Turning (moving to the left or right) will always move you forward 1 square, but you can now influence when this move takes place.
A complete order may look like this: (current speed of 4, North)
This will move the car forward twice, diagonally right, once more diagonally right and then straight right once more, and uses up one wildcard. It is now moving East.
Only two wildcards for a direction or speed on any turn.
accel 2 and right 2 are allowed in the same turn, just no accel 3 or right 3.
LR in once turn uses no wildcards, just the second turn in each direction uses 1 WC per turn.
If you go off the road:
1-2 spaces you are reduced to speed 0. You will be placed back on the track where you last exited (my judgement) and miss a turn.
If you go off the road 3+ spaces you crash and burn. Game over.
Collisions with another player:
A roll of the dice will determine who gets the square at the front of the collision site. Others involved in the collision will be placed as I see fit. Direction does not change, speed is halved. If the collision is deemed deliberate, speed is cut to 0 and may or may not cost a turn as well.
Crashing off the track:
The car is set back on the track near where they went off the track, direction changed to one that will not have the player crashing off the track again the next turn. Speed is cut to 0. If the crash occurs during the first 5 moves of a players turn, it is deemed a serious crash and will cost the player one turn as well, otherwise they are free to continue racing the next turn. Wildcards used in a players orders before the crash are gone, wildcard orders that would have occured had the car not gone off the track are not used up.
* * * * *
Main Idea
To support the growth of the Mafia game and to relieve the original Mafia game, a spin-off will be introduced. For convenience and distinction, this spin-off will be named "Assassins".
Assassins will use the basic formula of Mafia, but will also be an experimental ground for the original Mafia game.
Assassins will be played independently from Mafia with its own player pool, run-time, and possibly story setting (if the GM chooses so).
Like in Mafia, a General Manager (GM) will host the game. The GM will appoint one or two players (dependent on total number of participants) to be the "Assassin(s)".
The game knows two time-settings: Day and Night. During nighttime, a player will be killed by (one of) the Assassin(s) (and eliminated from playing). During daytime, the surviving players will all vote for who they believe is the (an) Assassin. The person who receives the most votes is then killed and eliminated from playing.
When there are two Assassins appointed, they will alternate kills until one of them is killed. The appointed Assassins do NOT know of each other that they are Assassins. Therefore, it is possible that one Assassin kills the other. Both Assassins will have different killing styles to distinguish them from each other.
If there is only one Assassin, then the GM will have him/her leave some kind of clue as a signature.
- Any member can sign up to play Assassins, but a player may not simultaneously play Mafia and Assassins.
- However, if a player is already killed and eliminated from playing Mafia, s/he is allowed to participate in a new round of Assassins. The opposite is true as well: if a player is already killed and eliminated from playing Assassins, s/he is allowed to participate in a new round of Mafia.
- Surviving players have 24 hours time to cast their votes on who they think is the (an) Assassin. This rule will be flexible during weekends (depending on the voting situation).
- Players may only cast one vote per voting round. This vote is made through a closed ballot by PM'ing the vote to the GM. Votes made in the game thread will not be accepted.
Comparison to Mafia
Here's a brief rundown of the similarities/differences with Mafia.
- Basic formula
- Vote structure
- Player pool (mutually exclusive)
- Run-time (independent from Mafia)
- Story-setting (if GM chooses so)
- Voting form (closed ballot)
* * * * *
As requested here is the thread with the collected rules of the forum games currently running. Hopefully we can rely on Rah to keep this thread spam free and topped. I'll try and keep it updated as rules change.
A GM is selected who is responsible for the running of the game. His duty is to keep the Mafia's identity secret, while also giving the other players a chance to catch him/her.
Setting up.
The GM advertises the number of players to be involved in the game. This must be an even number.
Once he has the required number of players, he sets the scene in whatever way he sees fit, i.e by giving the players jobs, describing the location etc...
1 or more players are selected at random and informed in strict secrecy that they are the Mafia. The others players, together with the Mafia, from the Villagers.
Round #1 - Nighttime
The mafia, or the first mafia if there are more than 1, informs the GM
by PM who he wishes to kill. The GM then posts a decription of the death in the game thread and the players proceed to Round #2.
Round #2 - Daytime
All living villagers may now vote as to who the killer is. The one who gets the most votes is put to death by the villagers. Voting normally lasts for 24 hours or untill a clear majority is reached. in the case of a tie, the GM has the duty to decide at random who dies, which should be done in a way that is seen to be fair and impartial. The night then falls, and another nighttime round is played. If a mafia is killed in the first round before he even strike once, the GM may choose a replacement if they so wish (why waste all that background story?)
Winning the Game
The villagers win if all the mafia are killed.
The mafia win if all the other villagers are killed.
* * * * *
Nuclear War
Each player starts with 3 cities, and may perform 1 order each turn. Orders should be sent to the GM through:
(When orders has been sent, please post a “sent” msg in the thread, to make sure the GM has received the order).
If you don’t send any orders for a turn, you won't be auto-set to do something (The GM won't deflect for you, the GM won't do anything for you... ), and since the GM posts a msg from time to time in the forum about who still needs to send orders, people can see who’s open for nuking, so be sure to send them. You can send the GM a default order, if you wish, but I recommend that you send a queue.
If you don’t send your orders, there will be consequences, unless you can come up with a good reason BEFORE you’re missing your orders (i.e. if you’re going on vacation tell us BEFORE you leave, not when you get home)
# of turns missed: Consequences:
1: nothing
2: You’ll lose one city this round
3: You’ll lose two cities this round
4: ---------you get Wasted--------
Each turn takes about 24 hours (Ending at 10 AM GMT each day) (Though there might be some changes, so don’t count on it being ready every day at this time... maybe it’ll be earlier, maybe later). If the GM has received all orders before time runs out, the turn has ended and he'll post the results early.
You will be able to change your orders up until one hour before the end of the turn.
Spy missions don't count as orders: e.g. you can sabotage an enemy and nuke him in the same turn. Each player starts with zero spies. You can send out multiple spies per turn if you have them.
- Launch Nukes:
The player can launch two nukes. The nukes can be launched at different players or they can be launched to the same player, depending on preference. - Stockpile Nukes: *
When stockpiling nukes you can launch 2-4 nukes instead of 2 at a time. You can't stockpile stockpiled nukes, the max # of nukes is 4. You don't have to use the stockpiled nukes the following turn. If you've got stockpiled nukes and want to nuke someone, but also keep the stockpiled nukes, you may. - Deflect: *
When deflecting nukes to a certain player, every second nuke to arrive that turn will be deflected to another player (Which has to be included in the orders). The nukes which get deflected is: 1, 3, 5… while 2, 4, 6… will hit - Hide in bunker: *
Each player starts with one bunker. When used, ALL nukes fired at you are destroyed (Not deflected), and all spies sent against you are killed (caught by the guards). After one use, the bunker is unavailable, unless rebuilt. - Build a Bunker: *
Gives you another bunker to use (up to a max of 2). - Train a new spy: *
Just like it sounds. (No-one starts with any spies) Up to a maximum of 3.
- Build City:
You get one extra city. (No more than 5 cities can be built, this is not ICS). - Sabotage (Spy):
When using sabotage on another player, the other players orders will be cancelled. This kills the spy used. Sabotage does not work on bunkers; stockpiled nukes launches that are sabotaged lose the stockpile involved.
All orders marked with a * sign shall be referred to as "unknown projects" unless they specifically come into play that turn.
If you post a "sent" msg in the thread, but the GM doesn't recieve any orders, he'll auto-set you to whatever you want your 'default' orders to be - send them with your first orders (Of course he'll send you a msg that he didn't recieve your orders)
The only orders that can be combined are Sabotage with any other order. Stockpile cannot be combined with deflect, for instance.
* * * * *
1. You get 100 points to start, you gain no extra points by winning.
2. You must distribute your 100 points to the 3 areas of attack, defence and power each combat round, which come in sets of 3, therefore you must distribute the 100 points into 9 "boxes".
1st A11 D11 P11 2nd A12 D8 P15 3rd A15 D2 P15
3. Ties result in 50% power damage rounded down, afterweapons and armor are calculated . 0 attack 0 defense ties are possible.
4. Each player has 20 points to distribute to weapons and armour. This is public knowledge and is sent in with your gladiators name. Half of these points are added to each of the 3 A/Ds. They also add their full values to power (if hit) and subtract from power (if hit) respectively.
EXAMPLE: Player 1 selects a weapon rating of 12 and an armor of 8, for 20 total. Player B selects a weapon 9 and armor 11. They then fight each other.
Player A selects 3 sets of orders:
12 08 10 = 30 05 20 00 = 25 20 05 20 = 45
Player B has selected:
05 15 10 = 30 20 00 20 = 40 05 20 05 = 30
No one line can equal more than 50.
These are in turn modified by their weapons and armor, and so look like this when complete:
Player A Player B att def pow att def pow 18 12 22 9.5 20.5 19 11 24 12 24.5 05.5 29 26 09 32 9.5 25.5 14
So for the 1st swing, (18-20.5) is negative, so player misses, as does player B, since (9.5-12) is also negative.
2nd swing both opponents hit each other (11-5.5=positive #, also 24.5-24). Player A does very little; his total is (0+12-11)=1 hit point of damage. Player B hit for (20+9-8)=21 h.p.'s.
3rd and final swing Player A hits again (26-25.5) as does Player B (9.5-9). Player A does 21 damage (20+12-11) and Player B does 6 (5+9-8). The round ends with Player A down 27 hp's, and Player B down 22. The lost hit points will have no effect on points used for ADP in future combats; ADP always equals 100.
Note that since one player has an odd number for A/D and the other even, these 2 players will never have a tied result.
5. You will have two rounds against each opponent. Every win you have will give you 3 points, ever draw 1, and every time you lose you collect 0. You will gain 1 bonus point if you reduce your opponent to 0 HP, while remaining alive yourself. If you have 0 HP in the heats, you are presumed to be incapacitated, but will recover for your other bouts. In the knockout stages, 0 HP means that you're dead. The 4 contestants with the most points will go through to the semi-finals, which are fights to the death.
* * * * *
- 1. A maximum of 10 guesses.
- 2. Updates must be posted within 24 hours of each other, and will occur in sets of 2, except for the final 2 guesses, which will be updated individually.
- 3. Any guesses after 2 have occured since the last update will be ignored.
- 4. You can only pick one letter for every two consecutive sets of guesses.
- 5. Guesses cannot be changed after being posted.
- 6. You can guess the word at any time, but guessing incorrectly eliminates you from play.
- 7. Incorrect word guesses also count as losing a life.
- 8. Words must be 5 or more letters.
- 9. The winner of every third game must post the current rankings and the rules, along with any changes.
* * * * *
Name the Game
Game rules:
- If you guess a game correctly you provide the next game.
- Please check the list below before doing so.
- Games are not allowed to be newer than 1997, but anything before that is allowed.
- Usually a good clue is to write information about which computer you played it on. Also the time period and genre can be narrowed down.
- Use vague clues at first and if nobody can guess, write progressively more useful clues later.
- Shotgunning (aka DoY'ing) is not allowed. 1 guess is your limit until you are told it is incorrect.
- The answer is not Grim Fandango, except when it is.
- Googling invalidates your guess, and should be declared if used as a last resort in a difficult game.
Happy guessing.
(Rules from Spikie
* * * * *
Formula One
The game is turn-based. Each of the two drivers issues two orders for each turn. Possible orders are as follows:
1. Change speed:
a. Accelerate - add one to speed
b. Decelerate - subtract one from speed
c. Don't change speed
2. Steer:
a. Left
b. Right
c. Don't change direction
* Each player also has 6 wildcards, which they can use to double their change in speed or double their turn rate. Multiple wildcards can be used in a single round.
* Steering can now be controlled much finer.
Turning (moving to the left or right) will always move you forward 1 square, but you can now influence when this move takes place.
Say your speed is 3, and you want to go right without changing speed. You send this order in.
.. .o .. Y.
o = oil slick
By default you would move:
.3 .2 .1 Y.
If, with your order, you specified to mmr (move, move, right), then your movement would look like this:
.3 2o 1. Y.
If you don't specify when do your turn, it will by default be done on the first move.
A complete order may look like this: (current speed of 4)
"Accelerate left+1
This will move the car forward twice, diagonally left, once more forward and then diagonally left once more, and uses up one wildcard.
..5 .4. .3. 2.. 1.. Y..
There will be no hidden oil slicks. They will appear at crash sites and come into effect in the second lap.
There are hidden sand traps that will reduce your speed by two. The will be exposed after hit.
Only two wildcards for a direction or speed on any turn.
accel 2 and right 2 are allowed in the same turn, just no accel 3 or right 3.
Oil spots, random left or right 1-3 spaces, speed reduced in half. (unless you leave the track)
If you go off the road. 1-2 spaces. reduced to speed 0.
If you go off the road 3+ spaces. reduced to speed 0 and lose a turn.
You will be placed back on the track where you last exited, (GM's judgement)
CRASHES: If you crash, random roll who gets the space and who gets behind. (so first order is no longer an advantage) Both reduced only half speed. (if th GM determines that two people plan a crash for controlled breaking, he will reduce them both to 0 and they will lose a turn)
TWO LAPS: (so watch those wildcards)
Only cars within 20 or so spaces of the lead car will participate in the second lap. GM's judgement for competitive reasons.
The slip stream rule
If you start a turn directly behind another racer, (not including the result of a crash) the car in the rear can slip stream. To do this, his first command must be a left or right and an S is added to your command stream. This will give you a free space forward and it will not count towards your final speed.
car 1 is at speed 3 and car two is at speed 3
The two card issues a slip
RSMMMM assuming an acceleration
The 2 car will move r and 5 forward but will still be considered at speed 4.
* * * * *
Nascar Racing
Everyone starts will a speed of 6 and has 4 wildcards.
The game is turn-based. Each of the two drivers issues two orders for each turn. Possible orders are as follows:
1. Change speed:
- a. Accelerate - add one to speed
- b. Decelerate - subtract one from speed
- c. Slipstream - You must be behind your opponent, either adjacent or one square away, and be directly behind them and traveling in the same direction at the beginning of your turn to execute the slipstram.
- d. Don't change speed
2. Steer:
- a. Left
- b. Right
- c. Left-Right, Right-Left
- d. Don't change direction
* Each player also can use wildcards during their turn, doubling their change in speed or doubling their turn rate. Multiple wildcards can be used in a single round.
* Steering can now be controlled much finer.
Turning (moving to the left or right) will always move you forward 1 square, but you can now influence when this move takes place.
A complete order may look like this: (current speed of 4, North)
This will move the car forward twice, diagonally right, once more diagonally right and then straight right once more, and uses up one wildcard. It is now moving East.
..45 .3.. 2... 1... Y...
accel 2 and right 2 are allowed in the same turn, just no accel 3 or right 3.
LR in once turn uses no wildcards, just the second turn in each direction uses 1 WC per turn.
If you go off the road:
1-2 spaces you are reduced to speed 0. You will be placed back on the track where you last exited (my judgement) and miss a turn.
If you go off the road 3+ spaces you crash and burn. Game over.
Collisions with another player:
A roll of the dice will determine who gets the square at the front of the collision site. Others involved in the collision will be placed as I see fit. Direction does not change, speed is halved. If the collision is deemed deliberate, speed is cut to 0 and may or may not cost a turn as well.
Crashing off the track:
The car is set back on the track near where they went off the track, direction changed to one that will not have the player crashing off the track again the next turn. Speed is cut to 0. If the crash occurs during the first 5 moves of a players turn, it is deemed a serious crash and will cost the player one turn as well, otherwise they are free to continue racing the next turn. Wildcards used in a players orders before the crash are gone, wildcard orders that would have occured had the car not gone off the track are not used up.
* * * * *
Main Idea
To support the growth of the Mafia game and to relieve the original Mafia game, a spin-off will be introduced. For convenience and distinction, this spin-off will be named "Assassins".
Assassins will use the basic formula of Mafia, but will also be an experimental ground for the original Mafia game.
Assassins will be played independently from Mafia with its own player pool, run-time, and possibly story setting (if the GM chooses so).
Like in Mafia, a General Manager (GM) will host the game. The GM will appoint one or two players (dependent on total number of participants) to be the "Assassin(s)".
The game knows two time-settings: Day and Night. During nighttime, a player will be killed by (one of) the Assassin(s) (and eliminated from playing). During daytime, the surviving players will all vote for who they believe is the (an) Assassin. The person who receives the most votes is then killed and eliminated from playing.
When there are two Assassins appointed, they will alternate kills until one of them is killed. The appointed Assassins do NOT know of each other that they are Assassins. Therefore, it is possible that one Assassin kills the other. Both Assassins will have different killing styles to distinguish them from each other.
If there is only one Assassin, then the GM will have him/her leave some kind of clue as a signature.
- Any member can sign up to play Assassins, but a player may not simultaneously play Mafia and Assassins.
- However, if a player is already killed and eliminated from playing Mafia, s/he is allowed to participate in a new round of Assassins. The opposite is true as well: if a player is already killed and eliminated from playing Assassins, s/he is allowed to participate in a new round of Mafia.
- Surviving players have 24 hours time to cast their votes on who they think is the (an) Assassin. This rule will be flexible during weekends (depending on the voting situation).
- Players may only cast one vote per voting round. This vote is made through a closed ballot by PM'ing the vote to the GM. Votes made in the game thread will not be accepted.
Comparison to Mafia
Here's a brief rundown of the similarities/differences with Mafia.
- Basic formula
- Vote structure
- Player pool (mutually exclusive)
- Run-time (independent from Mafia)
- Story-setting (if GM chooses so)
- Voting form (closed ballot)
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As requested here is the thread with the collected rules of the forum games currently running. Hopefully we can rely on Rah to keep this thread spam free and topped. I'll try and keep it updated as rules change.